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Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:49 am
by ComicJam
Hello, I'm new here, so please forgive my n00b questions. :)

I hail from sunny London (irony) and was wondering where the best place to get a print copy of the latest edition of OVA from would be? Will it be/is it available in comic or game shops? So far, I cannot find it anywhere. Also, what place do you recommend to download a PDF from?

Thanks in advance, guys and gals.

Cheers! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:28 am
by Clay
Hey ComicJam!

OVA is actually being picked up by a UK distributer called "Esdevium." I'm afraid I can't pinpoint when for you, but it should be available (or at least, available to order) at your local comic/gaming store in the near future. :)

In the meantime, you can order the PDF from RPGnow.

You can also order the print version from this same site. However, I've been told by people living in Europe that delivery time is quite exorbiant, and I'm sure the shipping price is not terribly appealing either.

Thank you for your interest!

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:02 am
by ComicJam
Thank you for your very quick response! :)

I'm going to ask my local store(s) if they have any news of the print.

Do you know which place would be best to try? A game or a comic shop?

Thanks once again! I'm loving the product!

Cheers! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:23 pm
by Clay
I'm not familiar with Esdevium, but since OVA is being distributed with Alliance and other RPG geared distributors in the US, you may have better luck at a hobby gaming store. To be honest, I doubt it matters much.

Something I forgot to mention: The distribution version of OVA is under the SKU of "NOW WT1001" instead of "WT1001" to reflect its affiliation with RPGnow. So if you ask, use the former. ^_^