You may call him "Commander"
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
Well this character is similar to the NPC Dr. Tomori, only that it has an actual corporeal body in the form of an AI core not unlike classic Skynet from the Terminator franchise rather than purely software.
Though the avatar is easily replaced since it's simply another terminal for the character to control, just that it's the most effective when it comes to fisticuffs and similar interactions. Then again, the Secret part could be useful despite the usual garb.
Though the avatar is easily replaced since it's simply another terminal for the character to control, just that it's the most effective when it comes to fisticuffs and similar interactions. Then again, the Secret part could be useful despite the usual garb.

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Re: You may call him "Commander"
Eh, guess I'll just stat the two different versions of said character and see what the forum thinks of it.
For now, let's go with my interpretation of Destro.
For now, let's go with my interpretation of Destro.
For those of you who are wondering just what the heck the "Claytronic Nanite Implant" refers to, allow me to introduce one Senator Armstrong.Destro
Full name James McCullen, the CEO of MARS Industries is simply known as Destro to all those whom have done business with him within the realm of arms trade. A member of the McCullen clan whom had holdings in both Scottland in the form of Castle Destro captured from an ancient rival clan and the Silent Castle in the Balkans from the Crusades, Destro was raised in a manner befitting his birthright as a laird aristocrat in both mannerisms and ideology which made him look down upon those less fortunate than himself.
Like his ancestors before him, Destro performs arms deals both officially under the banner of MARS Industries and under the table as his silver masked self. However, unlike his ancestors whom only see war as a profit, Destro fully believes that war reveals man’s most natural self of survival of the fittest and the spark of rapid innovations when left unchecked. As such, he had many dealings in multiple theaters of war and especially in war-torn regions full of the desperate and radical on either side of a conflict either between states or more favorably in the crisis of civil war. It was during these business expeditions did Destro cross paths with Cobra Command and especially in the individual known only as Cobra Commander.
From the technology presented, Destro was mesmerized by what Cobra Command was capable and that the only real limitation was the lack of manufacturing and industry to mass produce the cybertronic technology en mass. Thus did MARS Industries ally themselves with Cobra Command in the manufacture of cybertronic vehicles and small arms exclusively for the terrorist organization in exchange for sample technology that would make MARS Industries unmatched in the arms trade of conventional weaponry. As a gift, Cobra Commander gave Destro a cybertronic-based Claytronic Nanite Implant that would allow him to harden his flesh against all conventional attacks and make the laird an impressive opponent when in desperate times Destro must dirty his hands. However the limitations of the technology, intentional or otherwise, would require Destro to don an armored Beryllium steel helm in order to fully control the nanite implant within his body.
If the Scottsman had a weakness, it was his woeful inexperience in the romance of the opposite sex. A weakness he would strongly deny.
(10 Points)
TV: 12
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 3[0] - “Chem-EM Assault Rifle” (Effective x2; Overwhelming; Ranged. Ammunition; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Unwieldy; Weapon)
- 3[0] - “Underslung Grenade Launcher” (Area Effect; Effective x2; Impairing; Ranged. Ammunition x2; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Unwieldy; Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +2 - Armored “Claytronic Nanite Implant”*
- +3 - Connected
- +3 - Healer “Claytronic Nanite Implant” (Effective. Self-Only)
- +1 - Intimidating
- +2 - Knowledge “Business and Marketing”
- +2 - Minions “Iron Grenadiers”
- +5 - Position of Power “M.A.R.S. Industries”
- +1 - Resistance “Claytronic Nanite Implant” (Physical Attacks)*
- +2 - Strong “Claytronic Nanite Implant”*
- +5 - Wealthy
* Indicates that Character Ability/ies are of higher value than human norm, thus applicable for Scaled Advantage
- -1 - Arrogant “Aristocratic Upbringing”
- -2 - Code of Conduct “McCullen Clan Honor”
- -2 - Focus “Bionic Interface Mask” (Claytronic Nanite Implant)
- -1 - Greedy
- -1 - Love Interest “Baroness”
- -1 - Nosebleeder
- -1 - Obsession “Luxurious Lifestyle”
- -2 - Obsession “Power”
- -1 - Quirk “Scottish Accent”
- -2 - Sensitivity “Me? A Virgin? That’s just bloody preposterous!”
