Some questions about OVA Fantasy

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Some questions about OVA Fantasy

Post by TheGreyReversed »

I just recently purchsed OVA as an alternative to most of the big name RPG systems and I think you did a fantastic job clay. However I was wondering when exactly you were going to announce a release date for them because they're still listed as TBA. The magic ability you have in place is pretty good but when it comes to attacking using magic I'm at a loss. The only way I have found around thi is to include such magical abilities as power moves, but it just doesn't feel right when me and my buds play. Oh and I was also wondering if you would address the use of alchemy as an ability in OVA: Fantasy as well.
Inquisitor Melchior
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Post by Inquisitor Melchior »

Using Power Move to make attacks can seem a bit awkward (target yourself so you can release an attack through power move), but you get used to it after a while. Still, if you'd rather not use that method, here's a method I came up with for creating more intuitive magical attacks in my campaigns.
Magic Attack Rule
Any character with Magic, Arcane or Magic, Witchcraft may make a direct attack using its mystic powers. This attack costs 1 endurance (regardless of your level in the appropriate magic ability) and deals 1 damage (Do not apply default damage to this attack). You may apply Power Perks and Flaws to this attack as you could a Power Move, however, the endurance cost may never be lowered to less than 1, regardless of how many flaws you apply. You do not need to roll a casting check to make this attack. To determine how well the attack hits (or if it hits) roll as if making a regular attack (your attack dice versus your opponent's defense dice).

An arcane or witchcraft magic user may also channel their powers into a superior magic attack. To do this the magic user must choose a level for the attack (1 through 5), must pay the endurance specified for casting a spell of that level +10 endurance, and must make a caster check as specified for a spell of that level. If the endurance is paid and the casting check succeeds the magic user unleashes an attack that deals damage equal to that specified in the Power Move table for a Power Move of that level (do not apply default damage to the attack). This attack is treated as a regular attack just as that of a lesser magic attack is. You may add Power Perks and Flaws to this attack just as you could a Power Move. Flaws applied in this way reduce the total endurance cost of the superior magic attack, however, they may not reduce the endurance cost to a total less than 5. Though this effect functions similarly to using the Power Move ability through magic, it provides a few incidental benefits and needs not be cast on someone before it can be used. However, as you cannot grant these attack abilities to others they are not as versatile for group use as casting a Power Move is.

Magic attacks and Superior Magic Attacks cannot be maintained, though effects created through perks or flaws still last their full duration. Continued Damage and Redirectable still function as normal, and the attack still executes after the delay caused by Activation or Charge flaws. Each magic attack and superior magic attack should have an affinity (see Affinity at the end of the Power Perks and Flaws section).

I hope that helps. It’s only been play-tested once though, so I'm not sure it’s balanced. I should probably note that you can have your players list magic attacks just like spells, or can allow them to create magic attacks on the fly, as you prefer. If the player wishes to make his magic attacks more accurate just take levels in Combat Skill, use the Extra Accuracy perk, or use the Will Attack perk.

As for alchemy, please specify what types of alchemy you're interested in (Realistic, Generic Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Atelier Iris, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc.) and I'll see if I can come-up with anything to use until OVA: Fantasy releases.
"Walk three steps and thousands of years may pass. Within the confines of the four pillars, even time is but a brief illusion.”
Hiraku Nishida -Gasaraki


Post by TheGreyReversed »

I'll try using that direct attack method during my next dungeon crawl, but I'm a bit confused about this part
(target yourself so you can release an attack through power move)
Also I am a huge fan of FMA and so I was reffering to there method of alchemy. As of right now I kinda treat alchemy like invention except since alchemy utilizes the elements in the surrounding area my players don't generally have to go out of there way to find materials and I also don't incure a time penalty like some GMs would for more complex inventions. I use the invenion scale to determine the DN of the transmutation and then I apply an endurance cost (based on the DN and whether or not it is attack alchemy) to offset the fact that alchemy is more acccessible than invention. If they choose to transmute a weapon I apply the improvised weapon rule found under the strong ability to the transmutation DN. Though I run into a problem when my alchemist wants to use attack alchemy or basically one shot transmutations (ie: Mustang style fireballs or Elric style animated fists of earth). :?

wait not finished yet!

Post by TheGreyReversed »

:oops: heh sorry, I didn't intend to post these seperately. You see I don't know if/how I can apply both the DN value of the alchemy as well as the accuracy and damage values. Thanks for the tip :wink:
Inquisitor Melchior
Worthy Tortoise
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Post by Inquisitor Melchior »

(target yourself so you can release an attack through power move)
Under the current rules, in order for an arcane magic user to cast a Power Move he must first cast that Power Move on someone, granting that person the ability to use the Power Move when they are next able to (as limited by the spell's duration. You may also maintain the effect to allow the character granted the Power Move the ability to use it over consecutive turns). For example, a mage that wishes to cast a fireball would have to cast Power Move on himself and then release the fireball from the Power Move (which I believe he is allowed to do as part of the same action). If he tried to cast Power Move on an enemy he would be granting that enemy the ability to use the Power Move instead (see the note box below Magic, Arcane on pg. 50). This is how I understand the rules anyway. Magic attack allows you to make direct spell attacks against foes, but cannot grant allies the ability to use Power Moves like the casting of Power Move can.
TheGreyReversed wrote: Also I am a huge fan of FMA and so I was reffering to there method of alchemy.
If I remember correctly, Fullmetal Alchemist uses transmutation circles (I've only seen two episodes as I don't have cable, so if I'm incorrect in any of my assumptions or approaches I apologize). There are a number of potential ways to simulate alchemy from FMA, however, as it seems you're interested in using the Invention ability I'll use that as a starting point.

