New to OVA

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Shelled Plebeian
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New to OVA

Post by Gavinwulf »

Due to my frustration at finding the perfect RPG for me I've been looking at creating my own system. I was taking notes on the things I liked best from my favorite RPGs out there- The simplicity of 'Savage Worlds' with their Edges and Hindrances, as well as their 'K.O. table', The d6 system that Dream Pod 9's 'Silhouette' system uses (damage multiplier!), and the super-lite character description mechanics of the little-known indie game, 'Seven Leagues'.
I couldn't decide on one thing that I thought was the very best! I've been put out by the D20 monster mechanics years ago, Savage Worlds is kewl but the exploding die-mechanic means you roll poorly or really awesome, the Silhouette system is kewl but still very complicated and missing the Edges and Hindrances type of thing that lets you easily create any character for any type of campaign- if you want to do magic or something you have to build a system for it. While I love 'Seven Leagues', it needs a tiny bit more crunch for most players, it is difficult for newbies to RPGs to describe actions well.
But I've been blessed, I found OVA and decided to buy the download. Totally AWESOME! Just about everything I wanted in an RPG with such wonderful Simplicity (no wonder Clay is in kahoots with the Wise Turtle!).
I haven't had the opportunity to play it yet but I plan too within the next week.

I have a few questions I hope someone can answer for me.

1) Do the Abilites Strength or Martial Arts add to Power Moves' damage?

2) Has anyone played OVA in a game that wasn't anime or supers based? For instance, could this work in a grim sword and sorcery setting like Conan's Hyborian Age?

3) The negative one modifier for losing your Health or Endurance in a fight seems pretty light. What do you other players think? Is this an appropriate penalty for injury? ( I realize this may be part of #2 in that wound penalties may not be that important in an anime-like setting)

4) I realize this will screw up the whole endurance trait in the game but has anyone tried or thought of a 'wound threshold' mechanic? Like if the damage from one strike was higher than the character's 'toughness threshold' then they'd be stunned. Then at a higher threshold they'd be injured for -1 die, etc. Just curious. This is the ONE thing I like from other games that is not in OVA. It's not a 'must have' for me to have fun with this game but I'm just wondering if this could be possible.

Anyways, OVA looks like an awesome game!
Worthy Tortoise
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Post by calibur1 »

Hi Gavinwulf:

Welcome to the forums.

1) Strong and Martial Arts add to Power Move damage.

2) I just finished a space fantasy campaign that wasn't so much anime, and it went very well. When running a "more traditional" game in OVA, you have to be aware that the system takes a lot of things for granted that would be hard-ruled in more typical rpgs. Also, when you think about it, a naked barbarian who is able to shrug off multiple attackers and stab wounds isn't that grim and gritty. It's just how it's described by the author. Conan probably has more in common with anime than like Warhammer Fantasy (which is an extremely grim and gritty game).

3) If you remember that the default dice for most actions is 2d6, then a -1d6 penalty (in theory) makes you 50% less effective. However, it may not seem that way if your hero started with a combined 7d6 to perform an action. In actual play my group found that every die counts when you start doing combat maneuvers like Multiple Actions.

4) OVA's goal is to present a game where the rules are "invisible" and don't get in the way. The way it works now is simple and effective. Wound levels have a habit of complicating and slowing down combat. But OVA is a very flexible system. It wouldn't be hard to come up with a "wound threshold" similar to Star Wars Saga, and if that's what you like, there's no reason not to.

I hope this helped.

Have fun.
Shelled Plebeian
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Post by Gavinwulf »

Thanks for your reply!
I appreciate your answers and I'm thankful I wouldn't be thought totally weird if I wanted to use OVA to play a Conan-like fantasy game.
As for the 'Wound Threshold' I was talking about, I like that because to me it does make the rules more 'invisible' because you are not erasing and writing your current H.P.'s all the time. You just compare the damage you took to your threshold to see if it warrants a modifier.
But like I said, it's not a must have, just something I liked from 'Savage Worlds'. I will definitely be playing this game as is before I try to tinker with anything.
Thanks again for your response.
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Post by Clay »

Welcome to the board, Gavin!

Calibur did a fine job of answering your questions, but in case you want it from the horse's mouth...

1) The rules are very vague in this regard. When I picture playing the game, I only add Strong. Abilities like Weapon and Martial Arts do not stack. However, the rules do not prohibit this, (and in many sections, encourage adding "all dice that can apply." so...there you go. I've seen people add these as often as not, so go for what seems right to you.

2) I've had people do all sorts of things with OVA. As I've discussed in length in the past, the idea of "gritty" is more often than not a descriptor and nothing more. The only difference between a light-hearted martial-arts romp and a bloody samurai free-for-all is not the mechanics. Combatants fight as long, as hard, and as gravity defyingly in both. It's just a matter if a hit is described as a "grazing blow" or a "gashing wound." Just because the Samurai is bleeding profusely doesn't keep him from doing the same dramatic stunts he was before. It's just flavor.

3) It is, but I think that reflects anime well enough. As Calibur said, one die can matter in situations where you have few dice or other penalties to consider.

4) I thought about this at length. It would fit anime well enough. But in the end, I felt the "hit point" system is so thoroughly ingrained in the public consciousness that it's just easier. Another reason I keep resisting it is I like the idea of being able to burn Health to power special moves. It's such a Japanese concept that I'd hate to lose it.

Anyway, glad you are enjoying it so far. Welcome aboard!
Shelled Plebeian
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Post by Gavinwulf »

Thanks for the warm welcome!

I appreciate the reply. Thanks for clarifying things with me.

It does seem to me like the 'h.p.' thing is not that big of a deal but it's good to hear your thoughts.

And thanks for your input on campaign settings. I basically wanted to know if I could use OVA for Slaine/Conan type settings. Your responses help me feel a lot more comfortable about it.

Nothing left to do but try it! Which I'm anxious to do if I could only find a couple players!

Thanks again.
Exalted Amphibian
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Post by Joe_Mello »

Clay wrote:Another reason I keep resisting it is I like the idea of being able to burn Health to power special moves. It's such a Japanese concept that I'd hate to lose it.
I'd be interested to see your reaction to Shin Megami Tensei. :P
Joe_Mello: Could you make a common sense roll, please, Ryu?
Ryushikaze: With Smart?
Joe_Mello: Sure
*Ryushikaze rolls*
Joe_Mello: SHE'S DEAD!
Dangerously Sane
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Post by Clay »

A friend keeps begging me to play that, but I have an obsessive idea to play them in May never happen. ;D

If you're suggesting that it uses a radically different HP system, I'm not opposed to the idea. I just meant I'm opposed as using it for a basis in something that's supposed to be "generic" like OVA, so to speak.
Exalted Amphibian
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Post by Joe_Mello »

Clay wrote:A friend keeps begging me to play that, but I have an obsessive idea to play them in May never happen. ;D

If you're suggesting that it uses a radically different HP system, I'm not opposed to the idea.
I'm suggesting that people shoot themselves in the bloody head to unleash magical beings who go forth and kick ass.

Also, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 has nothing really to do with any of the other Shin Megami Tensei or Persona games, so don't worry about it.
Joe_Mello: Could you make a common sense roll, please, Ryu?
Ryushikaze: With Smart?
Joe_Mello: Sure
*Ryushikaze rolls*
Joe_Mello: SHE'S DEAD!
Dangerously Sane
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Post by Clay »

So I've been told. Did I mention I'm obsessive?
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