List of Abilities, Weaknesses, Perks and Flaws

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Worthy Tortoise
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List of Abilities, Weaknesses, Perks and Flaws

Post by Gaigaia »

So, I did this summary of all character traits in the rpg, because I thought it would help GMs. See if you guys like

List of abilities

. Agile (+attack rolls, +reflex rolls)
. Armored (each level reduces enemy DX)
. Art of invisibility (equivalent to stealth)
. Attack (+DX to all your damage attacks)
. Barrier (alternative defense roll, may be used as aura attack with +effective perk)
. Beautiful (+seduce and impress social rolls)
. Charismatic (+charm social rolls)
. Combat Expert (+Attack and Defense rolls)
. Companion (Create a sidekick with max ability equal to level, base 20 Health and Endurance)
. Connected (allows influence rolls)
. Cute (+rolls where you abuse your cuteness and evade agression out of charm)
. Dexterous (+rolls revolving around fine interactions with your hands)
. Endurance reserve (used only to boast special attacks and abilities, base 20, max 120)
. Famous (each level = more famous and well known)
. Flight (ability to fly; each level = faster and better)
. Gear (create an equipment with level equal to your gear ability; may have its own weaknesses)
. Hammespace (ability to pull objects out of nowhere; may be used to emulate gadjets)
. Heal (allow Heal roll, healing damage equal to total rolled; always has the Concentrated perk)
. Illusionist (allow creating illusions, complexity ranging from +1 to -3; target resists with perception roll)
. Incorporeal Form (allow to phase out objects; alternative defense roll; +defense when in cluttered space)
. Intimidating (allow intimidate roll)
. Intuitive (+in rolls where you crack riddles or rely on insight; reasoning)
. Inventor (allow to create gadjets and objects)
. Invisibility (becomes hard to perceive, giving penalties to the target trying to locate you)
. Iron-willed (added to defense rolls based on will and mental control)
. Knowledge (any area of knowledge, including martial arts and cooking. In limited character creation, this ability may cost half the number of points)
. Life support (each level increased your independence from your surroundings)
. Lucky (allow luck roll and each level give 1 extra drama die per session)
. Magic Arcane (allows casting of magic, costing 20 endurance when level of the magic is the same of your Arcane level)
. Magic Witchcraft (allows giving weaknesses to adversaries)
. Minions (may call 1 minion to help per level, ability level max at +1, 10 health and endurance. May invoke a big minion combining individual ones)
. Passion (add your passion to all rolls involving it)
. Perceptive (+perception rolls)
. Pilot (+to any piloting roll. If you know only one kind of vehicle, use Knowledge instead)
. Position of Power (allow influence rolls)
. Performer (artistic talents)
. Psychic (allows mind control and telepathy, with modifiers of complexity ranging +1 to -3)
. Quick (+initiative and defense roll)
. Resistance (reduce damage of one specific source – electric, fire etc – 1/5 at first level, 1/ 4 at second and so on)
. Shape Change (allow changing appearance, although not changing matter and density)
. Sixth Sense (+perception rolls of sensing danger and unseen stuff)
. Smart (+intelligence rolls)
. Spirit Medium (able to talk, see, call and exorcise spirits; the spirit resists with its highest ability; powerful spirits require fighting).
. Strong (allows strength rolls, each level +1 physical damage)
. Super Speed (augments your speed)
. Teleport (allows teleportation and alternate defense roll with teleport)
. Telekinesis (allow use of telekinesis and may be used as an attack with bonus damage equal to your telekinesis)
. Time Freeze (each level reduces penalty from multiple actions in combat and can be added to abilities related to speed, like super speed and flight)
. Tough (Gives +10 bonus to Health each level, and can be used to fortitude rolls)
. Transformation (give +2 abilities points per level to create a transformed form)
. Unique Ability (creates something not in this list)
. Vehicle (creates a mech or vehicle with maximum points equal to the ability level. The vehicle might be of a different scale than the character).
. Vigorous (Gives +10 endurance each level and can be used to fortitude rolls)
. Wealthy (gives you money)

Obsolete abilities

. Power Move (substituted with Attack and different mechanics)
. Evasive (was used to add to the defense roll, when Combat did not)
. Weapon (substituted by Gear and Attack)

Other Abilities

. Walking Arsenal (well...I did not understood this ability)


