Countering question

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Exalted Amphibian
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Countering question

Post by Bubba333 »

When you're the defender and counter and make your attack roll, is it just your Defense that's zero? If you beat the attacker, are you still hit? And is it a zero value or zero beginning dice, but you can roll ability dice? I assume it's the former, but wanted to be sure.

Basically, I just need an example. Thanks!
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Countering question

Post by Bubba333 »

We figured it out.
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Re: Countering question

Post by Clay »

Sorry for the delay in answering. You said you already figured it out, but in case you want the official word on it: Only the defender rolls no dice. And that really means no dice, ie. a result of zero. No default dice!
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Countering question

Post by Bubba333 »

I guess we had it wrong. Hmmm, what's the advantage then? The 'free' attack? We thought it meant that neither side got a defense roll and whoever gained the higher attack roll, slammed the crap out of the other guy. Would you mind shedding some light on it?
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Re: Countering question

Post by Clay »

Err, this is why I shouldn't write replies while simultaneously cleaning out spam. I end up writing nonsense.

What I meant to say is THE LOSER has zero effective dice. If you win, you get a big advantage because your opponent has a defense of zero. If you lose, well, then you have a defense of zero. Not so good!

So yes, you have it correct. My apologies for the awfully written previous post.

The Revised Edition handles counters slightly differently, but it's best not to muddy the waters.
Exalted Amphibian
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Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:09 am

Re: Countering question

Post by Bubba333 »

Cool and thanks! We're all looking very, very forward to the Revised Edition and I hope that if I mention it enough, it'll come sooner.
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