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OVA Variant: Now with more distances

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:33 pm
by CursedEmbrace
Hey everyone.

I'm setting up to run a second campaign with my partner, maybe with a friend or two into the bargain. The setting is another of my own creation that's all dark a piratey.

Anyway, something that I did in my first campaign and plan to do again is use gridded maps and tokens, which worked great last time, especially as I like drawing or making maps from various online assets.

Now, just as before I plan to make distances matter a little more, because of the gridded map. The addition of distance worked well enough in the first campaign, characters could 'move' 8 5ft by 5ft squares before any other action they took +3 more or so for every rank of Quickness. Now if a character moved the full 8 squares then they'll have covered a distance of roughly 40ft in a matter of seconds (or however long a round is assumed to take up) does this sound reasonable?

I mean the hundred meters dash is won in under ten seconds and that's 328ft when converted (I realise of course that such a time is run by the best athletes in the world who, if they were represented in OVA would have two or more ranks of Quick at least). So what do you guys think? Is 40ft rolled into another action (say an attack) a reasonable amount of movement to allow in a few seconds by a 'normal' person +an additional 15 or so feet per rank of Quickness, or do you think its too fast or slow?

Thank you for reading and another thank you for anyone who takes the time to reply. Have a great day!

Re: OVA Variant: Now with more distances

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:03 pm
by Atmo
Using D&D standards, this is a very good start.