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Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:15 pm
by Sabersonic
For the Jericho franchise (or what's left of it), we have the Explosive Cultist.
Explosive Cultist
A member of the Brotherhood of the Dark Rapture, the Explosive Cultists are malformed and disfigured after a suicidal ritual to release the collective negative charge of the cult organization from their numerous atrocities and terrorist attacks in order to tear open the Breach into the Pyxis. Their left arm is amputated while their right hand is replaced with a lethal hook, however their most lethal weapon against any foe is their ability to self-destruct and take out any nearby enemies in the massive explosion. The most effective way to take these individuals out is via ranged combat aimed at their yellow pustules to have them detonate prematurely.

(1 Points)
TV: 6
DX[END] - Attack
  • 2[0] - “Slash” (Armor Piercing. Countered)
  • 6[0] - “Explosive Pustules” (Area Effect; Armor Piercing x3; Effective x4. Activation; Ammunition x3; Backlash x4)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Attack
  • +2 - Knowledge “Biological Warfare”
  • +2 - Knowledge “Epidemiology”
  • +2 - Perceptive “Magical Energy”
  • +5 - Life Support
  • +2 - Magic, Arcane
  • +2 - Magic, Witchcraft
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Brotherhood of the Dark Rapture”
  • -3 - Servitude “Arnold Leech”
  • -2 - Unique “Impaired Manipulation” (No hands)
  • -2 - Unique “Volatile” (1d Check vs. DN 4 for Explosion when 0 HP or lower. Character suffers DX-4, Level 2 Area Effect Attack plus Scale Advantage)

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:21 pm
by Sabersonic
And finally, to round out this installment, from the Crysis franchise we have the Stage 1 Ceph.
Stage 1 Ceph
Though given the official designation of Charybdis, these alien creatures are more commonly known as Ceph due to their anatomical resemblance to cephalopods. An ancient extra-galactic species, the Ceph originate from the Triangulum Galaxy whose advanced nanotech-based technology and hive intelligence have allowed them to fully colonize not only their home galaxy, but also neighboring galaxies via incursions such as the Milky Way Galaxy through their rapid adaptation and reaction to the local planetary environment.

The Stage 1 Ceph are the base form of the Charybdis species in their natural form from their homeworld, the basis of all Ceph colonization via seeding ships to begin a new Ceph hive perfectly adapted to that planetary environment. As this phase of Ceph colonization is referred to as “Stage 1”, these Ceph are also called Stage 1 Ceph and are first officially encountered upon Ling Shan. Though physically weak with limited combat ability, they are augmented by their own technology via robotic units and weaponized exoskeletons to clear out the aboriginal resistance of that chosen planet’s biosphere.

(-4 Points)
TV: 7
DX[END] - Attack
  • 2[5] - “Ram Attack” (Accurate; Effective; Impairing; Stunning. Open to Attack)
  • 2[0] - “Molecular Accelerators” (Affinity, Ice. Effective; Overwhelming; Ranged. Activation; Inaccurate; Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +2 - Agile
  • +2 - Evasive
  • +2 - Many Handed
  • +1 - Smart*
  • +1 - Spaceflight
  • +1 - Swimming
  • +1 - Psychic “Ceph Hive-Mind” (Requirement, Other Ceph)*
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -2 - Frail
  • -3 - Impaired Movement “Walking”
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Ceph Hivemind”
  • -3 - Servitude “Alpha Ceph”
* Indicates that Character Ability/ies are of higher value than human norm, thus applicable for Scaled Advantage
And that should be it for this installment, so until next time do these designs hold water or is there a need to adjust them?

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:52 am
by Sabersonic
Guess my conversion designs from last time had passed mustard, so let's move on then with this installment.

First off, for the X-Com franchise, we have the Muton subunit infamously known as the Berserker.
A larger, and more heavily armored Muton, the Berserker are powerful close quarter combat specialists that utilize their higher ground speed, armor and resilience to get in close and personal with hostile infantry and kill them with a few strikes from its powerful blades.

