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New Review

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:40 am
by TheBouncyPherret
Hey all, I just posted a review of OVA over at

It was my first review I'd written for any go easy one me, plz ^_^;;

Also, if you just want to see it to critique, here it is:
Hey all, I was just recently introduced to a new-comer to the RPG scene: OVA. It's an acronym for Open Versatile Anime, and it delivers on its namesake.

Umm....I've never really written a review before, so I'll try my best. First off, take a look at it.

I have to say it's one of the most innovative systems I've seen in a while. The biggest difference between OVA and almost every other RPG out there is there are no Stats/Attributes. Instead, you have many Abilities to choose from, and Weaknesses for things your character isn't all that good at. If you're neither above nor below average in any facet, then you just leave well enough alone.

The die mechanics are also some what new: each action has a base of 2d6, rolling and taking the highest. If you are really good at something (I.E. have an Ability) add your ability level to the 2d6. Or, if you are not that good at something (I.E. have a Weakness) subtract that level from your pool. Again, roll and choose highest. Now here's the interesting part: If you roll multiples, add 'em together for your total. That's right, a n00b with only 2d6 can get either a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 12!! It definately makes most rolls less sure than rolling a flat XdY+Z, or what have you.

Granted, it's made to emulate anime in it's various guises, and so is rules-lite....well, if most "rules-lite" games are Low Fat, OVA is the Fat Free of RPGs. The actual rules take up about a dozen or so pages, and the rest is discriptions of Abilities, Weaknesses, an astounding 10 (YES, 10!!) fully fleshed-out sample characters, and even more NPCs. Ok, so core rules take up 4 pages, and combat/gritty stuff/dangerous undertakings are a whopping 8 pages.

What remains is the usual GM advice on building adventures, challenging PCs, and the Art of Fudging.

Due to it's "Fat Free" nature, it's very unattractive to crunchy players, since most of the game balance inherent in the game is the sum of the trust between players and GM. Heck, even the Abilities and Weaknesses are like the "One Spot" at target: "You're in luck...everything's a buck!!" And it's true, all abilities and weaknesses cost the same number of points, so you really have to be true to your character instead of what would be cool to have, just 'cuz.

The book itself is very pretty--many full-color drawings throughout. Heck, even the indecies (sp??) have a small but well done picture at the top.


Well, I hope I did well for my first review ^_^;; I'm sure if anyone is interested, you can talk it up with the people at OVA's message board to get some more info....or if you have a looooong time, I can explain in more detail. ^_^


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:50 am
by DreadSpoon
Looks good. Could probably have used a bit more description of how fun OVA is compared to just a rules summary. ;-)

If you think OVA is "fat free," though, you need to look around a bit more. There are a number of fully playable and usable RPG systems around that make OVA look severely bloated in comparison. One of them was even mentioned on the BESM forums where I posted my OVA introduction (as 'elanthis'): RISUS. Its entire rulebook is a grand total of 6 pages. And I've seen smaller.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:04 pm
by TheBouncyPherret
Well, the "Fat Free" comment was geared more towards RPGs that you buy...not just the rules-lite games available for free on the net.

Also, on the fun note....I haven't yet actually been able to play a game....I'm about as far from my gaming group as one can get. I'm in TX, and my gaming group is in WI >.< So, unless there are players out there that are in the Austin area, I'm SOL until school starts up again in the fall....sigh


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:12 pm
by DreadSpoon
Dude, there are *so* gamers in Austin. I'm sure you can find a few if you look around. A lot of gaming shops have Want Ads services for gaming groups.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:17 am
by Clay
Thanks for the review, BP! It means that that many more people will discover OVA, and that's always a good thing. ^^