You may call him "Commander"

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Exalted Amphibian
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You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

I'm just posting this up to see how the rest of the forum will react to this particular incarnation of Cobra Commander. Though I should make a warning that there might be facets of the character that some, especially those hard core G.I. Joe fans, would find disagreeable.
Cobra Commander
The internationally infamous terrorist known only as Cobra Commander, this individual has founded and fanatically led the para-military criminal organization christened Cobra Command with the primary goal to unite the world under a single rule: his own. He demands complete loyalty and obedience to those who serve him while he rules with an iron fist and an equally psychopathic to how he even treats his lieutenants which further showcase his lack of scruples. His rise to international infamy began when he festered and ignited revolutions, civil wars, and uprisings in various geopolitical powder keg regions of the world including Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian nations to the point that Cobra Commander is considered the most dangerous man alive, if not all of history.

It is largely unknown as to how Cobra Commander had come about this new obsession in his life, nor of how he was before he had donned the persona of Cobra Commander. What is known, though only to a select few within the higher echelons of Cobra Command, was the source of the organization’s advanced technology though not in full detail.

While the circumstances are debatable and up for scrutiny as to how the individual who would become Cobra Commander had stumbled upon Cobra Command’s core technology, be it as a scientist, an archeologist, or some nobody and/or random civilian, the end result was the same: the discovery of an extrasolar spacecraft that had crashed into Mount St. Hilary, part of the Arvins mountain range and one of the volcanoes that litter the deserts of southeastern Oregon, over four million years ago. The alien spacecraft was populated by gigantic, non-biological lifeforms that were in a type of comatose state to which Cobra Commander had called “Stasus Lock” after further investigations of the craft.

Either alone or with a team, whom either vanished without a trace or formed the initial echelons of Cobra Command years later, Cobra Commander eventually deciphered much of the so-called “Cybertronic” science, technology, and history or in particular the “biomechanicalology” of the Cybertronic beings that could be utilized in what would become the war machine of Cobra Command. One aspect of the Cybertronic biomechanics was a strange ethereal sphere that appeared to be, for all intents and purposes, the soul of a Cybertronic. Even more interesting was the discovery, either accidental or intentional, of an immortal Cybertronic soul.

These studies of these extrasolar souls lead to the man who would become Cobra Commander to make his own spirit immortal and have effectively become immortal himself. His flesh, on the other hand, was just as mortal but that did not detour the future Cobra Commander for he had created numerous clones of himself to ensure that his death would only be temporarily. However the cloning process, which not only accelerated the clone body in question to adulthood rather than have it age naturally but was also effectively brain dead, have had significant side effects upon Cobra Commander’s psyche. Though much of the core personality that was the original Cobra Commander was successfully carried from body to body, all other aspects are subject to change and often radically. He often gains new manias and paranoia with each reincarnation to replace previous thought patterns which, though compromises long term planning, have made Cobra Commander effectively unpredictable to military intelligences and other such analysts. At the same time, each scheme becomes more grandiose and risky with each reincarnation in addition to lost memories that are only recovered again several deaths later, nightmares of previous deaths, and an increased sense of insanity. In the end, it all simply amounts to a man who is no longer what is contemporarily considered “human”.