Alchemy through Invention
While Invention is best suited for representing more 'realistic' alchemy, it can still be adapted to simulate more dynamic forms of alchemy such as those shown in Fullmetal Alchemist. The first, and most dramatic, change needed will be adding a special defect that causes the Invention ability to cost endurance. A weakness such as the following would likely suffice...
Extra Endurance Cost
One or more of your abilities costs additional endurance to use. At level -1 the ability costs 5 more endurance, at level -2 it costs 10 more endurance instead, and at level -3 it costs 20 more endurance instead. You need only pay this extra cost when the ability is activated, and need not pay it to maintain the ability. If the ability has no endurance cost to activate, this weakness causes it to have the listed endurance cost to activate at all times. If this weakness is tied to a Barrier ability it affects only the barrier's activation cost, not its cost to "buy off" damage.
With this special weakness you can allow your players to determine how good they are at alchemy by choosing 1, 2, or 3 levels in it (hint: most alchemist characters should have 2 levels). The lower the level in Extra Endurance Cost, the more times they can transmute during any given encounter.

The next step I would suggest is simply reinterpreting the way Invention is used. You have the right idea with counting environmental objects as the components, however, I would also double the DN of the invent attempt when attempting to use components that do not quite fit what they are meant to be transmuted into, but are still reasonable (such as creating a steel shield out of metal filings in the sand). I would also suggest tying the Invention ability to 1 level of Trigger: Draw Transmutation Circle, or some other such catalyst, and causing any alchemy transmutation attempts to be delayed until the end of the round, (this delays alchemical transmutations as though they had the Slow flaw, and represents the fact that, for the greater part, transmutation circles and other such catalysts cannot be created instantly).

As far as determining damage and creating transmuted objects that simulate abilities, it's fairly easy and already included in the Invention rules. If you look closely at the Invention DN chart you'll notice listed numbers preceded by a '+' (+1 for DN 6, +2 for DN 8, +3 for DN 10, etc.). When creating an invention you may attempt to make it with a total number of simulated abilities up to the listed bonus number. For example: you could make a strong DN 6 weapon by giving it the Weapon ability at +1 (which would have it deal 2 damage, 1 for Weapon +1, and 1 default damage), or you could make a powerful DN 10 flame-thrower by giving it the Power Move ability at +3 (remember, though, that you still must pay the separate endurance cost for the Power Move). You can even combine different abilities and weaknesses so long as the total value does not exceed that allowed for the DN (presumably you could give DN 2 and 4 inventions simulated abilities and weaknesses so long as the point total is not greater than 0). To determine how well the attack of such a creation hits use the character's normal attack roll (usually based on the Combat Skill ability).

While this method does stretch the Invention ability a little, as some transmutations may not actually be physical objects, it still works well enough.

Alchemy through Magic
As an alternative that is more in keeping with OVA's magic system you can just use the Magic, Arcane ability as is, and create a transmutation ability such as the following...
You possess the ability to alter the shape and properties of an object, changing it into something new. For a cost of 10 endurance you may change one or more non-living objects, or a part of a non-living object, into a new object of a roughly similar size, mass, or substance (as the GM deems appropriate). You may use the collective properties of components used for the transmutation and may even transmute multiple objects out of larger components. You cannot create living creatures through this ability. You may give objects made using transmutation simulated abilities and weaknesses, though the total collective value, for all objects created with one use of transmutation, cannot exceed your level in Transmutation. When you use this ability roll your Transmutation dice, plus any dice from appropriate abilities such as Smart, against a DN equal to 2+ double the value of simulated abilities and weaknesses granted to the creation (the DN cannot be reduced below 2 as a result of granted weaknesses). If the created object does not fit the size, mass, or substance requirements provided by any of its components, but the GM decides that the creation is still reasonable, the DN to create the object is doubled. If this check to create a Transmutation fails, endurance is still spent and the created object is only partially transmuted, causing the components to be ruined, and creating an object that is either completely useless or that falls apart. If this ability is used through the Magic, Arcane ability you need not roll to determine if the object is created, instead the Transmutation automatically succeeds if the casting succeeds.
Misc. abilities in alchemy
While either of the two methods above will adequately portray the majority of Fullmetal Alchemist's powers, some powers can, and should, be represented using the normal OVA abilities. For Example: Roy Mustang (if I remember the character correctly) can have his fire powers represented primarily through a Power Move. Though he technically uses transmutation, you do not need to use transmutation abilities to properly portray his powers. You could simply construct Roy's powers as follows...
Power Move +3
Fire Attack (don't know the proper name)
Area Effect, Continued Damage, Ranged, No Knockback, Requirement (oxygen environment), Slow, Affinity: Fire; 20 Endurance.

