Well the first demo I ran was yesterday at the local store Dragon Roost. Well to start out at the club we has Fukiko, Ai, and Shou. we started out a bit normal till Lovely Savior Myu Myu got involved with the player acting like the character and throwing the cat at the MIB and then running into the bathroom to change. After prancing out and thorwing the Neko Neko Yarn at one of the MIB he got pummeled by records from Ai then Shou sent him flying (60 points of damage). Despite the lack of role playing at the start (and not asking any questions) as we got more relaxed and into it Shou started messing with Fukiko with a laser pointer and Ai still didn't do much (DARN YOU SHY).
Suffice to say it turned out pretty well people wanted to try other characters to try stuff like power moves and other abilities. The only bad thing is that some characters had drawbacks that involved them with the corporation and the MIBs so I thew some of them out of the window like Ai's fear of MIB would have left her out of the game.