(18 Points)
TV: 37
Lv-DX[END] - Attack
  • 2[0] - “Handgun” (Effective; Ranged. Weapon)
  • 4[5] - Broadsword, Custom” (Armor Piercing; Effective. Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +3 - Charismatic
  • +6 - Companion “Storm Shadow”
  • +4 - Connected
  • +3 - Gear “Combat Helmet”
    - Armored +3
  • +3 - Intimidating
  • +1 - Intuitive
  • +3 - Knowledge “Foreign Culture, Cybertronic”
  • +5 - Minions “Cobra Troopers/Vipers”
  • +1 - Performer
  • +5 - Position of Power “Cobra Command”
  • +4 - Reincarnation “Immortal Soul”
  • +2 - Smart
  • +4 -Wealthy
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Arrogant
  • -1 - Coward
  • -2 -Expendable Use “Immortal Soul” (Clone Bodies)
  • -1 -Fussy
  • -2 -Greedy
  • -1 -Impulsive
  • -2 -Ineptitude “Marskmanship”
  • -3 -Infamous
  • -1 -Overconfident
  • -2 -Postponed Use “Immortal Soul”
  • -2 -Secret “True Face”
  • -2 -Short-Tempered
  • -1 -Stubborn
  • -3 Wanted
I'm sure there are a few of you who are inquiring as to those unknown Abilities and Weaknesses that I used for my interpretation of Cobra Commander. Well, here's the explanation:
Reincarnation – You are just too stubborn to die. No matter how well your enemies think they have destroyed you, there is just a part of you that will be left and that is all that is needed to bring you back to life. Weather that is the essence of your soul, a backup of your memories, an offspring that was born upon your death, the fact of the matter is that you’ll be back and usually with a vengeance against those that have wronged. Add your Reincarnation dice to any dice roll to see if you return to the land of the living, barring any issue that might prevent that of course which is typically through some issue the GM has declared either as background or weaknesses to your character inherit to the form of reincarnation that you have either been blessed, or cursed.
Expendable Use – One or more of your abilities operates on equivalent exchange, i.e. it can only be activated at the expense of a thing or object that is consumed almost immediately afterwards. Whether it is a particular item, an ingredient, or even a person, they must be sacrificed for the ability to be activated, though the only real difference is how difficult it is for one to acquire said object first. At Level 1, the expendable object is easy to find and/or locate. At Level 2, the expendable object is noticeably rare and difficult to find. At Level 3, the item is extremely rare and almost impossible to locate without issues of its own.
Postponed Use – One or more of your abilities does not perform its intended use. In fact, it takes a while before the full effects of your ability takes hold. At Level 1, the ability takes hold at least an entire combat-related scene at the very least and is often the “Finisher” move that puts down the enemy for good (usually). At Level 2, the time between the use and full effect of the ability takes a noticeably measurable amount of time, typically measured in hours or a day or two at most but nowhere close to a full Act and is largely a matter of strategy rather than tactics. At Level 3, it takes a prohibitable amount of time to achieve the full effect of the ability, typically spanning at least an entire Act but no more than an Adventure/Session (that’s a plot hook), though in-game time frame is largely up to the GM with some Player input, and typically is the last ditch effort that requires the entire group to protect you in order to utilize this dramatic game changer.
Prompt Use – One or more of your Abilities takes time to activate before it can be utilized at all. It can be the gathering of mana or focusing concentration to unlock the potential, reloading or correcting any problems that may arise or had arisen from its previous use, or whatever is deemed appropriate, all that matters is that it takes time to utilize the Ability so it would be wise to do so. At Level 1, it can only be utilized once per combat-related scene at best and is often the “Finisher” move that puts down the enemy for good (usually). At Level 2, it takes a noticeably measurable amount of time, typically measured in hours or a day or two at most but nowhere close to a full Act, in order for the ability to function and is largely a matter of strategy rather than tactics. At Level 3, it takes a prohibitable amount of time to prepare and usually spans at least an entire Act to prepare but no more than an Adventure/Session (that’s a plot hook), though in-game time frame is largely up to the GM with some Player input, and typically is the last ditch effort that requires the entire group to protect you in order to utilize this dramatic game changer, or something as mundane as mechanical overhaul.
Anyway, thoughts on the design?
Last edited by Sabersonic on Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:30 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by cassius335 »

Cobra with Cybertron tech is an interesting concept. Does sound like the Transformers in that continuity are rather buggered (as Cobra Commander seems to have found them before they woke up), which is somewhat more disappointing.

