Question involving combat...

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Shelled Plebeian
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Question involving combat...

Post by Meduna »

From what I've gathered involving the Revised 'Attack' as well as the Revised Armored...

Attack Levels 1-5 give you +1-5 to your Damage Multiplier... while Armored Levels 1-5 reduces your opponent's Damage Multiplier by 1-5... correct? So... If you have an Armored Level Equal to your opponent's level is Attack... their DM will usually be 1 (not factoring things like strong or spending Endurance to increase the DM in specific attack) which makes it seem like little damage will be dealt when an attack lands. Am I interpreting this correctly? Was this intentional?
Dangerously Sane
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Re: Question involving combat...

Post by Clay »

Yes, intentional. Either way, both Armor and Attack are worth about 1 DM per Level. Attack increases your DM to everyone else, and Armor decreases everyone's DM to you. It's pretty even.

If Armor exceeds Attack, OVA Revised has a current minimum of .5 DM. If Armor exceeds Attack by multiple levels, GM can handwave a complete dismissal of damage, but the rules are hardcoded to do such.
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Question involving combat...

Post by Bubba333 »

Do you round up or down? I forget if there's a standard for that.
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Re: Question involving combat...

Post by Clay »

Hmm... I think it rounds down, but I honestly don't recall offhand. Let me dig a bit...

Hmm, actually, as written the rules say "can never be reduced below 1." I guess I never incorporated this change? What do you guys think? Should be the minimum be 1, for simplicity's sake, or should a 1/2 level exist, so you can weaken even a default-strengthed character?
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