Superhero OVA on Skype!
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 1:27 pm
Hi! I am running an OVA game based Commercial Super heroes like the manga Ratman or anime Tiger & Bunny. Character creation uses Base Zero rules. The game is set in modern day Japan. I have two heroines already, a combat android girl sponsored by a detective company and a Kamen Rider type girl sponsored by a T.V. station. Both girls are kind of shy and I need a morew outgoing team member to round out the group.
Are games happen 7pm Eastern Standard Time on Skype. Contact me at shadyjoker82 on skype or pm me on the forum if interested.
Are games happen 7pm Eastern Standard Time on Skype. Contact me at shadyjoker82 on skype or pm me on the forum if interested.