Also, "Prompt Use" seems to be just "Postponed Use" with a different name (and doesn't sound all that prompt).
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

cassius335 wrote:Cobra with Cybertron tech is an interesting concept. Does sound like the Transformers in that continuity are rather buggered (as Cobra Commander seems to have found them before they woke up), which is somewhat more disappointing.
Or for a potential adventure/plot hook for a GM to take said players.

But to be honest, the primary reason for this rather unorthodox rendition of the GI Joe vs. the Transformers plotline is mostly to strengthen the ties between Starscream and Cobra Commander who share at least a similarly sounded voice actors to which the latter inherited the former's immortality through experimentation that I'm pretty sure the former would strongly object to if awake. Said immortality was also suppose to partially explain the numerous versions of Cobra Commander over the years.

Though now that I think about it, this version of Cobra Command is strongly akin to the Brotherhood of Nod faction from Command and Conquer in that they use advanced technology paired up with unconventional warfare to stand toe to toe with more conventional armies. They may be ill suited to a straight up, equal-odds battle (which would explain their numerous military defeat) but they're still a credible enough threat to have a separate, semi-autonomous force dedicated to stopping them.

To be honest, the idea of Cobra Command having vehicles that both transform into robot mode and combat mecha against armies of more conventional vehicles does have a certain appeal... :D
cassius335 wrote:Also, "Prompt Use" seems to be just "Postponed Use" with a different name (and doesn't sound all that prompt).
Admittedly, the overall timeframe levels is quite similar. Only real difference is that the former takes time for that particular ability to be used while the latter has the ability's effect emerge gradually over time. Probably should word that bit different and possibly add in a notation about the gradual effects of the Postponed Use weakness as per GM fiat for dramatic tension and all that now that I think about it.....
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Edsel »

Very cool. I'm always happy to see character builds like this. It gives the entire community a wider repitoure of NPCs for use.
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Worthy Tortoise
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by cassius335 »

Sabersonic wrote:Admittedly, the overall timeframe levels is quite similar. Only real difference is that the former takes time for that particular ability to be used while the latter has the ability's effect emerge gradually over time. Probably should word that bit different and possibly add in a notation about the gradual effects of the Postponed Use weakness as per GM fiat for dramatic tension and all that now that I think about it.....
Possibly change "Prompt Use" to "Impending Use" or simply "Long Term Plan"?
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

I'm guessing more of a rewrite of the weakness profiles.

Speaking of which, the following edits:
Impending Use – In the meantime, the effects of the ability slowly become more prominent, typically as per the fiat of the GM (and if said GM feels merciful). However, the greatest weakness of this style is that it can be prevented, though the circumstances to which it does occur are decided during the creation process of that character who has that ability and with GM approval.
Reincarnation - Add your Reincarnation dice (as well as other abilities that may apply) to any dice roll to see if you return to the land of the living, barring any issue that might prevent that of course which is typically through some issue the GM has declared either as background or weaknesses to your character inherit to the form of reincarnation that you have either been blessed, or cursed.

Complexity - DN
  • Illness (Ebola, Cancer) - 2
  • Mortal Wound (Gunshot, Stabbing) - 4
  • Lethal Trauma (Hanging, Crucifixion) - 6
  • Bodily Trauma (Evisceration) - 8
  • Dismemberment (Beheading) - 10
  • Total (Immolation, Immersion) - 12
Not really sure about the naming, and examples, chosen for the above table, but I'm open to any suggestion. Speaking of which, I assume there's no objection as to how I engineered the Reincarnation Ability?
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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.

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Worthy Tortoise
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by cassius335 »

Sabersonic wrote:
Reincarnation - Add your Reincarnation dice (as well as other abilities that may apply) to any dice roll to see if you return to the land of the living, barring any issue that might prevent that of course which is typically through some issue the GM has declared either as background or weaknesses to your character inherit to the form of reincarnation that you have either been blessed, or cursed.

