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RPG Conversions

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:24 am
by Thrythlind
Just converting some past RP characters to OVA.

HERO System Supers (home brew setting)

Greyskin aka Megumi Morisato

Note: this is from the end of a year long campaign so some XP spent

Smart 1
Incorporeal Form 3
Strong 3
Tough 4
Vigorous 2
Attack 2 Dimensional and Mass Shifts
Combat Expertise 2
Elusive 2
Knowledge: Writing 1
Knowledge: Supers and Super History 3
Knowledge: Computers 1
Knowledge: Conversation 3
Charismatic 3
Resistance Power Drain 2
Resistance Mental Attack 2
Iron-Willed: 3
Armored 4
Sixth Sense: Dimensional Anchors 1
Teleport 1
Life Support: 2 (high radiation)
Unique: X-Ray Vision 1
Unique: Invisible to Power Detection 1
Unique: Megascale leap 1

By the end of the campaign, Greyskin has adapted herself to being constantly standing in multiple positions at once. As a result, portions of any attack pass straight through her and the full impact is never placed on her toughened skin. In addition, she is more difficulty to affect by mental attack since it is hard to get a fix on her mind since it isn't always within her primary dimension. Attempts to drain and suppress her powers are similarly difficult. This has a tendency to freak out dimensional travelers such as the Eternals, who consider what she does to be something that should be impossible. Her strength, already above human, is similarly enhanced by this as she is able to phase out portions of any object or person she touches in order to make it easier to lift (as well as easier to tear apart.). She is also able to perceive the manner in which people are connected to a dimension. Enough to be able to tell apart natives and outsiders and also enough to tell that the immortal serial killer, Orsornio, is unusually strongly tied to the primary dimension of the story.

Every character from the world's best telepath to FBI agents to alien invaders that has tried to interrogate or talk with her has ended up in a conversation and revealing much more information than she gives them. She isn't trained for that. She's just infectiously conversational and people fall into a groove of talking to her.

Her obsessive knowledge of historical events related to supers and knowledge of specific supers had often been better than the official intel her team was given.

Greyskin also was capable of leaping up to 1 km at a time. She was primarily the team tank not the damage dealer. And she also provided intel via her knowledge and reverse interrogation techniques. She was only ever taken down once in the entire campaign. And that was when we were trying to be captured.

Admittedly, she was on the way to being taken down when the team was evacuated from the Madison Square Garden battle after successfully diverting the main enemy forces.

Punch: AR 4, DX 4, End: 0
Stunning, Ineffective x2
Due to the fact that anything she touches has reduced mass temporarily, every one of her attacks tends to send people flying across rooms.

Haymaker: AR: 3, DX 8, End: 5
Inaccurate, Activation, Effective x2, Stunning
She takes done time to wind up a heavier than usual punch by prepping dimensional shifts to tear through the enemy.

Dimensional Binding: AR: 4, DX: 0, End: 5
Paralyzing x2, Ranged, No Damage, Strike Through, Unique Flaw: target incorporeal
Greyskin sequesters someone outside the current dimension temporarily. Leaving them immobile and untouchable.

Pinball Dominoes: AR: 2, DX: 4, End: 10
Inaccurate x2, Ineffective x2, Mulitple Attacks x2, Stunning
Greyskin frequently practiced knocking one opponent into another sort of like playing billiards with bad guys.

Bizarre Appearance 2
Ineptitude: Manual Dexterity 3
Ineptitude: Teleporting 1
Impulsive 2
Obessession: Super autographs 3
Unique: Busybody 1
Sensitivity: Appearance 2
Unique: Glitchy 2
Unique: Knockback 2
Kind Hearted 2
Servitude: Masks 2
Endurance Use: Incorporeal 1
Endurance Use: X-Ray vision 1
Unique: Incorporeal does not stop radiation. 1

Powers in the setting mostly came from a mix of human and alien DNA. The alien parentage triggered something in the human genome that created powers that neither of the friendly alien races had themselves.

Megumi's powers awakened when a fight knocked her into some radioactive waste as a kid. They allowed her to survive (in fact, she is immune to the long term dangers of radiation, though it can still burn her to death and she can't phase away from it) but left her skin a toughened grey hide and her hands as twisted claws. Technically speaking she should be blind since her eyes appear to have been destroyed, but she still sees somehow (it's suspected to be based on her dimensional senses). Over time the scarred and burned appearance faded but she is still rather leathery and horrifying to most people, resulting in her wearing a scarf and hoody most of the time.

