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Magical items: Aurunox's Dragonslayer Rune Blades

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:39 pm
by Chris Brady
As I'm sure no one has read, this is the the character that I'm playing in a lighter hearted tale of Fukiko and Auren's adventures:

Aurunox the Mighty is/was a dragon, one of the greater Noble ones. During the Age of Magical Might he amused himself by terrorizing various kingdoms and villages around the mountain he called home. And by around, that was close to a thousand miles in all directions.

The Order of The Fallen Star and various other Magical orders spent decades trying to stop him, but to no avail. Until one day, a human warrior from a far off kingdom known only as 'Dragonslayer' came to his mountain and challenged him. Aurunox accepted and they fought.

Dragonslayer had been given that name because until Aurunox he had slain over a dozen dragons albeit of the Common variety. But even though Aurunox was one of the greatest of even the more powerful Noble Dragons, the human knight was willing and proved capable of dealing with any of the beasts.

The fight lasted almost a week of constant battle, both equally matched. And the longer the fight went on, the greater Aurunox's respect for Dragonslayer grew, until a point where he grew loathed to kill the human. And in his heart of hearts, he wondered if he even could.

On the last day, when both nearing their end of endurance, Dragonslayer bested him! And as the final blow was about to land, Aurunox did the one thing that neither expected.

Shifting to his human form (of which he had several, he was a powerful magical creature after all) dropped to one knee, bowed his head in a manner similar to Dragonslayer's fellow knights and uttered two words: I yield.

And the human warrior actually stayed his swords. For he had remembered that in all of tales of the Dragon's fearsome feats, Aurunox only ever killed in self-defense and never actually ate a human. In fact it was well known that the beast liked his beef and he liked it well done, even to the point of being willing to be bribed with a cow, or a simple steak meal.

And so began one of the oddest and perhaps greatest friendships to ever grace that time. And in the decade that passed, both of them had many an adventure. Aurunox was having a grand old time of it as well. Doing good deeds actually netted him the very same gold and magic rewards he used to raid and steal! And even better some of it was given freely, in thanks!

Then on a summer's day, before one of their hunting trips, Aurunox came to the secret human sized entrance and found his best friend's two Rune Blades crossed into the rocky surface. They stood there in an X as if waiting for him. And the might dragon was confused. Dragonslayer had died? How? He wasn't that old, not even past his mid thirties. Aurunox made sure he knew of such things, because that's what friends do. Who had killed his friend, his first true friend? And why had the magical swords delivered themselves to him? They're bane to his kind.

However, the thought of some coward having taken the life of Dragonslayer filled him with such righteous rage for vengeance and justice that he braved the touch of the hilts.

The show of lights and power knocked him to one knee, but he did not release the brands. When it was over, everything had changed. He was no longer in the rocky lands he calls home, it was a field near an odd looking shrine one of a design he never encountered. Even the air didn't 'smell' right. And it was night, when he had just awoken an hour before, making it noon. Worse the only thing he had were his dear friend's blades, his Dragon magic was gone! He was stuck as a human! At least the Dragonslayer Blades still functioned and were still able to merge into their Greatsword form at will and back again.

However, if there was one thing that Aurunox had that other dragons did not, was his adaptability. Wandering down into the city below the hillside shrine, he raided the tailor shops for appropriate clothing and spare money for food. His days playing 'adventurer' aided immensely. Then he found an Internet cafe, and guessing luckily, found a store of information he could use to learn about this new land.

Using his natural charm, he beguiled the admittedly bored young lady into showing him how to use a computer and the internet. Then spent nearly half of his money and nearly twelve hours reading up on the world. Disturbingly enough, he never found mention of his friend, nor much about his era, but decided that something or someone, wanted him here. If the Rune Blades allowed his touch, then they must see whatever threat ahead to be greater than even he. A thought that rankled, sure, but so it seemed.

Mentally hoping that Dragonslayer had a good long life, and giving his friend permission to loot his lost hoard as needed, he sought out what threat summoned him.

And promptly ran into a truancy officer. What Aurunox did not know, or paid less attention to was that he now looked like a stocky, human boy of about sixteen! And so a whirlwind of activity ensued, which amused and confused him. It was determined that he was a runaway orphan, (he feigned amnesia to cover his lack of practical knowledge and newness to this world, which actually helped them as much as it did him!) and then quickly placed in a foster home, finally enrolled into the local high school. Which after learning what that was, he secretly approved of. Knowledge is a resource, after all.

And even though this was new, and he did miss his time, it really didn't seem so bad. Until he found out he was in the same class as Auren.

Personality: urunox finds everything interesting, which tends to get him in trouble as coupled with his reckless tendency to dive into every situation with both feet. It made life interesting, to say the least, when he was with Dragonslayer. Now, he's slightly more cautious, but he loves every thing he sees. But one thing he can't stand, especially since he had been one before he'd 'settled down' is bullies. His naturally boisterous nature also gets him in trouble in modern Japan, his lack of caring also causes embarrassment. Although he's brash, loud, overconfident and likes brawling and chasing skirts a little too much, he's very much one of the nicest guys you'll meet.

