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Lions and Tigers and Vampires, oh my!!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:41 pm
by TheBouncyPherret
Ok, not so much the first two, but here's a vampire template I came up with...hope y'all like it!

Agile +1, Life Support +2, Strong +1, Tough +1, Quick +1, Weapon +1 (Fangs, Accurate, Entangle, Open to Attack)

Arrogant -1, Dependency -2 (blood), Special Weakness: Blight -1 (sun), Short Temper -1.

TV 3 (Extra), HP: 20, EP: 10
TV 5 (Secondary*), HP: 30, EP: 20
TV 10 (Heroic*), HP: 50, EP: 20

*Granted, there can be more Abilities (and Weaknesses!!) for Secondary and Heroic NPCs. Most notable would be increases in Agile, Strong, Tough, and Quick; add in Magic, Arcane/Psychic to represent kewl powerz; Vitality, Combat Skill or Defense for more survivability, etc.

Ok, so here's the details that the above might make you ask:

Weapon has Entangle because a bite from a vampire usually incapacitates the victim in some manner. It does NOT drain HP or EP because of the Dependency Weakness is more appropriate.

Special Weakness: Blight. whenever in the presence of your blight, roll 2 dice, against a Defense of 0, with a DT of 1 plus your level in this Weakness.


Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:32 pm
by Clay
I saw a version of this over AIM, but looks nice, Pherret. I like the Blight flaw...the "I'm melting!" Weakness is a useful one to have for various baddies. Though you might just want to consider making the DT equivalent to your level. It's simpler and easier to remember. It is a bit "less" of a flaw then, though.