OVA 2 ability question: Portals

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Shelled Plebeian
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OVA 2 ability question: Portals

Post by SuperBunnyBun »

I'm trying to build a character using the new version of OVA, but an ability for the character I'm unsure how to build. The ability to create portals to locations she's been to.

Obviously it would be based on the Teleport ability, but what perk/flaws should it have?
Perhaps Activation, requiring a round to concentrate or for it to form. If so, Concentration or Delayed as well?

Stuff like that I can figure out, to make it difficult or impossible to use during combat, but how would I go about building it so she can hold it open so long as she concentrates, and for others to use it? Would Continued Effect be all it needed?

Suggestions on how you would build a portal power would be appreciated. (Note: in this case it's a magic spell, not from a focus/gear)
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: OVA 2 ability question: Portals

Post by Atmo »

You can create a new Ability using other game to balance the idea. You know, how many meters/km it can reach at each level and so on.
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Re: OVA 2 ability question: Portals

Post by Clay »

As Atmo pointed out, you could just make a new Ability and call it Portal, and then define it however you choose.

But if you want to use the standard Teleport Ability, maybe give it these Perks & Flaws:

Area Effect x 2 +20 (You know, so you can get the whole crew and their mecha in there if you wanted.)
Activation -10
Requirement -10 (Must have been there before)

While technically the text describes Activation as, well, activating every turn, you can just as easily describe it as "keeping it open" instead.

You could also swap out an Area Affect for an Accurate or two, so you get more dice to roll with your portal goodness, especially if you don't want accidental destinations to be part of your character archetype.

Hope that helps!
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