- -1 - Servitude “Cobra Commander”
- -1 - Stubborn

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Re: You may call him "Commander"
Followed by his Iron Grenadiers.
Iron Grenadier
The basic infantryman of Destro’s private army subsidy of MARS Industries, the Iron Grenadier modus operandi is to sow instability and chaos into a relatively stable and peaceful region or nations to create a new market for the sale and distribution of MARS Industries products. Each one is as well versed in combat operations as they are in sales and marketing or as one soldier had accurately described “used car salesmen with machine guns”.
Due to their higher salaries, the Iron Grenadiers are better equipped and trained compared to the average mercenary to make them more effective combatants onto any battlefield that require their unique brand of service.
(1 Points)
TV: 7
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 3[0] - “Chem-EM Assault Rifle” (Overwhelming; Ranged. Ammunition; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Weapon)
- 3[0] - “Underslung Grenade Launcher” (Area Effect; Impairing; Ranged. Ammunition x2; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Weapon)
- 3[0] - “Mono-Molecular Saber” (Armor Piercing. Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +1 - Armored
- +2 - Attack
- +1 - Charisma
- +1 - Combat Expert
- +1 - Evasive
- +2 - Knowledge “Business and Sales”
- +2 - Knowledge “Infantry Tactics”
- +1 - Wealthy
- -1 - Arrogant
- -1 - Greedy
- -1 - Overconfident
- -2 - Restricted Freedom “Iron Grenadiers Sales Associate”
- -3 - Servitude “MARS Industries”
- -2 - Stubborn

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
I see that there's no verdict on the picture chosen, so lets move on with my own interpretation of the Baroness.
Apologies for giving her THAT particular political leaning. It just seemed to fit her character.Baroness
The daughter of a European aristocratic family with Russo-Germanic ancestry, the woman who would become the Baronness was born one Anastasia “Anna” Cisarovna Von Stromburg. Though given the best education by her loving parents, Anna grew increasingly disenchanted by a world subvertly cruel to the underprivileged and disenfranchised. As a consequence, she joined many radical, left-wing groups during her college years until she became a part of the revolutionary group “The Red Hand” and personally led numerous terrorist attacks including those of her own family’s holdings.
However, Anna was sent away by Umberto Gaspare when her methods had become too ruthless for even the group to bear. As a consequence, she traveled the world and learned many skills that would ultimately allow her to join Cobra Command as Cobra Commander’s top and most trusted Lieutenant. She used her intelligence and her own natural beauty, surpassed by her own ruthlessness and callousness, to grant Cobra Command an espionage edge against the global powers that would stand against Cobra Command’s rise to dominance.
Though not as adept in combat compared to her espionage and sabotage skillset, Anna was given augmentations that would grant her an edge in any trap or ambushed she had engineered. First were a pair of AR glasses that allow her to not only see beyond the visible spectrum but to also interface with numerous computer systems. She was also augmented with cybertonic projectors that could not only project numerous copies of herself to disorient her targets, but also create a force bubble to act as a second layer of personal armor to defend against most small arms and some directed energy rounds.
(12 Points)
TV: 11
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 3[0] - “Plasma Castor Pistol” (Effective; Ranged. Weapon)
- 2[0] - “Omni-Directonal Hologram CQB” (Area Effect; Overwhelming. Open to Attack; Requirement, Illusionist “Holograpic Projectors”)
Level - Weakness
- +1 - Attack
- +3 - Barrier “Force Bubble” (Effective. Requirement, Illusionist “Holographic Projectors” Inactive)
- +3 - Beautiful!
- +1 - Combat Expert
- +1 - Evasive
- +6 - Gear “AR Glasses”
- Intuitive +1
- Perceptive “Backscatter X-Rays” +2
- Unique “Wireless Computer Interface” +3- +1 - Iron-Willed
- +4 - Illusionist “Holographic Projectors” (Requirement, Barrier “Force Bubble” Inactive)
- +2 - Knowledge “Espionage”
- +2 - Minons “BAT/Cobra Viper”
- +4 - Position of Power “Cobra Command”
- +3 - Wealthy
- -2 - Arrogant “Aristocratic Upbringing”
- -2 - Hatred “The ‘Establishment’”
- -1 - Infamous
- -1 - Love Interest “Destro”
- -1 - Love Magnet
- -2 - Overconfident
- -1 - Quirk “Russo-Germanic Accent”
- -2 - Quirk “SJW Rants”
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Commander”
- -1 - Short-Tempered
- -1 - Stubborn
- -2 - Wanted

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
And then we have the BATs.