Despite her normally cheerful behavior she has severe issues related to her looks. Negative comments or even just commenting on how unique she looks can cause her to start having an anxiety attack. In such cases she has been known to get stuck in walls by accidentally phasing and unphasing with the panic attack keeping her from phasing back out. In addition, she occassional has had both her x-ray vision and her teleport go off on their own. By the end of the campaign this has become less common. Though if she is forced to use a mouse or keyboard rather than a voice command interface, she might trigger the anxiety on her own.

There is no known substance through which Greyskin cannot walk. Even anti-phasing measures are ineffective to stop her. She is not entirely aware that this makes her unique.

Megumi meddles in people's personal lives. She always tries to "fix" things for people.

Do to her nature of being constantly spread over multiple dimensions, any hit has the potential to knock her out of position. She is basically like an ultra ball. Easy to bounce around, hard to actually damage.

In the course of her career as a seeker (super powered black ops/ninja) she has killed 3 people. 2 were accidents (one was resurrected) when she overestimated their defenses. She had a reputation for lecturing her team members for dangerous or unfair tactics. So there was often a tendency to make sure she wasn't paying attention when hell hounds were summoned to attack the wounded, for instance. However, she allowed the death of one telepath and through Orsornio into vacuum noting it wouldn't be permanent. Ironically her dimensional binding attack would sever Orsornio from the dimension which would have killed him.

She once tried to get a supervillain's autograph during a fight and has similarly made such requests her first words to any famous super she's encountered regardless of the appropriateness of the situation. Such as at UN meetings. Or strategy sessions for dealing with alien attacks.

HERO Stats

Value Char Cost
(45)15 Str 5 Lift: 12.8 Tons; 9d6 damage
23 Dex 39 OCV: 8/DCV: 8
25 Con 30
15 Body 10
20 Int 10 Perception Roll 13-
15 Ego 10 ECV: 5
25 Pre 15 Pre Attack: 5d6
12 Com 1
8 PD 5 With Force Field: PD: 28, rPD 28
8 ED 3 With Force Field: ED: 28, rED 28
5 Spd 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
16 Rec 16
70 End 10
52 Stun 16

Normal Scale: 1" = 2 meters

Running: 6"/12"
Leaping: 15"/30"
Megascale Leaping: 1" (1"=1 km)
Swimming: 2"/4"
Teleportation: 13"/26"

30 Dimensional Phasing: Elemental Control, 60-Point Powers
15 1) Desolidification: Reduced Endurance (0 End), Activation Roll (-1), Vulnerable to Radiation Effects
29 2) Partial Phasing: Force Field (20 rPd/20 rED/9 Power Defense), Reduced Endurance (0 End), Doesn't work vs Radiation Effects
20 3) Phase Touch: +30 Strength, does not effect Figured Characteristics, Double Knockback, Reduced Endurance (1/2 End)
15 4) Teleportation: 12", No Relative Velocity, Safe Blind Teleport, Armor Piercing, Activation Roll 14, Jammed on failed activation
15 5) Dimensional Trap: Entangle 6d6, 6 Def, Requires Dimensional Philosophy Skill Roll, Cannot form Barriers, Vulnerable to Dimensional Attacks

1 Walk through Anything: Teleportation 1" Armor Piercing x2, Increased Endurance Cost (x4), Only to pass through items that "Affect Desolidified", Linked to Desolidification.

2 Mental Defense (5 points total)
10 Hardened Damage Resistance (8 rPD/8 rED) stops Penetrating before Armor Piercing
6 Power Defense (6 pts)
5 Invisibility to Sense Cosmic Power Reduced End (0 End)

5 Leaping +5" (15" Forward, 7 1/2" upward)
1 Megascale Leaping for 1" (1"=1 km)

3 Life Support: Longevity: 200 years, Safe in High Radiation

4 Megascale Sight, 1"=1 km (objects less than 1 km away unclear, so have to turn it off and on)
7 N-Ray Perception, not through Lead, Sight Group, Activation Roll 14-
5 Nightvision
20 Sense Dimensional Anchors (how people and objects are connected to their home dimension): Ranged, Discriminatory, Targetting

12 Contact: Aesir Academy, Good Relationship, Organization, 12-
2 Reputation: Looks out for others 14-, +2/+2d6
(RP) Reputation: Seeker 11- +2/+2d6

5 Eidetic Memory
3 Lightning Calculator
4 Speed Reading (x10 speed)

5 Conversation 15-
4 Dimensional Philosophy: 14-
3 Computer Programming 13-
3 KS: Supers 13-
3 KS: Historical Superhuman Battles 12-
3 PS: Author 13-
0 Language: Japanese (Native)
4 Language: English (idiomatic)
4 Language: Norweigan (idiomatic)
3 Teamwork 14-

