Character Roll

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Character Roll

Post by Atmo »


Noriko Asuka is a girl of RAL Gensoukyo, a land that i created for my games of Touhou. She was unfortunate when sparring with and killing a friend on that same day because bad luck. The others students hate her and try to confront her with their weak power, just to be beaten by her. She doesn't like to interact with other people, so life is hard to her.

Agile 2
Beautiful 1
Defense 2
Endurance (Moonlight Dancer’s Pendant) 1
Heightened Sense (Hearing) 1
Tough 2
Power Move 2
>Blind Bash (Special Perk: Stun, Flaw: Decreased Damage -1, Flaw: Cancel: Humans, Endurance 10)
>Sweet Slash (Special Perk: Extra Damage 1, Flaw: Requirement: Armed Foes -1, Flaw: Inaccurate -1, Endurance 5)
Weapon (Master’s Katana) 2
Bad Reputation (Killed a friend) -2
Code of Conduct (Code of Daranian Swordsman: never kill innocent people, never attack unarmed people, never gain money with your art) -1
Dependency (Master’s Katana) -1
Guy Magnet -1
Ineptitude (Cooking) -2
Wanted (Old Dojo) -1
Last edited by Atmo on Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Test Sample

Post by Atmo »


Arnval Mk.2 Tempesta; working name Leviatan

I've got some spare money and decided to buy a Busou Shinki for myself. Isn't she cute? Welp, she doesn't like to be called cute because i choose the 'kuudere' personality, so let's go with her stats... In case she tries to kill me even if she isn't a 'yandere', you know?

Armor +2
Attack +2
Combat Expert +2
Defense +2
Fly +3
Life Support +5
Compulsion: be kuudere on Atmo -3
Frail -1
Fear: Knifes and Oil -1
Guardian: Atmo -1
Ineptitude: Daily Chores -1
Size -3
Soft Spot: Jelly -1

-Stats made using what i glimpsed at Miho and Arsen's books.
-I couldn't find a way to put the Slipway.
-Her Attacks are being devised.
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Re: Character Test Sample

Post by Atmo »

I'm waiting warmly for OVA Revised to adjust and create new characters, and Touhou 13.5 and 14 are the ones chosen to my new sheet convertions!
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Re: Character Test Sample

Post by Atmo »

Reserved for Reisen Udongein Inaba.

Stage 5 Boss - Lunatic Moon Rabbit, Reisen Udongein Inaba

Species: Moon Rabbit
Abilities: Manipulating insanity [sic]

A rabbit who lived on the moon. In her eyes dwell far greater power of insanity than the rabbits of the earth.

She is currently living as Kaguya's pet. Her real name is only Reisen (レイセン, in katakana), but in order to masquerade as one who comes from the earth, she adopted the ateji 鈴仙 for "Reisen." However, it was quite artificial.

Udongein is a pet name that Eirin gave her. It is unknown why she calls her that. Furthermore, she affectionately calls her "Udonge." To arbitrarily give her a pet name simply to abbreviate it - aliens' ways of thought are hard to understand.

"Inaba" was the pet name that Kaguya gave her. In fact, calls all rabbits "Inaba." Whenever Kaguya says Inaba, she does not distinguish her from Tewi, and it seems that she really doesn't distinguish between them in any case. Perhaps to her, all rabbits are the same.

Reisen is a rabbit of the moon who fled the moon when people of earth began invading it. More information about that is available in Kaguya's profile.
Last edited by Atmo on Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Test Sample

Post by Atmo »

Reserved for Koakuma.

Stage 4 Mid-Boss - Devil Girl Libary Assistant, Koakuma

Species: Demon
Abilities: Use of Magic

Koakuma (小悪魔) is a devil where she's seen around the library of Scarlet Devil Mansion where she apparently lives in the mansion. Her exact role is difficult to tell, but she is believed to be an assistant in Patchouli Knowledge's library. She was the fourth stage midboss of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and little is known about her, and unless she makes another appearance, she remains a mystery.
Last edited by Atmo on Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Character Test Sample

Post by Atmo »

Reserved for Mystia Lorelei.

Stage 2 Boss - Night Sparrow, Mystia Lorelei

Species: Night Sparrow
Abilities: Driving people insane by singing

In addition to her song of confusion, she can make people night-blind.

Humans call her the Night Sparrow, but few have ever seen her appearance. This is because she only plays during nighttime, and humans around her become blinded by darkness anyway. Had they seen what she actually looks like, they probably wouldn't have called her a sparrow.

Her song can cloud a person's judgment; humans who walk into the night in that condition inevitably disappear without a trace. This confusion ability is the main reason people lose their way at night so easily.

She can also make people night-blind in order to hide better within the darkness.
Last edited by Atmo on Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Test Sample

Post by Atmo »

Reserved for Sekibanki.

