It's been a while since I created a character via OVA 2E from scratch and I've been meaning to convert this guy from another tabletop engine. Hopefully I didn't miss anything values wise.
Segata Sanshiro (10 Points)
Obligatory Theme Song
A Judo master and a dan holder for multiple Japanese martial arts such as karate, Segata Sanshiro lives the life of a hermit within the mountains for a singular purpose: Training in the art of playing the Sega Saturn. His high intensity training which includes carrying a massive Sega Saturn upon his back and rapidly bashing the buttons upon the controller has given him remarkable abilities and powers which he utilizes to ensure that all play the Sega Saturn, delivering harsh punishment upon those who do not all the while shouting “You must play the Sega Saturn!”
The damage ratings on your attacks are wrong. Strong does not improve damage for ranged unless it is muscle powered ranged. Other then that he seems legit.
sniffycrab wrote:The damage ratings on your attacks are wrong. Strong does not improve damage for ranged unless it is muscle powered ranged. Other then that he seems legit.
Huh? *Looks at profile, reads Weapon Section* Oh son of a-
Hold on a sec, gotta edit something. *reworks profile while mumbling about copy and past issues* Okay, his weapons have been reworked. So is he okay now?
If you are using Rule Zero character creation, then you are over by 4 points. That method means you add all the Abilities as positive numbers and Weaknesses as negative numbers and the end result should not be higher then 5. His end result is 9. But you might be using different creation rules. Also NPCs, I think you just make them how ever the GM needs them to be.
Mechanics aside, I have no clue who Segata Sanshiro (15) is. So I can't tell you if his profile is accurate. Hopefully some one else could weigh in.
If you have time to count up Segato’s Abilities and Weaknesses, you have wasted valuable time you could have been playing Sega Saturn!
He’s a mascot that ran in ads for the Sega Saturn (a 32-bit console from the 90s) in Japan. You can see an example of it linked in the original post. I think he and his song have had a cameo a few times in SEGA properties, but I can’t say for sure.