Question about Licensing?

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Shelled Plebeian
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Question about Licensing?

Post by tokyosteve »


Not saying that I want to do it for sure or anything, but I want to understand a bit more about your licensing for OVA. Where would a product like a fantasy campaign PDF that used used straight OVA for the rules content, but focused primarly on the campaign setting. The only mechanics aspect would be basically, character write-ups, and advice on certain flavor aspects of abilities, with the potential of new abilities, or advice in a character generation section about choosing certain abilities and weakanesses?

Which liscense would something like that fall under. And how exatcly do you plan on calculating the royalities, it is a straight royalities, i.e. percent off the gross, or profit sharing, meaning after net. If the later, how would you calculate actually calculate the net, if it was going to be sold through an alternative of the three-tier-system traditional RPG system (such as print on demand or PDF).
Dangerously Sane
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Post by Clay »

The guidelines on the site are more of a "let me put up anything just in odd case this comes up." In truth, I'm very open to negotiation.

If you wanted to make a book that did not include any rules, but included character statistics and the like, I don't see any reason why I'd require royalties. Maybe a flat fee of some sort, but all in all, this could only be considered as free advertising. After all, to play, gamers would require a copy of the original rulebook.

If you were to include rules in the book however, this would involve royalties. Essentially, I wouldn't expect royalty payment until you have recouped all the costs for the book. Once you start making a profit, I'd want a flat % of all earnings. This way, if you don't make money, I'm not going to require money from you. ^_^

Hope this helps!
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