OVA Back in Print!

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Dangerously Sane
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OVA Back in Print!

Post by Clay »

Thanks to DriveThru RPG and RPGNow's Print-on-Demand program, the original OVA is back in print! As mentioned elsewhere, they're gradually rolling out the service to customers week by week, but by now many of you should be able to order the book. Even better, you can get it for the thrifty price of $14.95. That's a $5 savings over the original release, and that doesn't even include the $5 coupon offer!

I just got my copy in today. For those of you who care about such things, I thought I should detail how it differs from the original print run. (Or how I think it differs. Due to some mismanagement, I never received a copy of OVA. Strange, sad, but true! Anyone who has a mint copy laying around I'd be glad to pay a premium for it! *laughs*) Err...back to the topic.

The advertisement for webcomics and the original feedback form have been removed.
The original ISBN has been removed and replaced with the DTRPG/RPGNow logos.
The print quality is good, but not great. Flat areas of color have a splotchy effect, images are not as sharp as they could be, and there is no bleed on the pages. Bleed is what allows artwork and graphics to reach the edge of the page, and without it you may see a thin white border on some of the pages.

These things are part of the reason I'm offering the book at the reduced price, but trust me, it still looks good, and I imagine many of you wouldn't care about the difference. It beats tracking down over-priced secondhand copies, I'm sure!
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: OVA Back in Print!

Post by Bubba333 »

I was curious as to why it's in B&W. To keep costs down?
Dangerously Sane
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Re: OVA Back in Print!

Post by Clay »

The original OVA was Black & White as well. As to why, yes, it keeps cost down. You can look at the color process as printing the same book 4 times, once each for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. With Print-On-Demand, it's an even greater expense, with a color version starting at $25-30 bucks a copy, last I looked.

There is a color Lulu version floating about if you google. It's pretty pricey. I don't publicly link it since it's sold nearly at cost and I don't make any money off of it. But if that's what you want, it's out there. :)
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