Removing abilities

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Shelled Plebeian
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Removing abilities

Post by Atsu »

Is there a method in place to either temporarily or permanently disable another character's abilities? For example..

My heroes are facing down the evil Dr. Rocket at the top of his infernal Death Spire. He laughs and taunts them as he races about the sky, dodging their attacks, held aloft by his bit of gear 'Jet pack' (Flight +4). One of my players gets sick of his antics, pulls out his sniper rifle (Accurate x4, Concentration) to put a bullet hole through the mad doctor's jet pack thus disabling it, grounding him and getting a getting in a good humiliating quip in at the doctor's expense.

Would the best method be to apply an impairing complication as a weakness? Malfunction? But those are only supposed to be a -1 in severity, a minor difficulty.

Oh, another semi-related question, how do your flight dice affect your defensive rolls while in the air? The book says that you roll your flight dice when testing your abilities in the air, I would consider dodging attacks to be testing your abilities in the air. But, do you still get evasive and quick dice?
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Removing abilities

Post by Atmo »

First, it's a npc, you can add or remove Abilities, Weakness or values as you wish.

Second, yes, flight counts to Flight in Defense. Evasive and Quick counts, too, for Defense.
Shelled Plebeian
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Re: Removing abilities

Post by Atsu »

True, but will the same hold true if the tables are turned? Gear is one thing I guess, it can be taken away and the players will just have to accept that, but what if the villain has a strength sapping gas? I know of some players that would argue that it isn't possible with how the rules are written.
Dangerously Sane
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Re: Removing abilities

Post by Clay »

Disabling a Jetpack: Actually, what you're looking for is the Weakness/Flaw Complication. This allows you to take advantage of the villain's Focus, Gear, etc. to deactivate the jetpack.

Flight and Defense: You should always roll all dice that apply, so yes, add your Flight dice...but only while you're flying. (It makes a little sense if you think about it. Flight adds an entire third dimension to the combat, so being more evasive is a reasonable expectation.)

Strength Sapping Gas: This can be handled with the Magic, Witchcraft Ability. If you prefer it to be a non-magical source, just rename the Ability. (To clarify, you wouldn't be "removing" a character's Ability, but be instead giving them a Weakness. Amounts to much the same, really.)
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