Special Ability: Fire Control +1 (May create fire and control it to an extent)

Endurance Reserve +3 (Permanent Transmutation Circle)

Focus: Permanent Transmutation Circle -2 (Power Move, Fire Control, and Endurance Reserve dependant on Permanent Transmutation Circle).

I hope that helps (and I hope I didn't get anything too terribly wrong). These suggestions are not play-tested, so if they feel unbalanced adjust them to taste.
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Post by TheGreyReversed »

Melchior, I bow before your immense knowledge of ricochet *bows*. You really hit the nail on the hammer for FMA so don't worry about that.
I would also suggest tying the Invention ability to 1 level of Trigger: Draw Transmutation Circle, or some other such catalyst, and causing any alchemy transmutation attempts to be delayed until the end of the round, (this delays alchemical transmutations as though they had the Slow flaw, and represents the fact that, for the greater part, transmutation circles and other such catalysts cannot be created instantly).
Actually I include the drawing of the transmutation circle as a required action in combat before transmutation therefore, I give my achemist a -1 penalty for drawing the circle and performing transmutation in the same round (although I give him the option of waiting another round to transmute without the penalty). I also have a system to represent the different techniques of transmutation.

Lv 1 The alchemist can only transmute objects within the radius of the circle, they cannot extend the area of tranmutation beyond that circle and they must make physical contact of some kind to activate it.

Lv 2 The alchemist may activate the transmutation circle from a distance without direct contact.

Lv 3 The alchemist may extend the area of the tranmutation beyond that of the circle.

Lv 4 The alchemist can do all of the above as well as save time transmutating by clapping there hands together ( ala Ed Elric)

Lv 5 The alchemist may transmute anything within his field of vision at will with no physical input

EDIT: Yes this list is based off their actual skill level in alchemy.
Last edited by TheGreyReversed on Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Inquisitor Melchior
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Post by Inquisitor Melchior »

TheGreyReversed wrote: Actually I include the drawing of the transmutation circle as a required action in combat before transmutation...
Sounds like you've got a handle on that then. Ultimately your players will likely prefer the way you’re doing it over my suggestion, as it grants them greater flexibility in combat.
TheGreyReversed wrote: Lv 1 The alchemist can only transmute objects within the radius of the circle, they cannot extend the area of tranmutation beyond that circle and they must make physical contact of some kind to activate it.

Lv 2 The alchemist may activate the transmutation circle from a distance without direct contact.

Lv 3 The alchemist may extend the area of the tranmutation beyond that of the circle.

Lv 4 The alchemist can do all of the above as well as save time transmutating by clapping there hands together ( ala Ed Elric)

Lv 5 The alchemist may transmute anything within his field of vision at will with no physical input
It looks good, but I do have a question: Is this based off of the character's level in the ability you're using for alchemy (a character with level 3 in invention, or whatever ability you choose to use to represent alchemy, would function at level 3 on to your chart), or must the characters purchase it as a separate ability? If it's a separate ability I would strongly suggest, instead, basing it on the alchemy related ability the character already possesses (so that its level equals the ability's level as I suggested above), otherwise it could greatly inflate a character's point cost and will conceivably force a character to spend an additional point just to use their abilities (as without being at least level 1, how would they use alchemy?). If you are already basing it off of the character’s alchemy related ability then the only other thing I could suggest is that you give each of your alchemists who are restricted by these rules 'Special Weakness: Alchemic Restrictions -1' (basically this is just a catch-all weakness for any of the limitations and restrictions you need to impose on alchemists). This would be taken by a character instead of 'Trigger' as I previously suggested (as it fits the feel of what I think you're attempting better than trigger would), and would compensate the players for any inconvenience the restrictions on alchemy might pose (it would also, by granting a point, prevent there from being a notable difference in effectiveness between the restricted alchemists and other characters using non-alchemic versions of the same powers).

Regardless of what method you're using with it, however, it's an intriguing way to succinctly deal with the inherent limitations of transmutation circles.
"Walk three steps and thousands of years may pass. Within the confines of the four pillars, even time is but a brief illusion.”
Hiraku Nishida -Gasaraki
Inquisitor Melchior
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Post by Inquisitor Melchior »

heGreyReversed, would you be willing to post a finished alchemist? I've never seen an alchemist write-up outside of D20, and would be interested in seeing what your take on one looks like.

Also, I revised my prior post for clarity. When I reread it, it seemed rather muddled to me (though I was quite tired when I originally posted it). I apologize for any inconvenience this caused.
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