What can I say, I kinda like the Sigma 6 look of 'em.BAT
One of numerous cybertronic-based weapons fielded by Cobra Command, the BAT or Battle Android Trooper were engineered to be expendable infantry against hardened defenses that would have otherwise required human wave tactics. As such, the BAT were engineered to be built cheaply, quickly, and en mass which excludes numerous technologies that would have otherwise make the autonomous combat droid more tactically flexible such as sophisticated logic circuits that would have otherwise have them react properly to sudden battlefield changes and in some earlier models, able to differentiate between friend and foe.
For more “advanced” BAT units, a Cobra Viper is necessary to effectively command these squads and platoons for defensive sentry-type patterns and similar actions.
(1 Points)
TV: 12
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 4[0] - “Heavy Plasma Castor” (Impairing; Overwhelming; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +4 - Armored
- +3 - Attack
- +3 - Life Support
- +2 - Strong
- +2 - Tough
- +1 - Unique “Computerized Brain”
- +1 - Vigorous
- -1 - Awkward Size (Large)
- -3 - Bizarre Appearance
- -1 - Dense
- -3 - Emotionless
- -2 - Ineptitude “Tactical Novelty”
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
- -1 - Slow
- -2 - Vulnerability “Electricity”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
Guess there aren't any issues with what I have for both Baroness and the standard Cobra BAT, so I might as well move on with the character I had some aid in constructing via both Chris Brady and Malancthon helped in refining from my initial inquiry: Serpentor!
Cobra Command’s sapient AI core, the Strategic Enactment Revolutionary Program Encoded Network Tactical Operation Robot or SERPENTOR was a bio-digital computer system based off Cybertronic biology and in particular the Cybernucleic Algoritms or CNA of the Cybertronic Lifeforms. Much of the CNA template was derived from the acquired genetic material of Napoleon Bonaparte for his tactical genius, Gaius Julius Caesar for his ruthlessness, Hannibal Barca for his daring, and Atilla the Hun for his shrewdness. As such, it made the AI the best battlefield commander for Cobra Command’s forces.
To best utilize this aspect, SERPENTOR is able to utilize a Bio-Viper Forge to give rise to a SERPENTOR Bio-Viper to act as an avatar for the AI and provide frontline command while also being the perfect cybernetic soldier.
However, though forged from the genetic materials of the greatest military strategists of human history, SERPENTOR was not without its flaws. Chief among them is its version of black comedy, skepticism and sas that would drive any other normal human being into insanity due to the rough personality the AI holds.
(17 Points)
TV: 24
Level - AbilityLevel - Weakness
- +2 - Armored
- +5 - Charismatic
- +2 - Combat Expert
- +14 - Companion “SERPENTOR Bio-Viper Avatar”
- +1 - Intuitive
- +2 - Inventor
- +2 - Iron-Willed
- +2 - Knowledge “Strategy”
- +4 - Minions “BAT/Bio-Vipers”
- +2 - Perceptive
- +4 - Position of Power “Cobra Command”
- +4 - Psychic (Requirement, Computerized Brains)
- +2 - Smart
- +3 - Unique “Attributes Stack with Companion”
- +1 - Unique “Computerized Brain”
- +3 - Unique “Instant Computer Research”
- -2 - Arrogance
- -2 - Awkward Size (Large)
- -3 - Bizarre Appearance
- -1 - Emotionless
- -2 - Expendable Use “SERPENTOR Bio-Viper Avatar” (Bio-Vipers)
- -2 - Frail
- -1 - Loner
- -1 - Overconfident
- -2 - Periodical Maintenance
- -2 - Quirk “Black Comedy Comeback”
- -3 - Restricted Freedom “Cobra Command AI”
- -3 - Rude
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
- -1 - Stubborn
- -3 - Unique “Weaknesses Stack with Companion”
- -3 - Unique “Can Only Travel in Cyberspace”
- -2 - Vulnerability “Electricity”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
And here's the second half of that particular equation.
