Physical/Combat Abilities
- Agile
- Armored
- Art of Invisibility
- Attack
- Combat Expert
- Dexterous
- Evasive
- Flight
- Heightened Sense
- Invisibility
- Knowledge
- Life Support
- Passion
- Perceptive
- Quick
- Resistance
- Shape-Shifter
- Strong
- Tough
- Transformation
- Unique Ability
- Vigorous
- Healer
- Intuitive
- Inventor
- Iron-Willed
- Knowledge
- Passion
- Perceptive
- Pilot
- Sixth Sense
- Smart
- Unique Ability
- Beautiful
- Charismatic
- Connected
- Cute!
- Famous
- Intimidating
- Knowledge
- Passion
- Performer
- Position of Power
- Unique Ability
- Wealthy
- Attack
- Barrier
- Dimensional Pocket
- Flight
- Healer
- Illusionist
- Incorporeal Form
- Invisibility
- Life Support
- Lucky
- Magic, Arcane
- Magic, Witchcraft
- Passion
- Psychic
- Resistance
- Shape-Shifter
- Sixth Sense
- Spirit Medium
- Telekinesis
- Teleport
- Time Freeze
- Transformation
- Unique Ability
- Companion
- Dimensional Pocket
- Endurance Reserve
- Gear
- Inventor
- Minions
- Unique Ability
- Vehicle (Mecha)
- Walking Arsenel
- Wealthy
- Awkward Size
- Clumsy
- Endurance Use
- Frail
- Impaired Sense
- Ineptitude
- Languid
- Mute
- Nosebleeder
- Oblivious
- Slow
- Unique Weakness
- Vulnerability
- Weak
- Absent-Minded
- Airhead
- Amnesia
- Compulsion
- Coward
- Crybaby
- Dense
- Dependency
- Easily Distracted
- Emotionless
- Fear
- Fussy
- Greedy
- Hatred
- Impulsive
- Ineptitude
- Jittery
- Kind-Hearted
- Lecherous
- Loner
- Mute
- Naïve
- Nosebleeder
- Oblivious
- Obsession
- Overconfident
- Pacifist
- Room for Two
- Sensitivity
- Short-Tempered
- Shy
- Soft Spot
- Split Personality
- Stubborn
- Unique Weakness
- Weak-Willed
- Ageism
- Arrogant
- Bizarre Appearance
- Code of Conduct
- Dull
- Emotionless
- Fussy
- Ineptitude
- Infamous
- Kind-Hearted
- Lecherous
- Loner
- Outcast
- Poor
- Quirk
- Restricted Freedom
- Room for Two
- Rude
- Secret
- Sensitivity
- Servitude
- Short-Tempered
- Shy
- Split Personality
- Stubborn
- Unique Weakness
- Wanted
- Accidental Transformation
- Amnesia
- Endurance Use
- Focus
- Limited Uses
- Room for Two
- Split Personality
- Suppressed Power
- Trigger
- Unique Weakness
- Unlucky
- Vulnerability
- Focus
- Guardian
- Hatred
- Love Interest
- Love Magnet
- Rival
- Room for Two
- Unique Weakness
- Wanted