. Absent-Minded (forgetful, have trouble recalling events)
. Accidental Transformation (either the transformation is inconvenient or you receive -2 points per level in it when you transform).
. Ageism (you have less influence because of your age – too young or too old)
. Airhead (basically very similar to absent-minded)
. Amnesia (you forgot events of your life, the harsher the weakness, the worst it is)
. Arrogant (you feel more important than you actually are; -rolls of diplomacy)
. Awkward size (your body is of a different size than the norm. Might interfere in rolls related to Beautiful and, if you are too big or too small, with agile and quick)
. Bizarre appearance (from impossible hairstyle to monstrous appearance. It might be the opposite of Cute and Beautiful)
. Boorish (You are rude, opposite of charismatic. - to all rolls involving charisma, charm and etiquette)
. Clumsy (opposite of Dexterous and Agile)
. Code of Conduct (a code of honor you must follow)
. Compulsion (you have strange habits you must do, from combing your hair before every fight [-1] to drug addiction [-3])
. Coward (afraid of fighting and getting hurt)
. Crybaby (burst into tears when something upsets you. It is similar to Stubborn)
. Dependency (you need the presence of something or else you don't work properly. -1 to all actions per level)
. Dull (You are boring and unappealing. Also opposite of charismatic)
. Dumb (opposite of Smart)
. Easily distracted (your attention can be arrested easily by distractions)
. Emotionless (You have difficulty expressing yourself)
. Endurance use (gives a cost to use the ability)
. Fear (fear of something; the more common and severity of the fear, the greater the level)
. Focus (one or more abilities require a special item)
. Frail (-10 Health per level)
. Fussy (you are a perfectionist, obsessive compulsive, wanting things scheduled and tidy)
. Greedy (you want more of everything)
. Guardian (you have someone you must protect)
. Hatred (you hate something. The higher the weakness, the greater your hate is and more difficult it is to hold back)
. Impaired Sense (one of your senses does not perform well)
. Impulsive (daredevil, do things without thinking)
. Infamous (opposite of famous. In fact, it is a fame that is bad for you and gives you trouble)
. Ineptitude (opposite of knowledge. You are really bad at something. Might give only half the bonus, just like knowledge at the discretion of the GM)
. Jittery (you are tense, nervous. Things can easily make you stressed)
. Languorous (you are lethargic, wimpy. -10 endurance per level)
. Lecherous (You are lustful, a likeness on doing naughty things)
. Limited Uses (your power have limited uses – 10/5/1 day, depending on the severity)
. Love interest (you have someone you love with whom you have to spend time with. The harsher or more forbidden the love is, the worst the weakness)
. Love Magnet (people fall in love with you, causing complications to you)
. Mute (Problems to communicate. First levels are speech impediments, second level is mute and third is being unable to convey the concept of language)
. Naive (you are easy to trick even with baffling lies)
. Nosebleeder (you bleed whenever excited or seeing a nude form out of something you are attracted with. The harsher the bleeding, the worst the weakness)
. Oblivious (opposite of perception, you don't pay attention to your surroundings)
. Obsession (you have the desire to achieve an objective or do something, like killing X or doing Y)
. Overconfident (think you are more capable than you really are)
. Outcast (you do not belong)
. Pacifist (not willing to fight)
. Poor (opposite to Wealthy)
. Quirk (you have a curious habit)
. Restricted Freedom (you have a limited capacity to do what you would like to do because of a social reason)
. Rival (you have a rival that opposes you)
. Room for Two (you have two souls inside you)
. Secret (you have a secret that must not be told)
. Sensitivity (there is a subject that you are very sensitive about yourself)
. Servitude (you are at the service of someone or one organization)
. Short Temper (anger, you are easily angered)
. Shy (you are uncomfortable in dealing with others)
. Slow (you are slow to react; - to initiative)
. Soft Spot (there is something that you enjoy far too much; like a scooby snack)
. Split personality (you have multiple personalities
. Stubborn (you want things your way)
. Suppressed power (your power needs something to work effectively; if not, reduce it)
. Trigger (one or more ability need a special trigger, like and emotion, potion or event. The rarest, the higher this weakness is)
. Unique Weakness (something out of this list)
. Unlucky (opposite of Lucky)
. Vulnerability (opposite of resistance)
. Wanted (you have people after you)
. Weak (opposite of Strong)
. Weak-willed (opposite of Iron-willed)

Very Similar Weaknesses (this list is here just to point to Gms some weaknesses that might confuse players because of their similarities)

. Airhead/Absent-minded
. Crybaby/Stubborn
. Compulsion/Dependency
. Naive/Easily distracted
. Overconfident/Arrogant
. Quirk and Compulsion

Perks and Flaws (slashed names mean that the perk or flaw has multiple names, either found at the playbooks or at the pdf. So, I will write both right now in order to make it simpler for Gms to find them and recall their use)