I'm sure there has to be at least a few members of the forum who would have an opinion on how this build was constructed compared to the concept, so let's hear 'em.SERPENTOR Bio-Viper Avatar
An android avatar for the SERPENTOR AI Core, the SERPENTOR Bio-Viper is largely utilized to inspire the troops of Cobra Command with a physical appearance that matched with its martial and combat prowess. As such, the Bio-Viper Avatar is hardened for direct line combat with all of the abilities of standard Bio-Vipers and much more due to its link to the SERPENTOR AI Core.
However, the Bio-Viper Avatar’s chosen method of combat battle armor, designed by Dr. Archibald “Venom” Monev himself, is a rather odd design in that it had a heavy viper motif. The overall design esthetic of the armor is a factor in which the AI Core itself referred to as a “Halloween Costume” on numerous occasions.
(14 Points)
TV: 17
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 2[10] - “Stretchy Punch” (Impairing; Multiple Targets; Ranged; Redirectable. Elaborate Gestures; Ineffective; Low Penetration)
- 1[5] - “Stretchy Grapple” (Disarming; Multiple Targets; Paralyzing; Ranged; Redirectable. Elaborate Gestures; Ineffective x2; No Damage)
- 3[0] - “Assault Plasma Castor” (Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
- 3[0] - “Underslung Grenade Launcher” (Area Effect; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Ammunition; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +2 - Armored
- +2 - Attack
- +2 - Evasive
- +2 - Healer “Regeneration” (Effective. Self-Only)
- +3 - Life Support
- +1 - Strong
- +2 - Tough
- +2 - Unique “Weakness Nullified” (Awkward Size)
- +3 - Unique “Weakness Nullified” (Can only Travel in Cyberspace)
- +2 - Vigorous
- -2 - Bizarre Appearance “SERPENTOR Armor”
- -2 - Secret “Actually a Computer-based AI”
- -3 - Vulnerability “Head Shots”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
In the meantime, here are the Bio-Vipers ala Renegades.
Genetically created infantry of Cobra Command, Bio-Vipers are to genetics what BATs are to robotics and AI. Roughly hominid bodies of ooze, the Bio-Vipers were utilized as more adaptable and capable cannon fodder compared to the BATs, though the complex process of Bio-Viper forging and the resources involved prevents the Bio-Vipers from being fielded en mass.
Typically armed with standard infantry small arms of Cobra Command, the Bio-Vipers are able to elongate their manipulative limbs to strike against relatively distant targets.
(1 Points)
TV: 12
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 2[10] - “Stretchy Punch” (Impairing; Multiple Targets; Ranged; Redirectable. Elaborate Gestures; Ineffective; Low Penetration)
- 1[5] - “Stretchy Grapple” (Disarming; Multiple Targets; Paralyzing; Ranged; Redirectable. Elaborate Gestures; Ineffective x2; No Damage)
- 3[0] - “Assault Plasma Castor” (Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
- 3[0] - “Underslung Grenade Launcher” (Area Effect; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Ammunition; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +2 - Armored
- +2 - Attack
- +1 - Evasive
- +2 - Healer “Regeneration” (Effective. Self-Only)
- +3 - Life Support
- +1 - Strong
- +1 - Unique “Computerized Brain”
- +1 - Vigorous
- -3 - Bizarre Appearance
- -3 - Emotionless
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
- -3 - Vulnerability “Head Shots”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
Rest in Peace, Dad
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
And now a curve ball.
So then, thoughts on my interpretations of these characters/mooks and their execution under OVA2e?MIYU Greer
The apex of Battle Android Trooper technology, the BAT code named MIYU Greer was created to infiltrate Fuuka Academy to protect the faux-HiME Alyssa Searrs during the HiME Carnival by the Searrs Foundation recently “acquired” by Cobra Command as simply another front to hide the terrorist organizations activities from the world at large. MIYU, or Multiple Intelligencital Yggdracil Unit, is a unique creation in that it not only does it stores its weaponry internally, but that it houses a human Spark.