Complexity - DN
  • Illness (Ebola, Cancer) - 2
  • Mortal Wound (Gunshot, Stabbing) - 4
  • Lethal Trauma (Hanging, Crucifixion) - 6
  • Bodily Trauma (Evisceration) - 8
  • Dismemberment (Beheading) - 10
  • Total (Immolation, Immersion) - 12
Not really sure about the naming, and examples, chosen for the above table, but I'm open to any suggestion. Speaking of which, I assume there's no objection as to how I engineered the Reincarnation Ability?
Ebola's a vicious disease (as current events will tell you), so probably rates higher that 2 (i.o.w. Illnesses that will kill you quick should probably be rated higher accordingly). Immersion may or may not be that lethal (just ask a Kamen Rider), leading to the possibility of a clone washing up alive on a beach somewhere.

Seems basically fine, though.
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

Well the list is mostly to illustrate the increasing severity of the cause of death from viral-born illnesses to bullet wounds that cause noticeably more trauma in comparison to Immersion to which a person's actually boiled alive. Basically the more damaging the death is to the body, the higher the DN would be for said character to bounce right back.

Nightmares involving said deaths are optional, though almost always a requirement :twisted:
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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.

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Worthy Tortoise
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by cassius335 »

Sabersonic wrote:Well the list is mostly to illustrate the increasing severity of the cause of death from viral-born illnesses to bullet wounds that cause noticeably more trauma in comparison to Immersion to which a person's actually boiled alive. Basically the more damaging the death is to the body, the higher the DN would be for said character to bounce right back.
Ah, so it's Heated Immersion. Got it...
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

Been a while since I even touched this particular topic, especially since I didn't really think of expanding the topic beyond Cobra Commander. But I figured that I should at least flesh out both the Companion and Minion portions of his profile.

Speaking of Minions, let's start with the basic infantry of Cobra Command, the Cobra Trooper.
Cobra Trooper
The basic infantryman of Cobra Command, each Cobra Trooper has sworn absolute loyalty unto the leader of the paramilitary terrorist organization Cobra Commander. Though forged from a stock of mercenaries, criminals, and individuals who feel anger towards the world at large and have largely joined up upon promises of wealth and power, each Cobra Trooper are crossed trained with two other support skills to make them more proficient soldiers on and off the battlefield in service to Cobra Command.

(1 Points)
TV: 7
Lv-DX[END] - Attack
  • 2[0] - “Assault Plasma Castor” (Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Attack
  • +1 - Combat Expert
  • +1 - Knowledge “Infantry Tactics”
  • +2 - Knowledge “Sabotage”
Level - Weakness
  • -1 - Overconfidence
  • -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.

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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

And here's my rendition of the Cobra Viper in OVA2e terms.
Cobra Viper
The basic infantryman of Cobra Command, each Cobra Trooper has sworn absolute loyalty unto the leader of the paramilitary terrorist organization Cobra Commander. Though forged from a stock of mercenaries, criminals, and individuals who feel anger towards the world at large and have largely joined up upon promises of wealth and power, each Cobra Trooper are crossed trained with two other support skills to make them more proficient soldiers on and off the battlefield in service to Cobra Command.

(2 Points)
TV: 7
Lv-DX[END] - Attack
  • 3[0] - “Assault Plasma Castor” (Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Requirement x2, Liquid/Humidity Free Environment; Weapon)
  • 3[0] - “Underslung Grenade Launcher” (Area Effect; Effective; Impairing; Ranged. Ammunition; Elaborate Gestures, Two Hands on Weapon; Inaccurate; Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Armored “Combat Helmet and Vest”
  • +2 - Attack
  • +2 - Combat Expert
  • +1 - Invisibility “Heat Signature”
  • +1 - Knowledge “Infantry Tactics”
  • +2 - Knowledge “Sabotage”
Level - Weakness
  • -1 - Arrogance
  • -1 - Greedy
  • -1 - Overconfidence
  • -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
  • -1 - Stubborn
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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.

