it says in the news section
7.27.05 -
OVA is finally in print! I realize it's a bit later than intended. Two artists dropped out last minute and there was some difficulty obtaining an ISBN. Everything's fine now though, so head on over to and order a copy!
Those of you with the PDF version of the game should expect a download link to a revised file including all changes made.
the problem is i haven't received any email about this yet.
and the date is 3 months old
should i just redownload using the old link i was given
when i purchase the pdf?
OVA revised
Moderator: Wise Turtle
From the latest news update:
I'm also sorry for those of you still waiting on the updated PDF. RPGnow has either been too busy or unable to process my revision request, despite numerous emails. Until I can get this worked out, I am offering a list of errata here.