(5 Points)
TV: 21
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 2[0] - “Maria Navy Sword Mode” (Armor Piercing; Impairing. Ineffective x2; Unique, Impaired Manipulation “One Hand”)
- 3[5] - “Chainsaw Ochre Mode” (Armor Piercing x2; Impairing. Ineffective; Unique, Impaired Manipulation “One Hand”; Unwieldy)
- 4[5] - “Heavy Plasma Castor Scarlet Mode” (Impairing; Overwhelming; Ranged. Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Inaccurate; Unique, Impaired Manipulation “One hand”)
- 3[5] - “Drill Shai Green Mode” (Armor Piercing x 5. Ineffective; Offensive x2; Unique, Impaired Manipulation “One hand”)
- 4[10] - “Anti-Materializing Weapon Platinum Secret Mode” (Accurate; Armor Piercing x4; Impairing. Finisher; Requirement x2, HiME Child Summoned; Unique, Impaired Manipulation “One hand”)
Level - Weakness
- +4 - Armored
- +3 - Attack
- +2 - Combat Expert
- +3 - Life Support
- +2 - Quick
- +2 - Strong
- +2 - Tough
- +1 - Unique “Computerized Brain”
- +1 - Vigorous
- -1 - Dense
- -2 - Emotionless
- -2 - Guardian “Allyssa Searrs”
- -1 - Obsession “Protect Allyssa Searrs”
- -3 - Restricted Freedom “Infiltration BAT”
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
- -1 - Quirk “Notes Miscellaneous Data of Surrounding Environment”
- -2 - Vulnerability “Electricity”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
Rest in Peace, Dad
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
Guess there aren't any public issues with the previous Cobra Command builds. But before I move on, I might as well do a bit of contrast with just the Bio-Viper avatar of SERPENTOR and see which would be the preferred execution.
(18 Points)
TV: 17
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 2[10] - “Stretchy Punch” (Impairing; Multiple Targets; Ranged; Redirectable. Elaborate Gestures; Ineffective; Low Penetration)
- 1[5] - “Stretchy Grapple” (Disarming; Multiple Targets; Paralyzing; Ranged; Redirectable. Elaborate Gestures; Ineffective x2; No Damage)
- 3[0] - “Assault Plasma Castor” (Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
- 3[0] - “Underslung Grenade Launcher” (Area Effect; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Ammunition; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +2 - Armored
- +2 - Attack
- +5 - Charismatic
- +2 - Combat Expert
- +2 - Evasive
- +2 - Healer “Regeneration” (Effective. Self-Only)
- +1 - Intuitive
- +2 - Inventor
- +2 - Iron-Willed
- +2 - Knowledge “Strategy”
- +3 - Life Support
- +4 - Minions “BAT/Bio-Vipers”
- +2 - Perceptive
- +4 - Position of Power “Cobra Command”
- +4 - Reincarnation “Bio-Viper Forge”
- +2 - Smart
- +1 - Strong
- +2 - Tough
- +2 - Vigorous
- +3 - Unique “Instant Computer Research”
- -2 - Arrogance
- -2 - Bizarre Appearance “SERPENTOR Armor”
- -1 - Emotionless
- -2 - Expendable Use “Bio-Viper Forge” (Bio-Vipers)
- -1 - Loner
- -1 - Overconfident
- -2 - Periodical Maintenance
- -1 - Postponed Use “Bio-Viper Forge”
- -2 - Quirk “Black Comedy Comeback”
- -3 - Restricted Freedom “Cobra Command AI”
- -3 - Rude
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
- -1 - Stubborn
- -2 - Secret “Actually an AI-controlled Drone”
- -2 - Vulnerability “Electricity”
- -3 - Vulnerability “Head Shots”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
Rest in Peace, Dad
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
And with that out of the way, let's start off with SERPENTOR's creator; Dr. Mindbender
Dr. Mindbender
Formerly an orthodontist, or so he claims, Dr. Brian Bender is Cobra Command’s chief science officer with a focus on mind control and interrogation. However, his mental acuity is not so limited in that he has a vast array of knowledge both theory and execution in multiple fields of science which includes but not limited to genetic manipulation, robotics, cybernetics and computer programing. These skills allowed Mindbender to create SERPENTOR in addition to Cobra Command’s legions of BATs and Bio-Vipers that allowed the terrorist organization to be the most deadly and infamous across the entire globe.