(1 Point)
TV: 20
DX[END] - Attack
  • 3[0] - “Muton Blades” (Armor Piercing. Elaborate Gestures)
  • 5[5] - “Bull Rush” (Armor Piercing x3; Effective x2; Impairing; Strike Through. Activation; Open to Attack)
Level - Ability
  • +3 - Agile “Blood Call”
  • +3 - Armored
  • +2 - Attack “Muton Blades”
  • +3 - Combat Expert “Blood Call”
  • +1 - Combat Expert
  • +4 - Intimidation
  • +3 - Iron-Willed “Blood Call”
  • +1 - Knowledge “Squad Tactics”
  • +3 - Quick
  • +3 - Tough
  • +3 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Aggressive
  • -1 - Awkward Size (Large)
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -3 - Dense
  • -2 - Limited Use “Blood Call”
  • -3 - Obsession “Enemies that have wounded it”
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Alien Invasion Army”
  • -3 - Servitude “Ethereals”
  • -2 - Short-Tempered
  • -1 - Trigger “Blood Call” (Roar from another Muton)
  • -1 - Weak-Willed
  • -3 - Vulnerability “Psionic Attacks”

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:59 am
by Sabersonic
Next up, for Clive Barker's Jericho, we have the Flying Cultist.

Oh boy, were these guys a pain to kill....
Flying Cultist
A member of the Brotherhood of the Dark Rapture, the Flying Cultists are malformed and disfigured after a suicidal ritual to release the collective negative charge of the cult organization from their numerous atrocities and terrorist attacks in order to tear open the Breach into the Pyxis. The skins of their backs are flayed to grant them wings for flight and talons worthy of any species of bird of prey, though they are also capable of flinging wing spikes at foes either in a concentrated format to quickly kill enemies or spread them across an area in a shotgun effect for active area denial.

(1 Point)
TV: 6
DX[END] - Attack
  • 2[0] - “Slash” (Armor Piercing. Countered)
  • 3[0] - “Spike Launch, Concentrated” (Impairing; Effective; Ranged. Buildup; Countered; Elaborate Gestures)
  • 1[0] - “Spike Launch, Spread” (Area Effect; Multiple Targets; Ranged. Buildup; Countered; Elaborate Gestures; Ineffective)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Attack
  • +2 - Barrier
  • +3 - Flight
  • +5 - Life Support
  • +1 - Magic, Arcane
  • +2 - Perceptive “Magical Energy”
Level - Weakness
  • -1 - Awkward Size
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -1 - Loner
  • -1 - Overconfident
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Brotherhood of the Dark Rapture”
  • -3 - Servitude “Arnold Leech”
  • -1 - Stubborn

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:04 am
by Sabersonic
And lastly, for the Crysis franchise, we have the Ceph Trooper.
Ceph Trooper
Though given the official designation of Charybdis, these alien creatures are more commonly known as Ceph due to their anatomical resemblance to cephalopods. An ancient extra-galactic species, the Ceph originate from the Triangulum Galaxy whose advanced nanotech-based technology and hive intelligence have allowed them to fully colonize not only their home galaxy, but also neighboring galaxies via incursions such as the Milky Way Galaxy through their rapid adaptation and reaction to the local planetary environment.

An automated assault weapons platform, the robotic unit known as the Ceph Trooper are utilized by the Stage 1 Ceph for ground assault operations despite the unit’s ability to levitate off the ground. In fact, the Ceph Trooper unit are often ferried by Ceph Scout vehicles and deployed via pods for rapid combat deployment within the chosen planet’s biosphere to combat the local aboriginal resistance. However, to ensure that Ceph technology does not fall into the hands of the planetary aboriginal population to be used against them, the Ceph Trooper is hard-wired to self-destruct if either sustained heavy enough damage or unable to escape capture on its own.

(1 Point)
TV: 7
DX[END] - Attack
  • 1[0] - “Clawed Tentacles” (Multiple Targets x2. Elaborate Gestures; Feather Blow; Ineffective x2)
  • 3[0] - “Leap Attack” (Accurate; Impairing; Stunning. Open to Attack)
  • 3[5] - “Molecular Accelerator” (Affinity, Ice. Overwhelming; Ranged. Activation)
  • 4[5] - “Molecular Arrestor” (Affinity, Ice. Effective; Paralyzing; Ranged. Activation)
  • 6[0] - “Self-Destruct Protocol” (Area Effect x2; Armor Piercing; Effective x3. Ammunition x3; Backlash x4; Recoil)
Level - Ability
  • +2 - Armored
  • +2 - Attack
  • +2 - Agile “Levitation”
  • +2 - Evasive “Levitation”
  • +2 - Quick “Levitation”
  • +1 - Unique “Computer Brain”
  • +2 - Unique “Wall and Ceiling Crawling”
  • +1 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -2 - Mute
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Ceph Hivemind”
  • -3 - Servitude “Alpha Ceph”
  • -2 - Unique “Volatile” (1d Check vs. DN 4 for Explosion when 0 HP or lower. Character suffers DX-4, Level 2 Area Effect Attack plus Scale Advantage)
And that should be it for this installment. So until next time, do anyone feel comfortable with the idea of using these NPC mooks for their own campaigns or do they need some corrective tweaks?

