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Occult knowledge

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:53 pm
by Bhikku
I almost overlooked this ability, but i'm intrigued. It sounds like just the thing i need - good for sorcerers, and with a slight overhaul perfect for shamans too. But, unless i overlooked something, there doesn't seem to be any information on the kinds of spirits/creatures/lovecraftian horrors that one can summon. It looks like the GM would have to have a stable of such creatures as NPCs or a monster roster, and run an opposed check to make it happen. Is that more or less the intent?

On a related note, has anyone figured out what sort of abilities would be appropriate for a Final Fantasy-style Summoner, like Rydia or Yuna? One player i'm trying to coax into a game will probably be sold if I can say, "You wanna be a summoner?" Any input would be much appreciated.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:18 am
by Shooting Star
I was lately thinking about the summoner thing, by now i just figured out to add two "spirits related" stats.
The first one is the weakness "Ethereal Being" wich represent the incorporeal form of the spirit while the second is the ability "Physical Manifestation", in short it will work as the "Incorporeal Form" ability but reversed.
Practically the Summons are treated as Servant with this two stats added by default, a Summon is always present but only when the Summoner is threatened (or when he need some help) they Manifest themselves.
Oh yes, my Summoners will have the weakness: Dedicated Object Required, a Dedicated Object is the ffocus that represent the pact between the Summoner and the Spirit.
I hope this will help! :)

Re: Occult knowledge

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:55 pm
by Clay
Bhikku wrote:I almost overlooked this ability, but i'm intrigued. It sounds like just the thing i need - good for sorcerers, and with a slight overhaul perfect for shamans too. But, unless i overlooked something, there doesn't seem to be any information on the kinds of spirits/creatures/lovecraftian horrors that one can summon. It looks like the GM would have to have a stable of such creatures as NPCs or a monster roster, and run an opposed check to make it happen. Is that more or less the intent?
More or less. It was left open-ended because of various examples in anime (in which there are countless kinds of spirits that can be summoned).

Acacia actually lists her available summons. There's no reason your players, too, can take off some of the GM's workload and create their own stats for summons they plan to use often.

Acacia is a bit of a special case, since her biography states she needs make no role to summon these demons. She really ought to have a "Special Ability" stating as much, but oh well. OVA is not really number-crunchy enough to matter.
Bhikku wrote:On a related note, has anyone figured out what sort of abilities would be appropriate for a Final Fantasy-style Summoner, like Rydia or Yuna? One player i'm trying to coax into a game will probably be sold if I can say, "You wanna be a summoner?" Any input would be much appreciated.
If you were going for an effect similar to most Final Fantasies, I'd treat the summons as Power Moves and not summons. If you were to attempt something more like Final Fantasy XI, Occult Knowledge and/or Servant could be appropriate.

Re: Occult knowledge

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:05 pm
by Bhikku
Clay wrote:If you were going for an effect similar to most Final Fantasies, I'd treat the summons as Power Moves and not summons.
Ah, brilliant! I bet I can tweak that as much as necessary for any effect. Fabulous!