Got a question? Serious, silly, relevent, or otherwise, Wise Turtle just might have the answer!
Moderator: Wise Turtle
Honorary Princess of Turtles
Posts: 18 Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:33 pm
by Jade » Sun May 23, 2010 7:13 pm
Happy World Turtle Day to my favorite turtle! They should rename this day "Wise Turtle Day" in honor of you, great sage! Please honor us with your words of wisdom on this important day.
♥ Jade
Wise Turtle
Wise Sage
Posts: 38 Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:41 pm
by Wise Turtle » Sun May 23, 2010 7:28 pm
You do great honor to this day, Princess of Turtles.
The greatest wisdom one can achieve on World Turtle Day is to simply take a moment to respect our wonderful species.
But writing your local legislators to have the name officially changed would also be wise.