The Suggestive Subjects...Whats Right, Wrong, and Hentai

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Shelled Plebeian
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The Suggestive Subjects...Whats Right, Wrong, and Hentai

Post by mergira »

Uh...hi...I'm Mergira...this is my first post...I'm going to go out on a limb here...but when it comes to things like Hentai, eechi, fetishes, and any suggestive content described in this one even design a adventure of any kind with that? Monster girls, corruption, transformation...or in my case...couples made of Fused characters? :oops: :oops: :oops:

I'm blushing a lot now...I don't want to include NSFW things...nor get too descriptive...the subject of "suggestive" acts might violate policy. So I'm just going to come out with some questions...

1. "How does one set up a game with Hentai themes in mind?"

2. "How does development work when suggestive themes seem to be common place or even vibrant everywhere?"

3. "Is too much detrimental?"

4. "How descriptive can you get until its crazy?"

5. "I might use a chatroom to play this game...F-LIST for example as they cater to RPs of this variety. Since they have a dice feature (which I hope works soundly -w-) Is it possible to make a system or...time span that allows private moments between players? Sigh...this question is controversial and embarrassing."

6. "I've seen the abilities and stuff...its obvious that it touches on these subjects somewhat...but is it eechi based or Hentai based...or could be hentai based?"

7. "On a personal level...I found a multiple personalities flaw...there is some form of multiple personas around here! Romances between fusions or a fusion and a regular person CAN be complicated as I have seen...I'm sure a system can be in place if there are limits to how many you can create...depending on player and GM interactions. IS this a complicated exploration or easy if you consider the consequences a player must face?"

8. "Finally, Benefits and that are corrupted may turn into demons and such...fusions develop odd personalities and interests...and of course a regular scene in a onsen can make someone strong. Monster Girls, Fused people, Slime girls, maybe even mixed bathing session could be fatal or heavenly upon engaging. does one not offend or disturb others with these random possibilities?"

I am wanting to be a I think this subject will come up anyway...especially with my crowd. Please be gentle with responses...I only tried to keep in a matter of speaking as far as what I wrote here.... :oops:
Potaras, Dances, Merging, and Fusing...I do them all! I research all that makes one! <3
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Re: The Suggestive Subjects...Whats Right, Wrong, and Hentai

Post by Atmo »

1. "How does one set up a game with Hentai themes in mind?"
Like any other game, but with more sex onscreen than other games.

2. "How does development work when suggestive themes seem to be common place or even vibrant everywhere?"
You talk with your players about what they like and what they dislike; you should focus the ideas on your game, not on someone who isn't playing ideas.

3. "Is too much detrimental?"
If you go to a FLGS and talk and brag about it on full volume, yeah.

4. "How descriptive can you get until its crazy?"
Live/face-to-face: use quick and vague descriptions, focus more on "they did the deed" than on describing where the sword pierces and how deep/fast it goes.
Voice-chat: depends on how open you are to your partner.
Text: if you are on a forum, use the Live/face-to-face example. If you are on a private chatroom, have all the fun you want.

5. "I might use a chatroom to play this game...F-LIST for example as they cater to RPs of this variety. Since they have a dice feature (which I hope works soundly -w-) Is it possible to make a system or...time span that allows private moments between players? Sigh...this question is controversial and embarrassing."
F-List is kind of a circus, with people coming and going without worrying about your time or wants. I could recommend the LFRP GM & DM room, but it's hard to find someone to play with there.

6. "I've seen the abilities and stuff...its obvious that it touches on these subjects somewhat...but is it eechi based or Hentai based...or could be hentai based?"
OVA's rule about wrestling and reducing Endurance instead of Health is a nice rule I used on my games... with the right monster. I know you can picture what.

7. "On a personal level...I found a multiple personalities flaw...there is some form of multiple personas around here! Romances between fusions or a fusion and a regular person CAN be complicated as I have seen...I'm sure a system can be in place if there are limits to how many you can create...depending on player and GM interactions. IS this a complicated exploration or easy if you consider the consequences a player must face?"
No idea, that's my first time hearing about fusion hentai.

8. "Finally, Benefits and that are corrupted may turn into demons and such...fusions develop odd personalities and interests...and of course a regular scene in a onsen can make someone strong. Monster Girls, Fused people, Slime girls, maybe even mixed bathing session could be fatal or heavenly upon engaging. does one not offend or disturb others with these random possibilities?"
Talk with your players before and see their likes and dislikes.
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Re: The Suggestive Subjects...Whats Right, Wrong, and Hentai

Post by Clay »

In general, just discuss the FULL range of possibilities with your Players before playing the game to make sure everyone’s on board and won’t be made intensely uncomfortable by the subject matter. Once you’ve done that, OVA should be flexible enough for pretty much anything—whatever “anything” might entail.

As for these forums, as long as you hide anything objectionable behind NSFW tags and links, you should be okay.
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