- Perks
. Accurate [+5/level] (end, +1 attack roll)
. Area Effect [+10/level] (end, affect 3 individuals per purchase; they receive -1 defense roll per level)
. Armor Piercing [+5/level] (reduces 2 armor per level)
. Barrier Buster [+5] (opponents cannot use endurance to power their damage absorption)
. Blinding [+20] (opponents receive -3 in all vision related actions)
. Continued Effect/Continued Damage [+10] (attack continue dealing damage each round, 1/ 4 first level, 1/ 2 second level)
. Defensive [+5/level] (+1 to defense rolls per level)
. Disarming [+10/+20] (improves the inflict weakness/flaw complication)
. Effective/Damaging [+5/level] (+1 DX/level)
. Fatiguing [+0] (instead of damaging Health, damages Endurance)
. Impairing [+10] (improves inflicting 'impair' complication)
. Multiple Targets [+10/level] (attack +1 target per level, not risking to also affect allies)
. No gesture [+5] (by default, all techniques needs shouting or gestures. This perk eliminates that need)
. Overwhelming [+10] (to defend against the attack, the target must abide their next action, on this or the next turn)
. Paralyzing [+10/+20] (creates the 'Paralyze' complication. Second level improves it)
. Ranged [+0] (attack becomes ranged, but cannot receive strength bonus to DX)
. Ranged, strength powered [+5] (as with ranged, but you may add 'strength' to DX)
. Reach [+5/level] (target must choose a penalty of -1/level to their attack or defense rolls until your next turn, even if you missed the attack)
. Redirectable [+5] (used only in ranged attacks, even if you miss, you may maintain focus and continue trying on the next turn, unless you do another action)
. Strike Through [+5] (allows going through solid objects and attacking targets that, otherwise, would be unreachable)
. Unique Perk [?] (something other not in the list)
. Vampire [+5/level] (recover health equal to 1 /4 of damage caused, +1 /4 per level )
. Will Attack [+0] (the attack is based on your ability, and defense is based on iron-willed)

. Activation [-10] (it takes a turn to activate your attack, but you can still make defense rolls)
. Ammunition [-5/-10/-15] (attack has limited uses, 10/ 5/ 3)
. Assisted [-15/person] (your attack needs help from someone with which you are familiar and well trained, each level needs one person. The ones helping lose their next action. They may help paying for the endurance cost up to half its cost)
. Backlash [-5/level] (for each level, you take 1 /4 of the damage you take)
. Break [-10] (may only be used after you depleted either all your Health or Endurance)
. Buildup [-5/level] (your ability has a cooldown. After you use it, you need to wait 1 turn per level to use it again)
. Cancel [-0 to -20] (your ability doesn't work on certain kind of targets. The broader and more frequent, the higher the flaw)
. Concentration [-20] (just like with Activation flaw, but you can't be interrupted – receive any damage or make any reaction, like a defense roll)
. Delayed [-5] (the action will only take effect at the end of the turn. If you receive a complication, this action cannot be done)
. Elaborate Gestures [-5] (this action requires elaborate movements, so your entire body must be free to make do that)
. Feather blow [-5] (your attack cannot inflict complications)
. Ineffective/undamaging [-5/level] (-1 DX/ level)
. Inaccurate [-5/level] (-1 attack roll/level)
. Low penetration [-5/level] (your opponent armored ability counts as 2 better/level. If the target has no such ability, there is no effect)
. No damage [-20] (attack causes no damage. Cannot be combined with ineffective/undamaging perk)
. Open to Attack [-20] (after making your attack, you cannot make defense rolls until your next turn)
. Recoil [-10] (when used, gives you immediately the stunned complication)
. Requirements [-5 to -20 (depends on how harsh the requirement is. 'must be outside' is -5, 'only when almost dead' is -20)
. Self-Only [-5] (the ability works only on yourself. Cannot be taken if ability already would only work on yourself)
. Unique flaw [-?] (something different from this list)
. Unwieldy [-5/level] (you receive -1 to your defense rolls per level until next turn)
. Weapon [-5] (requires a weapon or item to work)

Combat Complications, Wrestling and Perks (this group of perks are those that helps dealing combat complications. I find it helpful having them in a compact list. Basically, all those perks improve giving combat complications – making them work if you inflict 1 /4 damage, or instead of inflicting damage you causes the complication. Those perks can also create a new complication, like the perk Paralyze, that creates the new perk at 1 /2, then can be improved at the second level to 1 /4).

. Weakness/Flaw (Gives a flaw or weakness. Improved by the 'Disarming' perk)
. Impaired (Gives -1 penalties to all rolls. Improved by the 'Impairing' perk)
. Stunned (The target cannot take actions during next turn – only reactions. Improved by the 'Stunning' perk)
. Paralyzed (creates the 'Paralyze' complication, which is a stronger stunning complication that not only impedes action, but also doesn't allow defense rolls while paralyzed. It is undone when the target is attacked or resists it. Created by the 'Paralyzing' perk at 1/ 2 health, then improved by it at the second level)
. Grappled (Created through the 'Wrestling' combat action. The target is grappled and can only try to escape or attack the one who is grappling it)
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: List of Abilities, Weaknesses, Perks and Flaws

Post by Atmo »

A friend of mine make bookmarks on the preview pdf, my life is easier because of that.
Shelled Plebeian
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Re: List of Abilities, Weaknesses, Perks and Flaws

Post by Songtress »

Is the official PDF going to be bookmarked?
Dangerously Sane
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Re: List of Abilities, Weaknesses, Perks and Flaws

Post by Clay »

That’s a very thorough list! I hope people find it useful. The final game does have a big list of all the game’s Abilities/Weaknesses/Perks/Flaws, but doesn’t include the definition in brief as you do here.

Also, yes, the final PDF will have proper bookmarks and a clickable index.
Shelled Plebeian
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