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It's Crunch Time!!

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:43 am
by TheBouncyPherret
Well, I have been working on this for quite some time, and I've finally finished!!

Without further ado, I give you Crunch Time: An Alternate System for Power Move and Magic

I'm hoping that y'all'll (yes, that's a word; it means y'all will ^_^) be able to help me fine-tune it a bit into something really cool!!


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:23 am
by TheBouncyPherret
C'mon guys, no one has any comments whatsoever on this? Any feedback is better than none at all...

Anyone want to be the brave one and comment on the Pherret's ranting first?


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:59 am
by wuxiasnake
Dude, you are crazy. Every RPG I have ever played has been perfect right out of the box. No need to house rule anything. Why are you messing with perfection?

Seriously though I for one refuse to comment on rule changes unless I've playtested them and I;m too busy :(

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:46 pm
by TheBouncyPherret
Well, I appreciate your comment about not being able to make comments ^_^

All I'm trying to do, really, is get a bit more posts going on. There seems to be rushes of posts, followed by massive lags in posts, than rushes again...

I'm trying to get some stuff up that people can talk about for a while, and hopefully get the lags to be less and less....

Oh well...


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:14 pm
by Keenath
It looks interesting, though I'm not sure I have any cogent response to it. I'd have to test it a bit and do some in depth comparison to the existing system.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:06 pm
by Clay
I haven't personally tested this crunchy edition, but the rules seem self evident enough!

I don't see anything wrong with limiting the number moves to your level (or double it). It makes sense in almost every case. More experience means more moves! The expert spell caster has more spells than the novice, the black belt more butt-kicking kung fu than his apprentice.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if I dig the forced requirements when you level up your Ability. Is there any reason that, when you level up Power Move, that you have to keep Endurance or DT the same? It seems arbitrary.

But being able to customize your Spells/Moves with small amounts of XP is a nice touch.

As for the forums...I imagine the influx of spam to the OVA forums can't be helping, sigh. -.o

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:08 am
by TheBouncyPherret
Clay wrote:I haven't personally tested this crunchy edition, but the rules seem self evident enough!

I don't see anything wrong with limiting the number moves to your level (or double it). It makes sense in almost every case. More experience means more moves! The expert spell caster has more spells than the novice, the black belt more butt-kicking kung fu than his apprentice.
Exactly what I was thinking...ok, not exactly, but close. ^_^
Clay wrote:On the other hand, I'm not sure if I dig the forced requirements when you level up your Ability. Is there any reason that, when you level up Power Move, that you have to keep Endurance or DT the same? It seems arbitrary.
It was. I just kinda made it up. The main thing that I was thinking about was trying to keep "upgraded" moves/spells similar to the previous ones.

If same DT, than less Endo, and therefore able to cast more often.

If same Endo, roughly same amount of castings, but different Perks/Flaws.

I was mainly thinking about Magic Missile from D&D, how as you go up in level, you can shoot more missiles (as I'm sure was evident from the Arcane Arrow spell ^_^;; ). Moves getting stronger as you "level up" is kinda a I was just trying to keep with that train of thought.

But it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to just allow players the ability to retool ALL Spells/Moves when leveling up..."out with the old, in with the new", right?
Clay wrote:But being able to customize your Spells/Moves with small amounts of XP is a nice touch.
I didn't really want there to be any real reason not to get new Moves/Spells. I set out to make it so it was "worth the price" so to speak. Both buying new spells and leveling up Power Move/Magic.

So should I make those changes?


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:03 am
by TheBouncyPherret
Ok...your suggestions have been taken into account...and completely

Crunch Time v0.3 is up, with your suggestions Clay.

Hope it looks better now ^_^