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Re: Superhero OVA

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:56 pm
by aronpolemic
I've thought about Regeneration as well, mostly for a Full Metal Alchemist setting. (And I agree that Anime, in my mind, seems very close to western superhero motifs).


Healing +(??)
(-5 Self-Only)
(-10 Build Up x2)
(+5 No Gestures)

So basically this means they can roll their Heal die/ice every third round for free. The thing is with this power, it doesn't automatically mean that they are immortal (although isn't the default for OVA that characters can't die?) it's just that they heal more quickly than most people do. Between battles they heal fully, but from round to round in the heat of battle it takes a little bit.

One should note that while this still leaves you at -5 for the ability, technically if you look hard enough at the healing entry you see that it comes preset with the Concentration flaw (worth |-20| ). No Gestures negates that, but it does feel a little gamey to do it that way. Hence 2 levels of Build Up.

Re: Superhero OVA

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:50 am
by Sabersonic
I've always wondered how one would utilize the Perks and Flaws on an Ability other than the Attack ability on a character profile in OVA2e terms. Is it basically like the Gear in which the Perks and Flaws are listed beneath the name of the Ability?

Re: Superhero OVA

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:16 pm
by Clay
aronpolemic: That sounds good! I appreciate that you took the time to factor in Healer’s built-in Concentration Flaw. If we’re being really picky, technically No Gesture does not mean “No Action.” ...which most interpretations of regeneration would suggest. But for simplicity’s sake, I think you can safely gloss over that. Just make sure to include this Ability in the character’s Threat Value!

Sabersonic: There’s a few examples in the Sample Characters of this. Usually I just put the Perks and Flaws used this way in parenthesis. But if you have a lot, by all means make a sub-list like Gear so that it’s easier to read.

Re: Superhero OVA

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:43 am
by Sabersonic
Clay wrote:Sabersonic: There’s a few examples in the Sample Characters of this. Usually I just put the Perks and Flaws used this way in parenthesis. But if you have a lot, by all means make a sub-list like Gear so that it’s easier to read.
I see, like in Ai's Barrier Ability with the Perk and Endurance Cost in the parenthesis brackets. Can't believe I missed that.... Though I am a bit surprised that there isn't an Endurance Cost Weakness as well to showcase that, but then again it might not be major enough to warrant the additional Weakness since there's already a cost/game balancer in the END cost.

Re: Superhero OVA

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:30 am
by Sabersonic
After watching Ant-Man on the big screen, a query came to mind: How would one use OVA2e to simulate the ability to change size than from the standard at will? Sure, there's the whole "Transformation" Ability to help tack in Scale-specific attributes to simulate it, but considering that the focus is generally to change one's size at will rather than once or twice an adventure, that's out.

There's Incorporeal and Art of Invisibility/Invisibility as an option, but I think they're mostly defensive rather than offensive. Anyone else have any suggestions for what is basically adopting the Scaled Advantage at will?

Re: Superhero OVA

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:30 am
by Atmo
Do it. Just do it.

Re: Superhero OVA

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:01 am
by Clay
The Endurance Use Weakness only adds more Endurance cost to what an Ability already possesses. You don’t assign it just because an Ability has one. (For instance, you’d only give it to Ai if you wanted to add 5/10/20 Endurance to her existing 5 for her Barrier.)

As for Ant-Man, you’re probably looking at a more focused version of Shape-Shifter, but not quite. Just create a Unique Ability, assign it to +3 (or whatever seems appropriate) and say that it lets you change size at will. Sometimes it’s best not to shoe-horn an idea you have into an existing Ability. After all, Unique Ability is there for a reason.

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