Though physically imposing in build and stature, Mindbender is not one to take to the front lines unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he has a preference for a well-stocked research laboratory and filing cabinets filled with science journals and research notes, though at times he had made due with a greasy workshop.
(5 Points)
TV: 5
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 2[0] - “Plasma Castor Pistol” (Effective; Ranged. Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +8 - Gear “Brain Wave Scanner”
-Psychic +5
-Knowledge “Mind Control” +3- +1 - Intimidating
- +1 - Intuitive
- +2 - Inventor
- +2 - Knowledge “Interrogation”
- +2 - Knowledge “Mind Control”
- +2 - Minions “BATs/Bio-Vipers”
- +1 - Passion “Science!”
- +3 - Position of Power “Cobra Command”
- +3 - Smart
- -1 - Ageism (Old)
- -2 - Arrogant
- -1 - Dull
- -2 - Fussy
- -3 - Infamous
- -2 - Obsession “New Scientific Discoveries”
- -3 - Overconfident
- -2 - Restricted Freedom “Cobra Command Chief Science Officer”
- -1 - Sensitivity “Do I LOOK like a backyard wrestler to you?!”
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
Rest in Peace, Dad
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
Next we have the twins. First up is Tomax.
The more rational of the Paoli twins, Tomax is the co-CEO of Extensive Enterprises and, by extension, the commander of the Crimson Guard. Born upon the island of Corsica along with his brother Xamot, Tomax was raised to be a soldier in the Unione Corse; an international syndicate centered around their island of birth. From them, Tomax was well tutored in the art of war, business, and crime. He came of age during the “Toyda War” between Chad and Libya as a French Foreign Legionary; however he learned from that conflict that those who were truly victorious in any war or conflict are those who can find a profit, preferably from both sides. Though he and his brother Xamot drifted from dictatorship to dictatorship, they were collectively unimpressed with these totalitarian leaders and their short-sighted reliance on simple means to attain and hold onto power.
It was during these years did Tomax learn of his psionic abilities and used it to full advantage to create the “Brothers of Light” cult in which they swindled money from their cult members, enough to perform a coups against their old comrades at Unione Corse and restructure it as Extensive Enterprises. Those loyal soldiers that helped in their coups soon became their private army known as the Crimson Guard.
These actions attracted the attention of Cobra Command and in particular Cobra Commander, whom offered the twins a place in his new world order. An offer Tomax was hesitant, though ultimately accepted. With his new position, Tomax found a strange sort of solace in the order and reason that was corporate law, both in how it is written and how it is executed.
(5 Points)
TV: 9
Level - AbilityLevel - Weakness
- +2 - Armored “Psi-Shield”
- +2 - Charismatic
- +1 - Combat Expert
- +2 - Illusionist “Brother of Light” (Assisted, Xamot)
- +2 - Knowledge “Finance”
- +2 - Knowledge “Law”
- +1 - Minions “Crimson Guard”
- +3 - Position of Power “Extensive Enterprises”
- +1 - Psychic
- +3 - Psychic “Brother of Light” (Assisted, Xamot)
- +1 - Sixth Sense “Brother of Light”
- +1 - Smart
- +1 - Telekinesis “Brother of Light” (Assisted, Xamot)
- +1 - Vigorous
- +3 - Wealthy
- -1 - Code of Conduct “Businessman Civility”
- -2 - Endurance Use “Brother of Light”
- -3 - Endurance Use “Psi-Shield” “Telekinesis”
- -1 - Fussy
- -1 - Kind-Hearted
- -2 - Obsession “Order and Reason”
- -2 - Overconfident
- -1 - Pacifist
- -1 - Quirk “French Accent”
- -2 - Quirk “Share Xamot’s Sentences”
- -1 - Servitude “Cobra Commander”
- -1 - Stubborn
- -1 - Trigger “Psi-Shield”, “Brother of Light” (Xamot closeby)
- -2 - Unique “Feel Xamot’s Pain”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
And now we have the final half, Xamot.