Rest in Peace, Dad
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

And another rendition, this time of one Storm Shadow.
Storm Shadow
The personal bodyguard and assassin to Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow was born into the Arashikage clan of shinobi as Tomisaburo or “Tommy”. From such a background, Tommy had become an expert archer in addition to his skills as an assassin. Still, such a privileged upbringing has instilled in him a code of honor that can be at odds with the modern world, such as how one such recruit known only as “Snake Eyes” became more skilled than himself in several areas.

However, he will soon become obsessed with the one who murdered his uncle and head of the Arashikage clan Hard Master. This personal vendetta ultimately leads him into the personal employment of Cobra Commander as bodyguard and assassin and very proficient in his assigned task. Though this position had, at times, caused clashes between himself and his “Sword Brother” Snake Eyes on numerous occasions and is usually delaying tactics on either party for various objectives.

From his position, Storm Shadow was able to personally train his own corps of Cobra Ninja Commandos in addition to the programming of Ninja BATs to help aid in his assignments.

(6 Points)
TV: 13
Lv-DX[END] - Attack
  • 3[0] - “Yumi Bow” (Accurate x2; Armor Piercing; Effective; Impairing; Range. Ammunition; Concentration; Elaborate Gestures, Both Hands on Weapon; Weapon)
  • 3[0] - “Ninjato” (Effective. Weapon)
  • 3[0] - “Dual Wield Ninjato” (Multiple Targets; Effective. Elaborate Gestures, Both Hands on Weapon; Unwieldy; Weapon)
  • 2[0] - “Nunchucku” (Impairing. Low Penetration; Weapon)
  • 2[0] - “Shuriken” (Accurate; Range. Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Agile
  • +1 - Attack (Ninjato)
  • +2 - Art of Invisibility
  • +2 - Combat Expert
  • +1 - Heightened Senses “Hearing”
  • +1 - Knowledge “Espionage”
  • +2 - Knowledge “Kyūjutsu”
  • +2 - Knowledge “Ninjitsu”
  • +3 - Minion “Cobra Ninja Commando/Ninja BAT”
  • +1 - Quick
  • +2 - Tough
  • +1 - Transformation “Cyber-Suit”
  • +2 - Vigorous
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Code of Conduct “Shinobi Honor” (Will Die Before Revealing Information)
  • -1 - Focus “Cyber-Suit” (Suitcase Mode)
  • -3 - Infamous
  • -2 - Obsession “Vengeance”
  • -1 - Loner
  • -1 - Love Interest “Junko Akita”
  • -2 - Rival “Snake Eyes”
  • -1 - Servitude “Cobra Commander”
  • -1 - Short Tempered
Shinobi Cyber-Suit
Though a rare occurrence, whenever Storm Shadow encounters a foe or obstacle that could not be countered via his own more orthodox ninja abilities, the shinobi unfurls from its suitcase mode into a fully armored exoskeleton that enhances the Arashikage’s own natural physical abilities at the expense of being more susceptible to bladed melee attacks.

Constructed and designed around Cybertronic technology that is mainstay of Cobra Command, the Shinobi Cyber-Suit increases Storm Shadow’s physical strength, speed, and agility in addition to a layer of armor that protects from most conventional small arms. In addition, the Shinobi Cyber-Suit enhances Storm Shadows own senses and increased combat effectiveness at the expense of the onboard combat AI shunting his own emotions.

Lv-DX[END] - Attack
  • 2[0] - “Vibro-Ninjato” (Armor Piercing. Weapon)
  • 2[0] - “Dual Wield Vibro-Ninjato” (Armor Piercing; Multiple Targets. Elaborate Gestures, Both Hands on Weapon; Unwieldy; Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Agile
  • +2 - Armored
  • +1 - Attack
  • +1 - Combat Expert
  • +1 - Heightened Senses “Hearing”
  • +1 - Heightened Senses “Sight”
  • +1 - Invisibility
  • +1 - Perceptive
  • +1 - Quick
Level - Weakness
  • -2 - Bizarre Appearance
    -3 - Emotionless
    -3 - Vulnerability “Blade Attacks”
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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.