10 Dependent NPC: Older Brother 11-, Normal, Useful Noncombat Position or Skills
15 Distinctive Feature: Grey Skin, Claws, Pupil-Less Eyes, Concealable, Always Noticed and causes Major Reaction)
10 Distinctive Features: Alien Blood (Not Concealable, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable by Technology or Major Effort)
15 Claws: Physical Limitation: -5 on Rolls involving Fine Manipulation
15 Almost Weightless: Physical Limitation: Suffers double knockback from attacks.
15 Public ID
15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Others
15 Psychological Limitation: Thinks she knows what is best for others
20 Susceptibility: Loss of Emotional Balance, 3d6 Entangle, Instant
10 Reputation: Busy-Body, 11- Extreme

Re: RPG Conversions

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:31 pm
by Edsel
Wow, talk about going for opposite ends of the spectrum! I have been a hero system player for decades, but I haven't had the courage to attempt this conversion. You're going from the upper end of complexity to just about the other extreme. I wish you luck and I'll be following this thread.

Re: RPG Conversions

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:20 pm
by Thrythlind
HERO was my favorite system until Fate. I'm very much all about flexibility and getting what I want. Until Fate there weren't many simpler games that could do it as well as HERO. M&M and BESM do it all right, not as well as HERO or Fate, but more people would actually play those, so that's what I played for a while.

If I had the time, I'd work on an OVA conversion for my setting, but I need to focus on its Fate rules for releasing supplements.

But you're likely to see Scion, Fate and BESM conversions here since I haven't gotten to play as many HERO games as I'd have liked.

Re: RPG Conversions

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:19 am
by Thrythlind
Okay, next will be the end-of-campaign version of Juri Como, Daughter of Benten

Note that Scion is a very high-powered game where characters can eventually become gods if they play long enough. We ended at Legend 5 (out of 12 possible) with the level of power being garnered increasing at an increasingly steep curve such that each increase in power is another order of magnitude improvement.

Juri Como
Charismatic 4
Knowledge: Mangaka 5
Knowledge: Storytelling 5
Knowledge: Deduction and Induction 3
Knowledge: Persuasion and Manipulation 3
Knowledge: Obfuscating Stupidity 3
Knowledge: Useful Trivia 2
Knowledge: Profiling People 3
Attack 1 - Chaos and Fire Boons
Sixth Sense: Fate and Magic 3
Sixth Sense: Illusions 2
Sixth Sense: Location and Direction 1

Magic, Arcane 3
-Twitching Web - Sixth Sense: Scrying 3 (Affinity: Magic/Spider, Requirement: Shielded area/object/person must be covered in spider webs as directed to her followers, requirements, Weapon - Artist's Sketch Pad) End: 5

-Purifying Flame - Unique: Ward (prevents the entry of a specific targeted type of creature specified by the spell when created, creates an invisible wall of Health 30 and Armor 3 that only stops that type of creature: servants of X God, Titanspawn, Demon Savages, etc; Affinity: Magic, Requirement: There must be a bonfire or multiple torches equaling a bonfire and the wall only covers the area where the light of the fire falls. Weapon - Requires wearing the Fire-Rat Kimono) End: 5

-Helpful Spirit - Knowledge: Use of Tool 3 - (Requirement must convince the spirit of the tool to help. Gives +3 to whatever task that tool or weapon is meant to be used for) End 10

-Summoned Spirit - Unique: Summoning 3 Calls forth the spirit of any object with which she is familiar. She may then discuss with them about things they have seen in their area. Requires building a temporary shrine to the spirit to be summoned. End: 10

-Silver Blessing - Unique 2 - Target weapon is counted as silver against lycanthropes and other supernatural entities. (Affinity: Moon, Weapon: Benten's Convention Pass) End: 5

Magic, Witchcraft 3
-Tangled Threads - Obsession: Watching the Scryed location 3 (Affinity: Magic/Spider, Trap, Requires pre-existing Twitching Webs spell, Weapon: Artist's Sketch Pad) - The victim becomes obsessed with maintaining a watched on the trapped person/object/area. End: 10

-Fated Venom - Unlucky 2 (Affinity: Magic/Spider, Unique must be cast on her spider-minions who must then bite the target, must be her followers, not just any spider. Weapon - Artist's Sketch Pad) End: 0

