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New Character Sheet Idea + Char idea + Perk idea

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:13 pm
by Joe_Mello
A while ago, I said I was planning on making a new character sheet. Well, here I am with an idea for a character, so I'm putting it on the front of my new character sheet.

Inuyasha, the OVA character

I forgot to do one of his trademark flaws (new moons), but that seems more like a dramatic flaw rather than a statistical flaw.

While I was creating Inuyasha, I thought up a new perk: a version of the classic d20 feat Cleave.
Cleave (+10) When fighting opponents, you are like most people with potato chips; you can't stop at just one. With the Cleave perk, when you roll a successful hit on an attack, you may use the same attack again on the same or different opponent (within range), but at a 1-die accuracy penalty. This can continue until an attack misses or your dice pool is reduced to 0.

Great Cleave (+25) They keep linin' 'em up and you keep knockin' 'em down. Great Cleave works similarly to the Cleave perk, but the penalty is one point of accuracy for each subsequent attack as opposed to one die.
Lots to think about in just one thread. Thoughts?

Re: New Character Sheet Idea + Char idea + Perk idea

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:36 am
by JuddG
Joe_Mello wrote:While I was creating Inuyasha, I thought up a new perk: a version of the classic d20 feat Cleave.
This effect is essentially "Multiple Targets" or "Area of Effect".

By the way, I like the charsheet design. Do you have a file version of it that you can post a link to?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:30 pm
by Joe_Mello
I actually thought it would be a combination of both, since this would be a one-time buy (unlike Multi Target) and could go on longer than the 3 hits that one level of Area Effect would provide. I think with the stacking -1, it's balanced enough so that all three perks would have their uses and non-uses.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to a university computer to convert my Macromedia Fireworks files to a .pdf, but each pic is 8.5x11 by nature. I'll see if I can put the templates up on a Word File.

EDIT: Pix are at 100% size.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:38 pm
by Clay
I like the sheet, too! It brings up fond memories of MERP, Mechwarrior, and other "fill in the dot" RPGs of my youth. I decided against that for OVA since numbers directly correspond to your dice bonus. You see a +5, you know you need to add five dice. No counting of boxes.

But yet, there's nothing quite as satisfying as filling in boxes with level ups...

I've never seen Inu Yasha, but it's always such great fun to see writeups of "real" characters. Thanks for taking the time.

Finally, Cleave is one of my favorite D&D feats. But you should know your idea, at least for Cleave (+10) is sort of redundant. You can already attack more than once for a similar penalty, and instead of creating a perk that cuts that down by one, it's probably simpler just to give the character another point in Combat Skill, etc. As for Greater Cleave, nothing else in OVA can reduce any die roll by points, so I'm not too keen on it.

But they'e fun just the same. Thanks for sharing.