Rest in Peace, Dad
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

And to explain the whole Cobra Ninja Commando part....
Cobra Ninja Commando
Effectively a Cobra Viper mentally imprinted with the skillset of the Arashikage Clan’s brand of ninjitsu and specially fine-tuned by Storm Shadow himself, the Cobra Ninja Commando are best utilized as assassins and counterintelligence operations in which direct combat is not the desired objective. Even so, each Cobra Ninja Commando is well armed and armored enough to evade any active pursuit as well as purposefully leave bodies for intimidation purposes.

(1 Points)
TV: 9
Lv-DX[END] - Attack
  • 3[0] - “Ninjato” (Effective. Weapon)
  • 2[0] - “Shuriken” (Accurate; Range. Weapon)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Agile
  • +1 - Armored
  • +2 - Art of Invisibility
  • +1 - Attack (Ninjato)
  • +1 - Knowledge “Ninjitsu”
  • +1 - Quick
Level - Weakness
  • -3 - Code of Conduct “Shinobi Honor” (Will Die Before Revealing Information)
  • -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
Yeah.... I really couldn't find an anime image that I really liked....
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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.

Rest in Peace, Dad
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Sabersonic »

And here's a Ninja BAT.
Ninja BAT
A special model of Cobra Battle Android Troopers, the Ninja B.A.T. utilize the same mental imprintment of Arashikage ninjitsu as the Cobra Ninja Commando, though with the stressed purpose of direct confrontation upon a battlefield. As such they are not as focused in stealth as their human counterparts but instead armored and physically able to overpower all infantry units not donned in exoskeleton frames. Their only limitation being their lack of effective ranged weapon systems.

(2 Points)
TV: 12
Lv-DX[END] - Attack
  • 3[0] - “Vibro Tonfa Blade” (Effective. Elaborate Gestures)
  • 4[0] - “Vibro Arm Rocket” (Accurate; Effective x2; Multiple Targets; Ranged; Redirectable. Elaborate Gestures; Open to Attack)
  • 2[0] - “Grapple Arm Rocket” (Disarming; Multiple Targets; Paralyzing; Ranged; Redirectable. No Damage; Open to Attack)
Level - Ability
  • +1 - Agile
  • +2 - Armored
  • +1 - Art of Invisibility
  • +1 - Attack
  • +1 - Combat Expert
  • +1 - Evasive
  • +3 - Life Support
  • +2 - Strong
  • +1 - Tough
  • +1 - Unique “Computerized Brain”
Level - Weakness
  • -1 - Awkward Size (Large)
  • -3 - Bizarre Appearance
  • -3 - Emotionless
  • -3 - Servitude “Cobra Command”
  • -2 - Vulnerability “Electricity”
So thoughts on these designs?

Oh! Before I forget I might as well ask this question. I have an idea for a character that is effectively a sentient computer that's effectively immobile in that it can only move from one terminal to another on a network, but is able to control an android "avatar" for more direct interactions.

Would this be best done as a Minion? A Companion? Or simply use the Telepathy Attribute and just write up this avatar as a separate character?
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Though he may have his flaws and faults, he was a husband and a father without equal. May the Angels welcome and accept him with open arms.

Rest in Peace, Dad
Chris Brady
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Re: You may call him "Commander"

Post by Chris Brady »

Sabersonic wrote:Oh! Before I forget I might as well ask this question. I have an idea for a character that is effectively a sentient computer that's effectively immobile in that it can only move from one terminal to another on a network, but is able to control an android "avatar" for more direct interactions.

Would this be best done as a Minion? A Companion? Or simply use the Telepathy Attribute and just write up this avatar as a separate character?
Well, how will the character interact with the world primarily? If it's through the avatar, then stat that up. And if the avatar can be replaced (simply by making a new one) then, I'd make one of their flaws a Secret: In actuality a Computer based AI.
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