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:04 am
by Sabersonic
No objections must mean consent I guess, let's move on.

For the X-Com franchise, we have the Heavy Floater
Heavy Floater
An improved version of the Floater, the Heavy Floater boasts improved weapons and heavier armor to combat stanched infantry units that stand against the alien invasion. It boasts powerful boosters to counter effect the added mass of the additional armor and have augmented braces upon its arms to allow it to heft the plasma rifle single-handedly and without a loss of accuracy due to its enhanced vision.

(2 Points)
TV: 18
DX[END] - Attack
  • 4[0] - “Plasma Rifle” (Affinity, Energy. Accurate x2; Armor Piercing x2; Ranged. Ammunition; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
  • 4[0] - “Alien Grenade” (Affinity, Explosion. Area Effect; Armor Piercing; Impairing; Ranged; Stunning. Ammunition x3; Elaborate Gestures; Inaccurate; Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +2 - Armored
  • +3 - Attack
  • +1 - Combat Expert
  • +3 - Flight
  • +2 - Heightened Sense “Sight”
  • +2 - Quick
  • +1 - Strength
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -1 - Overconfident
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Alien Invasion Army”
  • -3 - Servitude “Ethereals”
  • -1 - Short-Tempered
  • -1 - Stubborn

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:10 am
by Sabersonic
Next up, for the game Jericho, we have the Machinegunner.
A twisted and deformed abomination of two Gerhimasvall Abwermacht soldiers fused into one, the Machinegunners are massive creatures corrupted by the First Born and the Pyxis as a kind of mobile machinegunner nest to lay suppressing fire against hostile enemy forces at the expense of their right forearm.

(1 Point)
TV: 10
DX[END] - Attack
  • 4[0] - “Machinegun” (Overwhelming; Ranged. Inaccurate x3)
Level - Ability
  • +2 - Armored
  • +3 - Attack
  • +2 - Intimidating
  • +1 - Magic, Arcane
  • +2 - Perceptive “Magical Energy”
  • +2 - Tough
  • +2 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -1 - Awkward Size (Large)
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Gerhimasvall Abwermacht”
  • -3 - Servitude “Hanne Lichthammer”
  • -2 - Slow
  • -1 - Unique “Impaired Manipulation” (One-Handed)

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:18 am
by Sabersonic
And finally, to round out this installment, we have the Ceph Scout.

Okay, I know it's technically a vehicle, but I think I'll let this one slide for now since it's such a common enemy unit.
Ceph Scout
Though given the official designation of Charybdis, these alien creatures are more commonly known as Ceph due to their anatomical resemblance to cephalopods. An ancient extra-galactic species, the Ceph originate from the Triangulum Galaxy whose advanced nanotech-based technology and hive intelligence have allowed them to fully colonize not only their home galaxy, but also neighboring galaxies via incursions such as the Milky Way Galaxy through their rapid adaptation and reaction to the local planetary environment.

The primary assault craft of the Stage 1 Ceph, the airborne vehicle known as the Ceph Scout are best utilized not only for reconnaissance but as the vanguard and Close Air Support of any Stage 1 Ceph military campaigns and operations. The primary aeroframe of the Ceph Scout, also known as the “head”, is approximately the size of the average militarized automobile and armored enough to be utilized for ramming attacks, though generally as a last resort. Ceph Scouts are armed not only with larger versions of the MOACs and MOARs, but also with a Singularity Cannon that serves the role of an area effect weapon. However, to ensure that Ceph technology does not fall into the hands of the planetary aboriginal population to be used against them, the Ceph Scout is hard-wired to self-destruct if either sustained heavy enough damage or unable to escape capture on its own.