He still has his flashes of dragon but he is learning and underneath it all, he's taken to liking humans. Especially the girls. Even if they pile ungodly amounts of school work on him.

TVTrope: Chivalrous Pervert, Good is Not Soft.

The Rune Blades: These pair of swords are, of course, magical. Aurunox mistakenly believes that they are designed to slay dragons, but are in reality, designed to slay 'evil'. They are granted by some unseen will to a champion of an era, driving them to seek out companions to root out some great threat.

They have two forms, a pair of large blades that are faster to use, but do less damage, and a single two handed weapon, that's slower but hits much harder. Both forms they are razor sharp and can cut through anything with the right amount of strength. They can also mask their presence if needed to, like they do in Aurunox's current world. They may also have powers that he doesn't know about yet. They currently cannot harm any 'non-Evil' creature, which includes most humans.

Aurunox “Arisawa Hayato”

Concept: Time Lost Polymorphed Dragon
Birthday: January 7th
Age: 237 (looks 16)
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 7”
Weight: 152lbs.
Hair: Punk-Orange with red tips
Eyes: Green
Association: None
Hobbies: Martial Arts
Favourite food: Cooked beef (All kinds)
Allies: None
Enemies: Anyone who victimizes others

Attack: +4 (Rune Blades)
Combat Expert: +4
Evasive: +1
Intimidating: +1
Iron Will: +3
Perceptive: +1
Resistance: +2 (Fire)
Smart: +1
Strong: +2
Tough: +3

Ageism -1
Bizarre Appearance: Flame coloured 'punk' hair -1
Compulsion (Fighting) -1
Code of Conduct: Chivalry -2
Easily Distracted -1
Hatred: -2 (Bullies)
Impulsive -2
Lecherous -1
Loner -1
Overconfident -1
Secret -1 (Dragon)
Soft Spot -1 (Beef, all types but well cooked)

(Wish I knew how to spoiler block that, but...)

So my question is... How would I build the Rune Blades as either an item or a power?

Re: Magical items: Aurunox's Dragonslayer Rune Blades

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:49 am
by Chris Brady
The 'Dragonslayer' Rune Blades

A pair of over sized one handed weapons with mysterious abilities, most heroes who've owned the have never unlocked every ability, in fact most don't know what are all the powers of these blades. What is known however are three main abilities.

First both blades can be combined into a larger two handed sword. Similar in appearance, with ancient runes along both sides, and red cloth wrapping loosely tied at the hilt.

The second is that naturally evil or supernatural creatures take more damage than other foes. Currently, though, they will not harm any non-Evil or non-supernatural creature.

Thirdly, the blade is razor sharp at a magical level, allowing it to cut anything with ease.

Aurunox's Rune Blades

Some perks for the Rune Blades
All have Armor Piercing, as well as Area of Effect x1 and Defensive x1 for two handed mode, Multiple Targets x1 and Accurate x1 for dual wield mode
Flaws: All have Weapon. Greatsword has Inaccurate x2, Dual Swords has Unwieldy (more for the fact he uses both weapons for offense, leaving himself slightly more open to counter attacks.) Thinking Cancel against non-Evil. Weapon goes through those that are not truly evil. And 'truly Evil' are things like demons and human rapists and unrepentant murderers.

Combining both into vague fighting styles.

Dual blade technique

Perks: Armour Piercing x1 (5), Multiple Targets x1 (10), Accurate x1 (5)
Flaws: Weapon (-5), Cancel (cannot affect non-Evil/supernatural targets, -10), Unwieldy (-5, it's more he's on full offense, leaving openings)

Greatsword Fighting

Perks: Armour Piercing x1 (5), Area of Effect x1 (10), Defensive x1 (5), Effective x1
Flaws: Weapon (-5), Cancel (see above -10), Inaccurate x2 (-10)

Look good?

Re: Magical items: Aurunox's Dragonslayer Rune Blades

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:56 am
by Clay
Looks good to me! Only hiccup I might see is that the “cancel” might be overpriced depending on your definition of Evil and what the context of the game is. If the characters only fight evil monsters 95% of the time, -10 might be better priced at -5. On the other hand, if you have to fight grey-area combatants like other humans a lot, maybe it’s fine.

Re: Magical items: Aurunox's Dragonslayer Rune Blades

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:04 pm
by Chris Brady
Clay wrote:Looks good to me! Only hiccup I might see is that the “cancel” might be overpriced depending on your definition of Evil and what the context of the game is. If the characters only fight evil monsters 95% of the time, -10 might be better priced at -5. On the other hand, if you have to fight grey-area combatants like other humans a lot, maybe it’s fine.
Saspar and crew were the first villains we got to face off with. :) it's why the GM allowed it to be -10. I was thinking -5 myself.