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So about this 'Time Freeze' business...

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:27 am
by MelancholyofNyX
So my friends and I were starting a new game since we realized it would be longer than we thought till revised edition came out, and for the first time we realized how off some of our abilities seemed. For instance, time freeze... Is the term time 'freeze' truly accurate? From the way I read it, it seems more like the spell Haste from Final Fantasy where it speeds up the character and gives them extra actions. If you can use it to gain an automatic defense, why couldn't you use it to gain an automatic attack? An enemy frozen in time can't exactly defend themselves as proven by Rolo from Code Geass or even Guldo from Dragon Ball Z. I realize this would be terribly unbalanced but it makes sense given the description of the ability. Anyone else have any comments?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:00 pm
by Clay
The Revised Game completely changes the Time Freeze ability. While it's still not be exactly like the examples you give for the sake of some semblance of game balance, it behaves much closer to how you expect it to.

If nothing else, it can now offset your Multiple Actions penalty. ;)