Resistance - Fire 5 (Affinity: Fire)
Resistance - Madness 3 (Affinity: Moon)
Cute! 3
Smart: 2
Perceptive: 2
Intuitive: 2
Quick: 2
Agile: 2
Strong: 1
Tough: 2
Vigorous: 4
Incorporeal Form: 5 (Limited Uses 3, Skin-Shedding, she is knocked out of her skin by an attack and suffers less damage, Can only be used in response to an attack of more than 15 damage to negate that damage. Can be used reactively.)
Life Suppport 1
Evasive: 3 (Based on her magical cuteness, does not affect mindless or emotionless enemies)
Companion 3 Kasai/Cassie
Companion 3 Kaen/Caine
Companion 3 Kaji/Kathy
Companion 3 Hono/Honey
Companion 3 Rekka/Rachel
Minions: 3 (6 spider swarms)
Unique: Speak to the Spirits in Objects 3
Unique: Speak to Spiders
Unique: Eye of the Storm 2
Famous: 3
Wealthy: 2
Connections: 3 (Agent, Spider-Spirit with oracular abilities)
Passion: Expression 4
Passion: Valor 1
Passion: Endurance 3
Lucky 2
Iron-Willed: 3
Gear: 3 (Fire-Rat Kimono, Benten's Convention Pass, Artist's Lap Board)
Unique Power: Fatebinding 3
Unique Power: Waterfall Eye 3 (summon companions, contact Joren)

Pyrotechnics: AR: 6, DX: 0, End: 15
Affinity: Fire, AoE x2, Blinding, Ranged, Accurate x2, No Damage, Requires a pre-existing Fire, Weapon: Fire-Rat Kimono
By causing a flame to explode into a pyrotechnic explosion, she can blind her opponents.

Paralyzing Confusion: AR: 5, DX: 0: End: 15
Affinity: Chaos, Will Attack, Paralyzing x2, Ranged, Weapon: Benten's Convention Pass
By infecting their minds with the essence of chaos, she can paralyze someone for a brief time.

Opening Salvo: AR: 5, DX: 2, End: 0
Will Attack, Fatiguing, Ranged
With supernatural precision, she can level insults and witticisms to drain the target's spirit.

Servitude: the Gods 2
Bizarre Appearance: False right eye 1
Quirk: Let's her spiders ride along on her body 1
Sensitivity: Art 2
Sensitivity: Injustice 1
Sensitivity: Weakness 2
Sensitivity: Duty 1
Kind-Hearted 2
Quirk Talks to Inanimate Objects 2 (most people can't hear them talking back)
Pacifist 1
Overconfident 2
Qurik Strange Attitude 2
Wanted: Titanspawn 3
Secret: Demigoddess 2
Unique Weakness: Fatebinding 3
Guardian: Her Minions 2
Impulsive 1
Unlucky 2

Defense: 4/7 vs creatures that appreciate her appearance
Health: 60
Endurance: 80

Kasai - The Perfectionist
Agile 1
Quick 1
Tough 1
Vigorous 1
Art of Invisibility 1
Knowledge: Planning 1
Combat Expertise 1
Attack 1
Evasive 2
Shapeshifting 1 - Spider and Fire bits

Fire Kunai: AR: 4, DX: 2, END: 0
Ranged, Affinity: Fire

Servitude 3 - Juri
Fussy 2
Overconfident 1
Guardian - Juri 2

Defense: 5
Health: 30
Endurance: 30

Kaen - The Large Ham
Agile 1
Quick 1
Tough 1
Vigorous 1
Art of Invisibility 1
Knowledge: Dramatic Timing 1
Combat Expertise 1
Attack 1
Evasive 2
Shapeshifting 1 - Spider and Fire bits

Fire Kunai: AR: 4, DX: 2, END: 0
Ranged, Affinity: Fire

Servitude 3 - Juri
Quirk: Narrates action, manufactures drama 2
Overconfident 1
Guardian - Juri 2

Defense: 5
Health: 30
Endurance: 30

Kaji - The Techie Geek
Agile 1
Quick 1
Tough 1
Vigorous 1
Art of Invisibility 1
Knowledge: Technology 1
Combat Expertise 1
Attack 1
Evasive 2
Shapeshifting 1 - Spider and Fire bits

Fire Kunai: AR: 4, DX: 2, END: 0
Ranged, Affinity: Fire

Servitude 3 - Juri
Obsession 2 - Technology, Divine and Mortal alike
Overconfident 1
Guardian - Juri 2

Defense: 5
Health: 30
Endurance: 30

Hono - The Ascended Fangirl
Agile 1
Quick 1
Tough 1
Vigorous 1
Art of Invisibility 1
Knowledge: Combat Hurricane 1
Combat Expertise 1
Attack 1
Evasive 2
Shapeshifting 1 - Spider and Fire bits

Fire Kunai: AR: 4, DX: 2, END: 0
Ranged, Affinity: Fire

Servitude 3 - Juri
Obsession 2 - Juri's Webcomic/Manga/Anime "Combat Hurricane"
Overconfident 1
Guardian - Juri 2

Defense: 5
Health: 30
Endurance: 30

Rekka - The Tsundere Yamato Nadeshiko
Agile 1
Quick 1
Tough 1
Vigorous 1
Art of Invisibility 1
Knowledge: Domestic Arts 1
Combat Expertise 1
Attack 1
Evasive 2
Shapeshifting 1 - Spider and Fire bits

Fire Kunai: AR: 4, DX: 2, END: 0
Ranged, Affinity: Fire

Servitude 3 - Juri
Fussy 1
Short-Tempered 1
Overconfident 1
Guardian - Juri 2

Defense: 5
Health: 30
Endurance: 30

Minions - Spider Swarms
Evasive 5
Art of Invisibilty 5

Servitude 3 - Juri
Impulsive 1
Bizarre Appearance 3 - swarm of spiders
Weak 3

Defense: 7
Health: 10
Endurance: 10

As a Demigoddess of relatively moderate Legend, Juri Como is often tasked to deal with things that are slightly outside the normal World. She has traveled to numerous Terra Incognita and dealt with many powerful spirits and gods such as Joren of the Waterfall, Utgardt-Loki, Odin and Amaterasu.

Juri has supernatural attributes across the board, but she has only trained a very little in combat, enough to not shoot herself. She normally relays on her comrades to do the actually fighting stuff while she steps forward for using her magic to see the strings of Fate around her. She also is perhaps one of their best people for dealing with mortals and negotiations. She also has been able to get lots of information from talking to buildings, old relics and other such things through her Amatsukami connection with the spirits in all things.

Juri had a tendency for behaving as if she were air-headed and unaware of people, which is heavily implied by the fact that "Como's Venom" is now a slang term for someone who pretends to be stupid while being very clever among Norse gods and titans, with whom she's had a lot of interaction with due to being tied up in Utgardt-Loki's and Odin's wager.

While by scion rules, she doesn't need her relics on her person any longer for anything but her most powerful spells, she generally has them on her at all times and, if they were stolen, she'd lose access to her powers until the item was recovered.

Her artist's lapboard is the focal object for her magic and illusion abilities, though she has not developed very many illusions. She just has one illusion boon which allows her to create a momentary distraction.

The convention pass which once belonged to her mother when Benten was walking the Earth as an artist at an Australian convention where she met Juri's father. It has a spider trapped in to the lamination and is her focal object for her spider, moon, chaos and psychopomp (travel) boons. This includes her resistance to supernatural madness, her sense for location and direction, and her Eye of the Storm power, which simply says that if there is chaos around her; such as a riot, earthquake, artillery barrage or hurricane; she herself will not be touched by it unless she directly involves herself in what is going on. IE, in a hurricane, she could walk through the hurricane safely up until she tried to rescue someone from a falling tree and was thus directly interfering in events.

The Fire-Rat Kimono was a gift in exchange for services rendered from Utgardt-Loki as part of their assigned quest to turn him to the side of the gods and away from the titans. It is the focal object of her fire-abilities including her resistance to fire, her pyrotechnic blinding attack and the purifying flame spell that allows her to create an area which bars certain creatures out of it for as long as the fire lasts.

The Waterfall Eye is the prosthetic her mother provided her with after she exchanged the pupil of her right eye for the eternal service of Joren of the Waterfall. Joren is a water-spider spirit, a jurougumo, whose people sheltered Benten from the titans while she was giving birth to Juri. He has an ability to see the weave of Fate such that every so often, he can answer a set number of questions truthfully. (once per story, number of questions was set by a skill roll)

Juri had several spells and abilities that gave her an eye on the strings of Fate around her....unlidded eye let her see the threads of Fate so as to unveil manipulations of fate (magic spells...not all supernatural powers, just magic, which is direct manipulation of fate) and get a judge for how powerful a creature is....Sense fatebond let her see when two people were tied by fate....Psychic profiler let her read how the relationship entailed by ties of fate.

She had a supernatural capability for deduction which she tended to focus through her art board, though there was no direct link between the powers. She could set forth a conclusion, usually in the form of a storyboard on her art board, and know whether or not her conclusion was correct, incorrect, or based on faulty information.

