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by The Reddest Mage
Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:24 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: #Pokemon20 Ash & Misty
Replies: 8
Views: 9657

Re: #Pokemon20 Ash & Misty

I contest that Reddest Mage. Granted when it comes to Pokemon, kids are treated equal as adults in the show. But they still suffer AGEISM in other mundane areas. I doubt they would allow Ash or Misty to rent a car or buy beer. While I never watched the show that much, -1 Ageism is a very minor flaw...
by The Reddest Mage
Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:56 pm
Forum: OVA
Topic: Ability and Weakness Quick Categories
Replies: 1
Views: 3507

Ability and Weakness Quick Categories

When I'm quickly making NPCs on the fly, or helping players to narrow down which Abilities and Weaknesses might be most relevant to their character concept, or simply picking Abilities and Weaknesses for my own character, I've found that sometimes it's easier and faster to choose the Abilities and W...
by The Reddest Mage
Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:54 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: #Pokemon20 Ash & Misty
Replies: 8
Views: 9657

Re: #Pokemon20 Ash & Misty

Happy Pokémon Day! In honor of the 20th anniversary celebration, I decided to draw up stats for Ash and Misty as they were in the opening chapters of the anime series. Brock will come later, once these two have made their way through the Viridian Forest. Enjoy! ASH Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town dreams...
by The Reddest Mage
Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:31 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: When the stars are right.
Replies: 67
Views: 33016

Re: When the stars are right.

As for The Reddest Mage's own ninja post, Longevity use wouldn't be limited to just mental-based abilities. Rather it reflects just how formidable such a character is in a straight-up confrontation. It may not add any more endurance, health, or DX than the average character, but it does help increa...
by The Reddest Mage
Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:33 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: When the stars are right.
Replies: 67
Views: 33016

Re: When the stars are right.

As for Longevity, it's another custom Ability (Yeah, I know, I really need to stop doing that) to fit the being in question. Here's the detail in full so far: Longevity – You have lived a very long life, or at the very least have the potential to live a very long life. As such, you are able to util...
by The Reddest Mage
Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:02 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: New to OVA: A Few Questions
Replies: 499
Views: 117323

Re: New to OVA: A Few Questions

Also, one more thing, I'm just curious to hear your opinion on an alternate use of the Companion Ability. For the Vehicle (Mecha) Ability, it says: " Your Level in Vehicle may be an abstract representation of its overall usefulness, or it can be used to create a vehicle with specific attribute...
by The Reddest Mage
Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:32 pm
Forum: OVA
Topic: New to OVA: A Few Questions
Replies: 499
Views: 117323

Re: New to OVA: A Few Questions

Thank you for the answers Clay, you're as awesome as OVA is. To be clearer about some things that I may not have be clear about: 8) Because I'm building an urban fantasy paranormal investigation/occult detective setting world where magical Abilities that only work in the dark or in shadows will be a...
by The Reddest Mage
Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:56 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: New to OVA: A Few Questions
Replies: 499
Views: 117323

Re: New to OVA: A Few Questions

Thanks Clay as always. This ever-growing personal OVA FAQ I've been compiling over these months as a Word document has proven to be very useful for me and so I appreciate all of your input. Hey, I was wondering something. I recall it's mentioned somewhere in the text that Abilities and Weaknesses ma...
by The Reddest Mage
Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:37 pm
Forum: OVA
Topic: New to OVA: A Few Questions
Replies: 499
Views: 117323

Re: New to OVA: A Few Questions

Thanks as always Clay, much appreciated. My group had taken a break from OVA when our last OVA game ended around the end of last year. Since then we've played some other anime style TRPGs like Teenagers from Outerspace and MAID RPG, but soon we'll be going back to OVA again which is why as the GM I'...
by The Reddest Mage
Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:41 pm
Forum: OVA
Topic: Creating attacks
Replies: 28
Views: 29251

Re: Creating attacks

I realize this is an older thread, but I have a question pertaining to creating attacks that I can't find explicitly stated in the book. How does Attack count against your point total? If I create an attack at level 3, my DX with that attack is now x4, but do those 3 levels count as 3 points just a...
by The Reddest Mage
Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:38 pm
Forum: OVA
Topic: Attacks, Flaws, and Weaponry - Confused with disarmament.
Replies: 19
Views: 20747

Re: Attacks, Flaws, and Weaponry - Confused with disarmament

Jiro's gun attack has the Weapon Flaw, while, as an extra, the Yakuza doesn't really warrant that kind of detail. So your saying that you hand wave it. And so Gear ends up not being used. Gear is there to group Abilities and Weaknesses if you want to. It can be useful for any campaign where charact...
by The Reddest Mage
Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:20 pm
Forum: OVA
Topic: New to OVA: A Few Questions
Replies: 499
Views: 117323

Re: New to OVA: A Few Questions

Thank you as always Clay for your advice, thoughts, and suggestions. So recently, I've been curious to see how some of my original characters would work out mechanically when statted up in different systems, including OVA. So upon rereading all of the Abilities, Weaknesses, Perks, and Flaws again, h...
by The Reddest Mage
Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:47 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: New to OVA: A Few Questions
Replies: 499
Views: 117323

Re: New to OVA: A Few Questions

As always Clay, thanks for those tips, always appreciated. We were talking about some Abilities this week, and two things I hadn't thought about before came up, so I'm curious to know what you think: 1) The Dimensional Pocket Ability talks about the usefulness or uselessness of produced item based o...
by The Reddest Mage
Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:02 am
Forum: OVA
Topic: Requesting GM screen
Replies: 75
Views: 23806

Re: Requesting GM screen

Yes, it worked now, thank you.
by The Reddest Mage
Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:07 pm
Forum: OVA
Topic: Requesting GM screen
Replies: 75
Views: 23806

Re: Requesting GM screen

Well, thanks guys. And...not that I'm offended in any way, Malus...but this dude is a girl. :wink: :oops: I appreciate every sort of feedback. Especially if it helps improving this cheatsheet/GM-Screen. Thanks, Clay I just updated my pdf and the document. Here is the new one: