Working on "classes"

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Exalted Amphibian
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Working on "classes"

Post by Atmo »

Hello, it is my second post here.

I was working on some point buy systems and i was caught by OVA simplicity and anime oriented gameplay; and that is something i was looking for in those other systems. I have some questions here, all of them are very personal to some people because they are more like "how do you make this type of character?"

I'm still a "newbie" on OVA, that's why my insecurity. Here are the concepts/"classes":

-"Samurai" (they use katanas and follow some parts of bushido, but don't are really samurai)
-Trickster Thief (someone who steals, use light weapons and disguises herself as other jobs)

Thanks for you time.
Worthy Tortoise
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Re: Working on "classes"

Post by bushido11 »

First thing you have to do is to have a detailed description of what each class does (in point-buy games, these are referred to as "templates"). Once you have that, just go through the list of abilities and weaknesses and select the ones that best correspond to each class. If you want to design each class as a starting point, take only a +1 to each applicable ability, unless the concept requires a higher bonus, in which case you take the minimum bonus required to be of that class. As for weaknesses, take the appropriate amount (-1, -2, or -3).
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Re: Working on "classes"

Post by Clay »

Like Bushido suggested, you can easily make a small package of Abilities and Weaknesses that can be applied to other characters. A Miko would have Abilities like Spirit Medium, a Samurai combat abilities like Attack and Combat Expert, and your thief Rogue, Quick, and maybe even Shape Change, depending how good those disguises are! Once you define these Abilities, you can simply add them to other character sheets. If a character already has a given Ability (like if you apply your Thief template to a character that already has Quick), just add them together.

Hope that helps!
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Working on "classes"

Post by Atmo »

Ok, i'll try those things! I'll post the results very soon, i hope.
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Working on "classes"

Post by Atmo »

Shrine Maiden (巫女)

The term shrine maiden refers specifically to altar girls of the Shinto religion. They live and work in a Shinto shrine (a "jinja" in Japanese). Shrine maidens are generally virgins and take various rites of purity and chastity, and undergo various forms of physical and mental training. They also practice sealing and purification rituals, which are highly form-based and symbolic, and are used to bless, purify, or exorcise evil spirits.

A shrine maiden's main tool, or possibly simply the most popular one, is a stick with elaborately folded paper on the end, known as a "gohei". The name of Reimu's gohei is the "purification rod" (御祓い棒). Other common tools are small rectangular papers used for sealing, called "o-fuda"; these are elaborately painted with various mystical symbols and rites of sealing.

Abilities and Weaknesses: Barrier 1, Endurance Reserve 1, Spirit Medium 1, Focus -1 (Ofuda), Guardian -1 (her temple).

Samurai (侍)

Samurai, those are the historical and traditional transmitters of swords techniques of ancient Japan.

The martial arts techniques that have been inherited from various schools, they polish them with their daily training and use it to slaughter the Emulators that have been the enemies of people since the old times.

Also, they are known for emphasizing a noble mentality as weapons masters. Willingly place themselves in the battlefield, polish themselves to the point of death, and wield their techniques well for the sake of what they believe.

In combat, they pull out severe blows from phantasmagorical “stances”, or maybe instantly abandon a poured attack, being excellent vanguard-type soldiers. Their techniques that have excelled offense and defense become a reliable war assets and support the frontlines.

Abilities and Weaknesses: Agile 1, Strong 1, Tough 1, Rival -1 (another student), Servitude -1 (a lord or anyone with power over you).
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Re: Working on "classes"

Post by Clay »

Neat! The kanji were a nice touch.

I think "classes" like this can make getting started with OVA even easier. Thanks for sharing! I'm vaguely reminded of the old templates for the Star Wars RPG and how they included bits of story instead of just supplying generic class types. I like how you included a rival for the Samurai, for instance.
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Working on "classes"

Post by Atmo »

Clay wrote:Neat! The kanji were a nice touch.

I think "classes" like this can make getting started with OVA even easier. Thanks for sharing! I'm vaguely reminded of the old templates for the Star Wars RPG and how they included bits of story instead of just supplying generic class types. I like how you included a rival for the Samurai, for instance.
I took Shrine Maiden description from Touhou Wiki, and Samurai from Night Wizard!. Well, i'm trying to hold myself from doing adaptations of those two series for 3D&T (because too much work, and Touhou is half done), so i hope OVA Revised be more "smart" to those worlds; at least i want to do a good job. :D
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