(7 Vehicle Points)
TV: 7
DX[END] - Attack
  • 2[0] - “Clawed Tentacles” (Multiple Targets x2. Elaborate Gestures; Feather Blow; Ineffective x2)
  • 6[0] - “Ram Attack” (Accurate; Effective x2; Impairing. Open to Attack)
  • 4[5] - “Molecular Accelerator” (Affinity, Ice. Overwhelming; Ranged. Activation)
  • 5[5] - “Molecular Arrestor” (Affinity, Ice. Effective; Paralyzing; Ranged. Activation)
  • 6[10] - “Singularity Cannon” (Affinity, Energy. Area Effect x2; Effective x2; Ranged. Concentration)
  • 7[0] - “Self-Destruct Protocol” (Area Effect x2; Armor Piercing; Effective x3. Ammunition x3; Backlash x4; Recoil)
Level - Ability
  • +4 - Armored
  • +3 - Attack
  • +2 - Agile
  • +2 - Evasive
  • +3 - Flight
  • +2 - Minions “Ceph Troopers”
  • +2 - Quick
  • +2 - Tough
  • +2 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Awkward Size (Small)
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -2 - Unique “Volatile” (1d Check vs. DN 4 for Explosion when 0 HP or lower. Character suffers DX-4, Level 2 Area Effect Attack plus Scale Advantage)
And that should be it for this installment. So until next time, do anyone feel comfortable with the idea of using these NPC mooks for their own campaigns or do they need some corrective tweaks?

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:46 pm
by Sabersonic
Can someone with mod abilities please get rid of this obvious bot spam?

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:27 pm
by Sabersonic
A little bit annoyed that a damned spam bot was the only one that responded, we might as well move on with new entries.

First up, for the X-Com franchise, we have the Sectopod.
A massive bipedal robotic unit, the Sectopod is an extremely lethal combatant that is best described as a walking tank. Its central body, or “head”, houses several weapon systems with lethal potency against even the most seasoned of veteran soldiers. In fact, the best tactic is to treat the Sectopod as a lightly more maneuverable tank and counter accordingly.

(2 Points)
TV: 20
DX[END] - Attack
  • 4[5] - “Canon Fire” (Affinity, Energy. Accurate x2; Impairing; Ranged. Inaccurate; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment)
  • 5[0] - “Cluster Bomb” (Affinity, Explosive. Area Effect x2; Effective; Ranged; Stunning. Activation; Open to Attack)
Level - Ability
  • +8 - Armored
  • +3 - Attack
  • +2 - Combat Expert
  • +2 - Minion “Drone”
  • +2 - Perceptive
  • +3 - Tough
  • +1 - Unique “Computer Brain”
  • +1 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Awkward Size (Large)
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Alien Invasion Army”
  • -3 - Servitude “Ethereals”
  • -3 - Unique “Impaired Manipulation” (No Limbs)
  • -2 - Unique “Volatile” (1d Check vs. DN 4 for Explosion when 0 HP or lower. Character suffers DX-4, Level 2 Area Effect Attack plus Scale Advantage)
  • -3 - Vulnerability “HEAT Attacks”

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:32 pm
by Sabersonic
Next up, for the Jericho franchise, we have the Flamethrower
A twisted and deformed abomination of two Gerhimasvall Abwermacht soldiers fused into one, the Flamethrowers are massive creatures corrupted by the First Born and the Pyxis as a kind of shock trooper to charge against hostile and entrenched enemy forces at the expense of their right forearm.

(1 Point)
TV: 15
DX[END] - Attack
  • 4[0] - “Flamethrower” (Continuing; Ranged. Inaccurate x2; Low Penetration x2)
Level - Ability
  • +2 - Armored
  • +3 - Attack
  • +2 - Combat Expert
  • +3 - Intimidating
  • +1 - Magic, Arcane
  • +2 - Perceptive “Magical Energy”
  • +2 - Tough
  • +2 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -1 - Awkward Size (Large)
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Gerhimasvall Abwermacht”
  • -3 - Servitude “Hanne Lichthammer”
  • -2 - Slow
  • -1 - Unique “Impaired Manipulation” (One-Handed)
  • -3 - Vulnerability “Fuel Tank”

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:45 pm
by Sabersonic
And finally, from the Crysis franchise, we have the Ceph Grunt.

