Short Story

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Shelled Plebeian
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Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:30 pm
Location: In the Shadows

Short Story

Post by Killercloud »

Alright, some time ago I posted in my campaign setting topic that I would write a story for all of you. Well I did. It sucked, so I held onto it to do something better. Then my computer died. I lost ALL of my work and had to restart. The setting is on hiatus until the revised edition is released. However, The story is going to be a five part story, each one focused on a different character.

The first is a rather nasty, dark fellow whose ego is a bit out of control. I may come back later to expand on this piece but I wanted to get this out before I changed computers...again.
"In a world where no one stands for what they believe in...where can you find love?" -Tokada

"In a world where no one fights for themselves, where do you find freedom?" -Devius' rebuttal
Shelled Plebeian
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:30 pm
Location: In the Shadows

Part One: Desmond

Post by Killercloud »

Don’t you dare!

Who do you think you are!

What did you do that for?

What is your problem!

B-Bastard! What are you!?

“Heh, me? I am the most special person in the world.” I smiled as I looked down at their broken faces, shattered bodies, and shaken minds. I had torn apart their entire club in an instant, they were so cheeky, so superior. Now I have put them in their place. At my feet. I sneered a bit and snapped my fingers to summon their attention again before I left them.

“Don’t. Ever. Cut. Me. Off. In the hallway again.” Before I calmly walked away, leaving them in dust.

I was a student at one of the four great schools, hidden nexuses of power for people like me. Catalites they call us, trying to pack us all together. Foolish humans. The informed know there are categories of us. Alpha’s and Omegas. Although that is the broadest level of categorization. An Alpha’s powers influence the world around them, and sometimes a bit of themselves. Omegas they influence themselves and sometimes the world. Despite the terms neither is stronger than the other based on their category, there is another classification for that.

I am an Omega, and extremely powerful one. Possibly the most powerful one in the world. No. I am the most powerful. The most special. I have a power classification of…

“Desmond Falix!” the whip crack voice of one of the disciplinary committee almost makes me turn, she was definitely on a Natasha’s group. Natasha was one of the four leaders of the committee, she only recruited female members. I only cared because, they were all quite cute.

“Ah, One of Natasha’s little pom-pom girls…can I help you?” I gave her my best smile and leaned against the wall. Her sudden blush made me smile, as she flustered. I recognized her as Erica, she was half-Japanese and liked to have her hair long over her left eye, with a long red strip of dyed hair or possibly it was natural, who knows these days. However, her power was an anomaly to me. She regained herself and snarled.

“You know it’s against the rules to fight non-tagged students!” I shrugged, so one of them wasn’t tagged, I couldn’t care less. The Tags are marks to designate those who are in a club, and those that aren’t. Those who are tagged are fair game, but those without…well they were ‘off limits’. Supposedly, however people like me were strong enough to ignore the rules. You see, I am what is called…a divine class power. Most powers are Common class or C-class. Then there is Better classed, or B-class. Next follows the most powerful of abilities A-class or Ascended class, and S-class better known as Superior class. However, at the top are the most frightening and powerful of powers. Divine classed powers. No abbreviation. They don’t even list us in the text book. But even this level of description is a rather general category, but the most common way to refer to people’s power level.

Before I go further, I should mention that Erica here is a B-class. A respectable power level, maybe even a high B-class, however nothing compared to one of my standing. Of course, many claim to possess such power, so its unsurprising she doesn’t believe me.

“What are you gonna do about it, little girl?” that was it, as she drew back a fist, and prepared to unleash who knows what kind of power. So I used my own. She froze in place and I laughed as the world around us was frozen. This was my power. Clockspin. I could experience at most an hour of time, in one second. During that time I could do whatever I wanted. So I simply walked over and forced the girl to her knees and smiled as I forced her hands to her side. Her power was forced to dissipate and it must have required her hands clenched or some other requirement. Then I bent over and place a deep kiss on the girls lips. Oh how I loved strawberries.

Then I spun around and kicked her in the face knocking her into the wall, and proceeded to beat her body. I kicked, I punched, I even beat her with a broom handle. I considered doing more as he looked over her body, a dark form of the popular ‘sailor’ school girl out fit. But, in the end decided against it before I calmly reset her in her original position, the other trick I had was perfect memory, useful for making sure no one discovered the truth of my power. As I returned to my starting place, and remained still as she sudden crumbled, and coughed in agony blood leaking from her lips as I smiled brightly.

“How weak are you? I barely even touched on my powers…you should know better than to mess with a Divine Class.” I smile and sneer before walking away.

“N-No!!” but I didn’t. The other…Divine class power in the school however, is truly a powerful individual. Even I the most powerful man in the world don’t want to fight him. A monster, worshiped as a god. If we were to fight however he would die. I smiled as I continued to walk away, I was a tagged. A Nobody. One of the four most populated, and powerful clubs. The nobodies were a group of unconnected individuals who love to fight and use their powers, but didn’t want to follow another’s rules. Another one is the Castes. A group of rich kids, who pay for the protection of their council, and their soldiers. Then comes the Ronin, a group of do-gooders who oppose the actions of the clubs that hurt others, and all around is more like an association than a club.

However the last group is a worth a private mention. The Conquerors, the most powerful club in the school, with powerful members, and the only other student who I know is a Divine class. The Conquerors are the most powerful and evil of the four clubs by far. So of course I tend to give them a bit more leeway than others, but I am still the best. No doubt.

After all I am the most special man in the world.
"In a world where no one stands for what they believe in...where can you find love?" -Tokada

"In a world where no one fights for themselves, where do you find freedom?" -Devius' rebuttal
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