OVA Licenses

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Worthy Tortoise
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OVA Licenses

Post by JuddG »

I know Wise Turtle has two big projects lined up on the horizon, but has anyone bitten on the licensing of OVA/Ricochet system for a third-party book yet?

Given some time to work on such a project, I am considering it for myself, publishing one of my "hobby universes" as a full-fledged setting book. Bit of a daunting challenge, so still just a germ of an idea right now.
Judd M. Goswick
Legion Anime/Gaming Society
Worthy Tortoise
Posts: 37
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:05 pm

Post by Beli »

I have spoken with Clay about a genre book once before, but it is not a type you speak about in polite company. I've found that Clay is very receptive to most ideas and very helpful with some of the thoughts you may have or any question you might ask.

On the genre book I was working on, I think I may put that to the side for now and perhaps will work on something a little more ... friendly. :D The one I was thinking of probably would not pass licensing, but I have a lot of ideas and adjustments for it.
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