I'm pretty sure a good chunk of you have been waiting for this one :lol:
Ceph Combat Units
Though given the official designation of Charybdis, these alien creatures are more commonly known as Ceph due to their anatomical resemblance to cephalopods. An ancient extra-galactic species, the Ceph originate from the Triangulum Galaxy whose advanced nanotech-based technology and hive intelligence have allowed them to fully colonize not only their home galaxy, but also neighboring galaxies via incursions such as the Milky Way Galaxy through their rapid adaptation and reaction to the local planetary environment.

Commonly called “Grunts”, the Ceph Combat Units are the most numerous of the Stage 2 Ceph for their invasion/colonization of a suitable planet and perfectly adapted to that particular biosphere largely through the assimilation of infected flesh by the aboriginal sapient species of said planet. Utilizing a specialized exo-skeleton to allow for greater movement under a higher gravity upon terrestrial environment, the Ceph Combat Units serve as the main line infantry of the Stage 2 Ceph military. Though not as fast nor as agile as their Ceph Assault Unit brethren, these towering extragalactic beings are heavily armed and armored. Their ownly weakness, a trait shared amongst many other Stage 2 Ceph, is the unarmored portion of their neck and upper back region where their true biological forms are the most vulnerable.

(1 Point)
TV: 13
DX[END] - Attack
  • 3[0] - “Arm Blades” (Armor Piercing. Elaborate Gestures)
  • 5[5] - “EMP” (Affinity, Electricity. Area Effect; Effective x2; Fatiguing; Strike Through. No Damage)
  • 3[0] - “Pinch Rifle, Assault” (Affinity, Energy. Impairing; Overwhelming; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Both Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
  • 4[0] - “Pinch Rifle, Scatter” (Affinity, Energy. Area Effect; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Both Hands on Weapon; Low Penetration; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
  • 4[0] - “Grenades” (Affinity, Explosion. Area Effect; Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Ranged; Stunning. Ammunition x3; Elaborate Gestures; Inaccurate x2; Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +3 - Armored*
  • +2 - Attack
  • +1 - Combat Expert
  • +2 - Intimidating
  • +1 - Knowledge “Squad Tactics”
  • +2 - Perceptive
  • +1 - Psychic “Ceph Hive-Mind” (Requirement, Other Ceph)*
  • +1 - Smart*
  • +1 - Strong*
  • +2 - Tough
  • +1 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -1 - Awkward Size (Large)
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -3 - Dependency “Link to Ceph Hivemind” (Dies)
  • -3 - Restricted Freedom “Ceph Hivemind”
  • -3 - Servitude “Alpha Ceph”
  • -3 - Vulnerability “Exposed Ceph” (Neck/Upper Back)
* Indicates that Character Ability/ies are of higher value than human norm, thus applicable for Scaled Advantage
And that should be it for this installment. So until next time, do anyone feel comfortable with the idea of using these NPC mooks for their own campaigns or do they need some corrective tweaks?

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:12 pm
by Blobathehutt
You have quite the offering here. As I said before I feel like if I ever need anything for a game that uses something that you posted I will use it in a heart beat.

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:27 pm
by Sabersonic
Blobathehutt wrote:You have quite the offering here. As I said before I feel like if I ever need anything for a game that uses something that you posted I will use it in a heart beat.
Well I do aim to give a bit of variety in NPC construction, perhaps inspire a few with their own concept designs and give them form. Not to mention refine more my character creation prowess in the OVA2e.

Still, considering how close I am to completing the X-Com franchise in terms of NPC foes, I'm kinda split on either doing the Mooks from the Jak and Daxter franchise or go with the other reason I've started this topic: Destiny.

Re: Legionem sum quia multi sumus

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 12:09 am
by Blobathehutt
Sabersonic wrote:
Blobathehutt wrote:You have quite the offering here. As I said before I feel like if I ever need anything for a game that uses something that you posted I will use it in a heart beat.
Well I do aim to give a bit of variety in NPC construction, perhaps inspire a few with their own concept designs and give them form. Not to mention refine more my character creation prowess in the OVA2e.

Still, considering how close I am to completing the X-Com franchise in terms of NPC foes, I'm kinda split on either doing the Mooks from the Jak and Daxter franchise or go with the other reason I've started this topic: Destiny.
I do like jak and daxter but you should go with what ever you have fun making.