Unofficial Campain Setting: Libris of Voxus- Spoiler/Trailer

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Shelled Plebeian
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Unofficial Campain Setting: Libris of Voxus- Spoiler/Trailer

Post by Killercloud »

Libris of Voxus
[Trailer Perfered Music: Arthas, my Son or Requiem for a dream.]

(The screen seems to be wavy, fuzzy as it slow comes into a semi-focus, all that is noticeable is a female, most likely an anchorwoman, he clothes are warped and mussed. Her face is blurred into an indistinguishable blur.)

Anchorwoman (Obviously Forced Calm) Today’s Events*Static*…all that has been*Static*…one word*Static*

(The screen dies to a dull black, but the sound can still be heard, even as the word seems to echo)


(The camera pulls away as flashes of explosions, violence, death, and ruins parade across screen, revealing it to be a computer monitor in a dark room lit only by its flickering light. With a single well dressed man in a suit, sitting behind it.. It pulls back far enough to see his entire desk, his face resting in his hands, fingers intertwined in such a way that it hides most of his face while a single word is illuminated on his desk. Superintendent)

Mystery Man: (Ominous Voice) Ah, you’ve finally arrived. Oh yes, I can see you. I know…I know…its been a long, long time. However, it is time. Time you joined us. We’ve been waiting. Waiting for you. Waiting…for the Answer…We will get it, or we will take it. Hope you enjoy your time with us…

-Two fully described settings in a fully open world.
-One is a predesigned school. With twists and turns in every classroom.
-The other is the open world, where in the Urban, nothing is the same.
-New Advantages! New Disadvantages! New Perks! Dozens of Premade Major and Minor enemies! And Much more!

In the Year 2060…Only You have…The Answer.

(Screen darkens but sound continues)

Voice: (Panicked Voice) No! Sano-kun, you can’t *static*…if you do-

Sano: (Rushed Voice) Shh! Now quickly, there isn’t much time*static*…you have to hurry*static*…find*static*…if you do*static* us all! Now all you have to do is*static and sound disconnects*

Deep Mechanical Voice Its too late for that…Join us…or Perish.

[End Music; Now if you have questions, I will try to answer them and help is appreciated if you want to try. Otherwise...sit back and enjoy. Its going to be a wild ride.]
Last edited by Killercloud on Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"In a world where no one stands for what they believe in...where can you find love?" -Tokada

"In a world where no one fights for themselves, where do you find freedom?" -Devius' rebuttal
Shelled Plebeian
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Location: In the Shadows

Post by Killercloud »

Reserved For Future Content
"In a world where no one stands for what they believe in...where can you find love?" -Tokada

"In a world where no one fights for themselves, where do you find freedom?" -Devius' rebuttal
Worthy Tortoise
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Post by Dreamstryder »

[Not enough info to judge; where's the back-of-the-box blurb?]
Shelled Plebeian
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Spoiler 1: Table of Contents, ABRV.

Post by Killercloud »

Chapter 1- Introduction (Overview of book, Chapter Previews) [expected page length 10-30]
Chapter 2- Basic Mechanics (Explain new Mechanics that are required for the setting, New Advantages/Disadvantages/Perks/-opposite of perks-/Style Mechanic) [expected page length 15+]
Story 1
Chapter 3- Optional Rules (Explain new Mechanics that are Optional but make the setting more awesome: Themes, Difficulty Rules, and Catalysts) [expected page length 10- 20+]
Story 2
Chapter 3- Helios Novus (Setting 1) [Expected page length 50+]
Story 3
Chapter 4- Veskus (Setting 2) [Expected page length 50+]
Story 4
Chapter 5- Major Historical Events [Expected page length 10+]
Story 5
Chapter 6- Major Npcs [Expected page length 30+]
Story 6
Chapter 7- Gamemaster Only [Expected page length 10+]
Story 7
Chapter 8- Extras [Expected page length 15+]

This is a current estimate and not final. just thought you'd like a peek.
"In a world where no one stands for what they believe in...where can you find love?" -Tokada

"In a world where no one fights for themselves, where do you find freedom?" -Devius' rebuttal
Shelled Plebeian
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:30 pm
Location: In the Shadows

Post by Killercloud »

Okay folks. Good News, Bad News and a question.

Bad News: My Current Laptop is new as of today. My old one wasn't all that old. it had a factory error built in. which caused a full crash. All gone. about fifty full pages of the setting wiped without another back up. luckily I have my notes.

Good News: I still want to continue the project if you all are interested in see the end result. So that is my question. Do you want to see it. Also I have a story written in the setting, as well. So I can also let you all get a short story version of some the story if you want as well.
"In a world where no one stands for what they believe in...where can you find love?" -Tokada

"In a world where no one fights for themselves, where do you find freedom?" -Devius' rebuttal
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