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Distribution Edition

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:04 pm
by Clay
I updated with news about the distribution edition of OVA. It's now available for order from your local gaming/comicbook shop! (Make sure you give them the Product ID as "NOW WT1001" instead of just "WT1001")

I've also uploaded an errata document that contains all the changes to OVA since its publication at RPGnow. You can find it under Extras.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:23 am
by DreadSpoon
Will the PDF version be updated with the errata, so those of us who have the PDF can download the update from RPGNow?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:56 pm
by Clay
The short answer is "Yes, eventually."

Long explanation: I have, for some reason, lost the ability to add bookmarks to documents. It's of no issue for print PDFs, but I want the bookmark capability before I update RPGNow's PDF. If anyone knows of a program outside of Acrobat that can add bookmarks, let me know. ^_^;

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:11 am
by TheBouncyPherret
Errata Document wrote: The rules concerning the use of Drama Dice have been modified. Endurance used to gain Drama Dice is no longer recovered in the conventional manner.
Umm....could we get a hint about how the rules have been changed? Or is this a gimmick to get us to buy the book again? ~_^

I'm sure that it just means that any Endurance spent on Drama Dice can't be regained until after the combat/dramatic situation. Or maybe it takes two Recovery actions to get that End back....hmm.

Well, I hope to see the revisions soon....just because I bought the PDF doesn't mean I don't want the print copy, too. ^_^

Keep up the good work, Clay!


Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:04 am
by Clay
I apologize, it's copied directly from an update list I planned to include with the PDF when I updated it. As such, it's not specific in places it should be.

Basically, Drama Dice are never recovered until the end of an adventure (or other distant point indicated by the Game Master).

Although it never came up in playtests, I realized that, due to the nature of Endurance being recovered so easily, it was possible to generate a "free pass" through any non-dangerous/stressful situation. A player could hack into a computer, for instance, burn a bunch of Drama Dice, and get it all back once he or she succeeds.

This also makes Drama Dice cost a little "more," which I think is appropriate. Characters will have to think twice before burning precious Endurance in this manner.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:34 pm
by Cloud
I never would have thought of that :o . Anyway, I will be sure to remember that just in case.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:34 am
by TheBouncyPherret
Errata document wrote: The Power Flaw "Low Penetration" has been added. It is the negative counterpart to "Armor Piercing."
Could you clarify how this works?? Does it increase the effective level of the opponents Armor Ability? Does it double the protection value of the armor, like in BESM?



Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:07 am
by Clay
I already explained this to TBP over AIM, but for everyone else: Low Penetration raises your opponent's Armor by one level. If you opponent has +5 in Armor, you cannot damage him/her/it with a Low Penetration attack.

If your opponent has no Armor, it does not affect your attack at all. (ie. it's not raised to +1)