The more adventurous of the Paoli twins, Xamot is the co-CEO of Extensive Enterprises and, by extension, the commander of the Crimson Guard. Born upon the island of Corsica along with his brother Tomax, Xamot was raised to be a soldier in the Unione Corse; an international syndicate centered around their island of birth. From them, Xamot was well tutored in the art of war, business, and crime. He came of age during the “Toyda War” between Chad and Libya as a French Foreign Legionary; however he learned from that conflict that those who were truly victorious in any war or conflict are those who can find a profit, preferably from both sides. Though he and his brother Tomax drifted from dictatorship to dictatorship, they were collectively unimpressed with these totalitarian leaders and their short-sighted reliance on simple means to attain and hold onto power.
It was during these years did Xamot learn of his psionic abilities and used it to full advantage to create the “Brothers of Light” cult in which they swindled money from their cult members, enough to perform a coups against their old comrades at Unione Corse and restructure it as Extensive Enterprises. Those loyal soldiers that helped in their coups soon became their private army known as the Crimson Guard.
These actions attracted the attention of Cobra Command and in particular Cobra Commander, whom offered the twins a place in his new world order. An offer Xamot embraced full heartedly as he found joy not on the battlefield, but within the courtroom where he was able to secure victory with the very laws their opponents fought so desperately to defend, and delighted in such a paradox.
(5 Points)
TV: 9
Level - AbilityLevel - Weakness
- +2 - Armored “Psi-Shield”
- +1 - Combat Expert
- +2 - Illusionist “Brother of Light” (Assisted, Tomax)
- +1 - Intimidating
- +2 - Knowledge “Finance”
- +2 - Knowledge “Law”
- +1 - Minions “Crimson Guard”
- +3 - Position of Power “Extensive Enterprises”
- +1 - Psychic
- +3 - Psychic “Brother of Light” (Assisted, Tomax)
- +1 - Sixth Sense “Brother of Light”
- +1 - Smart
- +1 - Telekinesis “Brother of Light” (Assisted, Tomax)
- +1 - Vigorous
- +3 - Wealthy
- -2 - Arrogant
- -1 - Bizarre Appearance (Scar on Face)
- -1 - Code of Conduct “Businessman Civility”
- -2 - Endurance Use “Brother of Light”
- -3 - Endurance Use “Psi-Shield” “Telekinesis”
- -1 - Impulsive
- -1 - Overconfident
- -1 - Quirk “French Accent”
- -2 - Quirk “Share Tomax’ Sentences”
- -1 - Servitude “Cobra Commander”
- -1 - Short-Tempered
- -1 - Stubborn
- -1 - Trigger “Psi-Shield”, “Brother of Light” (Tomax closeby)
- -2 - Unique “Feel Tomax’s Pain”

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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
Rest in Peace, Dad
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- Location: Somewhere deep in the Continental Mainland
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Re: You may call him "Commander"
And then we top it off with their own personal army, the Crimson Guard.
Now then, besides how my execution is for these particular builds, should I try my hand at making a similar interpretation of Zartan and his Dreadnoks?Crimson Guard
The basic infantry of Extensive Enterprise’s private army and by extension Tomax and Xamot’s personal command, the Crimsion Guard are an imposing legion fanatical in their loyalty to Cobra Commander that is second to none. Though their greatest strength lies not with their battlefield prowess, but with their knowledge and mastery of what is considered mundane civil skills such as law, accounting, and medicine, which allows them to infiltrate into civilian society and even the upper echelons of politics.
(1 Points)
TV: 10
Lv-DX[END] - AttackLevel - Ability
- 3[0] - “Battle Plasma Castor” (Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
- 3[0] - “Vibro Knife Bayonet” (Armor Piercing, Reach. Elaborate Gesture, Two Hands on Weapon, Weapon)
Level - Weakness
- +1 - Attack
- +2 - Charisma
- +2 - Combat Expert
- +1 - Evasive
- +2 - Knowledge “Accounting”
- +2 - Knowledge “Law”
- +2 - Knowledge “Infantry Tactics”
- +2 - Shape-Shifter “Infiltration Disguise”
- -3 - Code of Conduct “Loyalty unto Cobra Commander till death”
- -3 - Restricted Freedom “Crimson Guard”
- -2 - Secret “Infiltration Identity”
- -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
- -2 - Stubborn

Get your Portable ID!
Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.
Rest in Peace, Dad
- Exalted Amphibian
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- Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2024 7:26 am
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