As to Fatebinding. Scions, gods and other creatures of legend are subject to this phenomena. When they use their powers in the presence of mortals, they can possibly become "fatebound". The mortal will see them in a particular fashion and as long as that mortal is present, then the scion would gain benefits for acting in accordance with the fatebinding but penalties for acting against. For example, if Zeus tries to act against his reputation as a womanizer, he would receive massive penalties and bad luck to all his actions that counter that reputation. If he acted in accordance with his reputation, he would get bonuses to those actions. This is because it is the collective will of humanity and its desire for story that creates Fate. As such, the more often scions behave in a supernatural manner around mortals, the more their story grows, which increases their power, but if they are not careful, they can find themselves bound up in strings of fate which almost force them to act in certain manners.

The "Chunin" are fire spiders (apparently, the kanji for fire-spider ends up sounding like chunin...and we already decided they were ninja, so it was a great coincidence). Their souls are the souls of women who were fans of Juri's webcomic before they died in some horrible accident. Benten harvested their souls while they were wandering around at the destroyed gates to the Underworld and gave them this second chance at life. They are capable of minor transformations between a human appearance and some spider-features. They can't fully become a spider, however. They were mostly used to perform off-screen errands and do ninja stuff like distract police officers or secretly watch some place. They were not the warriors that Atalanta's Amazon followers were.

Scions each have four virtues rated from 1 to 5 from which they garner increased effectiveness. The higher the rating, the more effective they were when acting in accordance with that virtue....but the more that virtue guided their behavior.

Scions can also call upon their legend a number of times per story equal to their rating in Legend. I did this by giving her Lucky and its extra drama dice. I assumed a Legend 12 God would have Lucky 5, so a Legend 5 demigod would have Lucky 2. Conversely, she is also a scion and thus a focus of humanity's collective obsession with stories and thus tends to attract adventure and danger to her doorstep, hence the Unlucky stat.

Juri can go a long time (days or weeks) without food, water or sleep thanks to her Holy Fortitude, this also allows her to hold her breath a long time (around 10 minutes or so)...but she does need to eat, breathe, sleep and drink.

Juri's incorporeal form is a one-use defensive measure. Once per combat, she can ignore the damage of a single hit because the hit simply knocks her out of her old skin rather than dealing any real damage. It is based on a Skin-Shedding knack from scion.

Scion Stats - Numbers in parentheses with Attributes represent Epic Levels. Even 1 level of which represents superhuman ability. Mortals can get up to 5 in the basic attribute. Scions can get up to their Legend-1 in Epics.

Basic Attribute represents d10s rolled on a skill check (with 7-9 being 1 success and 10 being 2 successes)
Epics add automatic successes at the following rate (1=1, 2=2, 3=4, 4=7, on)

Knacks are listed under to their connected attribute

Juri Como
Pantheon: Amatsukami
Parent: Benten
Calling: The Great Mangaka

Strength 2(1)
Holy Bound (superjumping)

Dexterity 4(2)
Photographic Penmanship (perfect recreations of things manga style)
Monkey Climber (superclimbing)

Stamina 4(2)
Holy Fortitude (go longer without food, water, sleep or air)
Skin-Shedding (powerful blows knock you out of your skin, but do no damage, once per scene)

Charisma 5(4)
Charmer (attempts to use presence and charisma ignore one negative emotion of user's choice: anger, suspicion, hatred, etc)
Crowd Control (as Charmer, affects everyone in area, not just one person)
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (causes target to decide not to level a punishment against you because you didn't mean to cause trouble, honestly)
Blame James (convince target that you were mislead into your action by someone else)
Blessing of Importance (target feels respected and important and recovers willpower)

Manipulation 5(3)
Advantageous Circumstance (make a rube-goldberg device out of human emotions to achieve a momentary advantage)
Rumor Mill (cause rumors of your choice to spread with supernatural speed and accuracy up to a level of exposure dependent on your skill)
Blurt it Out (cause target to blurt out some secret related to the topic of conversation)

Appearance 5(3) - Divine Beauty - Cuteness Focus
Pang of Conscience - Ambushers and other attackers from surprise hesitate and might be more easily noticed before they attack.
D'Awwww - Attackers hesitate to hurt such a cute person and her defense improves
Center of Attention - She can force all present to focus on her for around 3 minutes.

Perception 4(2)
Fool Me Once - Bonuses to see through illusions and ability to recognize who crafted the illusion
Sense Fatebond - See lines of fate between people who are fatebound to each other
Telescopic Senses - If you can sense something at all, it as if you are standing right there. Whispers are as loud as regular conversation, faint scents are as if you are standing right there, objects on the horizon look as close as if you were standing next to them.

Intelligence 3(3)
Know-it-All - Gains occasional piece of information useful to the situation, encyclopedic knowledge of trivia
Fast Learner - reduces XP costs on some skills
Axiom - Make a conclusion and roll...if successful you know if the conclusion is true, false or incorrect (based on bad information)

Wits 4(3)
Psychic Profiler - Learn Height, Weight, Age, Sex and whether or not a person has divine heritage just by looking at them. After speaking to them, learn their calling, nature, highest virtue and any active fatebond roles.
Jack of All Trades - Use epic successes even on skills you have no points in.
Opening Salvo - Insult drains Willpower from target

Academics 2
Animal Ken 3
Art - Mangaka 5
Art - Storytelling 5
Athletics - 2
Awareness - 3
Brawl - 1
Command - 1
Control (Driving/Riding) - 0
Craft - Draftsmanship - 2
Empathy - 3
Fortitude - 1
Integrity - 3
Investigation - 1
Larceny - 1
Marksmanship - 1
Medicine - 0
Melee - 0
Occult - 3
Politics - 3
Presence - 3
Science - 1
Stealth - 1
Survival - 0
Thrown - 0

Duty - 1
Endurance - 3
Expression - 4
Valor - 1

Legend 5

Willpower 7

Benten's Convention Pass - 4 - Grants access to Psychopomp, Chaos, Moon, Animal(spider)
Artist's Lapboard - 2 - Grants access to Illusion and Magic
Fire-Rat Kimono - 2 - Grants access to Fire, if left sitting in a fire and then worn, increases Epic Appearance by +1
Waterfall Eye - 3 - Can't be removed, Contact Joren, Summon Chunin

Spider Swarms - Sprite stats refluffed as swarms of spiders
Str 1, Dex 4, Sta 1, Cha 2, Man 1, App 2, Per 3, Int 2, Wits 3
Loyalty 5
Web-spinning, wall-climbing
Animal Ken 1, Awareness 3, Craft 1, Empathy 3, Integrity 5, Larceny 3, Occult 1, Stealth 3, Brawl 3
Willpower 6, Legend 1, Legend Points 1, Soak 1B/0L, Dodge DV 3, Join Battle 6, Health Levels -0/-1/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Chunin - 5 Fire-Spider Ninja
Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 3, Cha 3, Man 2, App 2, Per 3, Int 2, Wits 3
Duty 2, End 1, Exp 1, Valor 1
Academics 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 2, Empathy 1, Integrity 3, Investigation 2, Larceny 4, Melee 2, Stealth 3, Thrown 3
Monkey Climber, Spider Climber
Willpower 5, Legend 1, Legend Points 2, Soak 3B/2L, Dodge DV 4, Join Battle 6, Health Levels (as human)
Shuriken +2 Acc, +1L Dam, +0 Def, 4 Speed, 15 Range, 8 dice +3L Damage
Kunai +0 Acc, +3L Dam, +1 Def, 4 Speed ,10 Range - 6 Dice, +5L damage

Cassie (Kasai) - Perfectionist, Neat Freak
Caine (Kaen) - Manufactures Dramatic Poses, Narrates
Kathy (Kaji) - Enthralled with Tech
Honey (Hono) - Ascended Fan Girl
Rachel (Rekka) - Tsundere Yamato Nadeshiko

Africa Richelieu - Agent of Mangaka - unaware of the supernatural and the titanwar
Joren - Lord of the Joren Falls Jurougumo - Possess Mystery of unknown rating

Animal Communication Spider - Animal 1

The Wakeful Spirit - Tsukumogami 1 - Wake up the spirit of an object to talk to it. Must be an object old, beloved, hated or otherwise special enough to have a spirit.
The Watchful Spirit - Tsukumogami 2 - Can convince a spirit to remain awake and spy for you for some days.
The Helpful Spirit - Tsukumogami 3 - Can convince a spirit to aid the wielder of the object it is the spirit of, provides bonus dice for some days to mundane uses of the object.
The Summoned Spirit - Tsukumogami 4 - Can call a spirit you've encountered before from anywhere so that you might use the other Tsukumogami powers with it.

Fire Immunity - Fire 1 - Can't be burned
Pyrotechnics - Fire 2 - Causes a fire source to explode, blinding people in an area.
Purifying Flames - Fire 4 - Blesses a bonfire or multiple torches so that the light acts as a wall against targeted foes. Duplicates Guardian 3 - Ward.

Eye of the Storm - Chaos 1 - Untouched by chaos in area unless directly involves self.
Paralyzing Confusion - Chaos 3 - Cause a person to be paralyzed by chaotic thought for a few rounds.

Momentary Distraction - Illusion 1 - Create a flicker of motion out of the corner of the target's eyes.

Bearing of Lunar Grace - Moon 1 - protects the person from supernatural attempts to inflict madness based on how many total Moon boons possessed.
Silver Blessing - Moon 2 - Causes targeted weapon or ammunition to act as silver for a while

Magic - 4
Unlidded Eye - Spell 1 - See Legend ratings, see magic and some supernatural powers.
Legendary Surge - Spell 2 - Grant target some Legend points
Twitching Web - Spell 2 - detect scrying on protected object/area/person
Fated Venom - Spell 3 - targeted minions can bite to infect enemy with effect of the Evil Eye rank 2 spell.
Tangling Threads - Spell 4 - target who scrys on an area/object/person covered by Twitching Web becomes unable to think of doing anything but watch that target

Unerring Location - Psycopomp - Always know location relative to prior location, memorize maps, know north.

Re: RPG Conversions

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:39 am
by Thrythlind
That was a more straight stats to stats version of the character...if I were to make the character from scratch as a starting character I'd do this:

Juri Como
Lucky 2
Magic, Arcane Magic 2
Magic, Witchcraft 2
Sixth Sense: Fate and Magic 1
Unique: Talk to Spiders 1
Unique: Talk to Spirits of Objects 1
Charismatic 2
Cute! 2
Knowledge: Mangaka and Storytelling 5
Knowledge: Occult 1
Knowledge: Manipulation and Persuasion 2
Smart 2
Iron-Willed 2
Famous 1
Wealthy 2
Minions 3 (spider swarms)

Quirk: Obfuscating Stupidity 2
Sensitivity - Art 2
Unlucky 2
Servitude - Mother: Benten 2
Servitude - Gods - 1
Wanted - The Titans 3
Guardian Her Minions - 2
Impulsive 1
Unique: Fatebinding 3
Quirk: Treats spiders as friends and lets them crawl on her 2
Quirk: Talks to inanimate objects 1

She hasn't gotten her ninja servants yet, hasn't traded away her eye for service from the spider lord....and this makes her dependence on her relics less.

I left in Famous and Wealthy because all scions only get visited and fully awaken if they've already done something noteworthy enough to attract their divine parent's attention. And her accomplishment was the creation of the "Combat Hurricane" webcomic which is about to be made into an anime.

Magic lets her do a wide variety of stuff related to her Purviews of Travel, Moon, Chaos, Spider, Magic, Illusion and Fire. So this version of her likely has more tricks.

Re: RPG Conversions

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:54 am
by Thrythlind
In that regard, I'll try to do a from scratch of Greyskin too:

Armored 2
Tough 2
Vigorous 2
Strong 2
Incorporeal 3
Teleport 2
Combat Expert 1
Evasive 3
Attack 2
Knowledge: Supers and Super History 2
Knowledge: Conversation 2
Charismatic 2
Sixth Sense: Dimensional Anchors 1

Bizarre Appearance: 2
Ineptitude - Manual Dexterity 3
Ineptitude - Teleporting 1
Sensitivity - Looks 2
Kind-Hearted 2
Unique: Glitchy 2
Secret - Seeker 2
Servitude - Masks 2
Quirk - Busybody 1
Unique: Knockback 2
Obsession: Super Autographs 3
Impulsive 2
Endurance Use 1 - Incorporeal
Endurance Use 1 - Teleport

Punch: AR: 3, DX 5, End 0

Phase Touch: AR: 3, DX 3, End 0
Ineffective x2, Stunning
This touch sends people flying across the area and keeps them out of the fate for a bit.

Haymaker: AR: 3, DX 8, End: 5
Inaccurate, Activation, Effective x2, Stunning
She takes done time to wind up a heavier than usual punch by prepping dimensional shifts to tear through the enemy.

Dimensional Binding: AR: 4, DX: 0, End: 5
Paralyzing x2, Ranged, No Damage, Strike Through, Unique Flaw: target incorporeal
Greyskin sequesters someone outside the current dimension temporarily. Leaving them immobile and untouchable.

Pinball Dominoes: AR: 2, DX: 4, End: 10
Inaccurate x2, Ineffective x2, Mulitple Attacks x2, Stunning
Greyskin frequently practiced knocking one opponent into another sort of like playing billiards with bad guys.

Defense 5
Health 60
Endurance 60