Stage 2 Boss - Bizarreness of the Rokurokubi, Sekibanki

Species: Rokurokubi
Ability: Ability to make her head fly

A youkai who lives in the Human Village, taking the guise of a human.
Her ability to make her head fly is convenient in various ways.

Her personality is slightly prideful, and she's recalcitrant towards both humans and youkai.
It seems she takes a somewhat cynical view of things.

The previous summer, the religious leaders had been causing riots in the Human Village.
While the humans and youkai had been rising up, though, she was living quietly by herself,
viewing the fads in a negative light.

However, this time, she went berserk for some reason.
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Re: Character Test Sample

Post by Atmo »


"Your decaying Earth cannot be saved by you humans or your God."
—Asherah, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

Asherah is a Semitic mother goddess who was the wife of the chief god El. She is commonly referred to as the 'Queen of Heaven', whose worship, in the Old Testament, was vehemently opposed by the prophet Jeremiah.

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Lady Race
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Giten Megami Tensei: Jiboshin Clan
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Re: Character Roll

Post by Atmo »


Young Female Samurai
Health 50 Endurance 40
Defense 4 (6 com Barrier)

Abilities (+14)
Agile 3
Armored 1
Attack 3
Barrier 2 (Blade Coat)
Knowledge 1 (Light Arcana)
Knowledge 1 (Advanced Math)
Quick 1
Strong 1
Tough 1

Weakness (-12)
Absent-Minded -1
Bizarre Appearance -2 (Revealing Clothes)
Clumsy -1
Code of Conduct -1 (Bushido)
Focus -1 (Attack/Katana)
Hatred -2 (Light Arcana Users)
Naive -1 (Inexperient)
Rival -3
Weak-Willed -1

Heal Potion (Heal 2)
Speed Potion (Agile 4)

Punch Roll 5 DX 2 End 0
Fast Cut Roll 5 DX 5 End 0
Great Slash (Will Attack) Roll 5 DX 5 End 0
Long Slash (Ranged, Strength-Powered, Effective) Roll 5 DX 6 End +10
Repetance Slash (Redirectable, Effective) Roll 5 DX 5 End +10
Penetrating Slash (Armor Piercing, Effective) Roll 5 DX 6 End +10

Your place of birth was a major city, a well-known location. You were raised by your birth parents, who were merchants of some kind. Some of them met with misfortune, taken by kidnappers, slavers, or raiders, and presumed lost or enslaved.

You have the following siblings:
  • An older sister that you have lost touch with.
  • An adopted older brother that you still keep in touch with, but you're not particularly close.
  • An adopted older sister that you still keep in touch with, but you're not particularly close.
Important Events
You have experienced the following important events:
  • You performed a vital task for a criminal leader and they are in your debt.
  • You became involved in a serious relationship that lasts at least a year.
  • You made a friend, a lesser demonic being. They are an important figure both locally and beyond the immediate area.
  • You made an enemy, an ex-partner in business, crime, or other activities. They can't resist taking verbal swipes at you. They are a somewhat important local figure. The hate springs from a criminal charge, justified or false.
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Character Roll

Post by Atmo »

Ficha com imagens (NSFW).

Começo essa história falando de outra pessoa. Amethyst nasceu numa vila pobre ao sul de Ingdale, no meio da passagem entre as montanhas; como várias outras vilas menores. Essa garota era uma elfa negra que aprendera a como cuidar de plantações e a como brandir armas logo que tinha idade suficiente para levantar objetos pesados sozinha. As vidas daquelas pessoas não tinham nada de surreal ou infeliz além das esporádicas pestes que vinham todo ano e destruíam as plantações, deixando todos com fome.

O padrão se repetiu até que Amethyst completou 15 anos, quando em seu aniversário a vila fora invadida e saqueada por bandidos vindos de Snaga. Eles mataram várias pessoas queridas a Amethyst, o que deixou a garota enfurecida. Armada com uma espada danificada que eles deixaram para trás e com uma roupa maltrapilha ela os seguiu e atacou seu acampamento durante a noite, ferindo alguns dos meliantes mas terminando capturada. Em poucos dias, aprendeu o por que de não haver mulheres em posições dignas em bandos de ladrões…

Foi vendida como escrava e comprada por um grotesco mercador que apreciava escravas jovens, e fez tudo o que queria com ela: abusou, deu um trabalho de empregada, ensinou a ler e escrever, deu aulas de combate com espada e abusou mais dela quando teve chance. A forma deturpada do homem de tratar suas escravas era conhecida na região, até mesmo entre os militares que nada faziam para impedir seus atos. Quando Amethyst já tinha habilidade o bastante para se virar sozinha contra cinco oponentes ao mesmo tempo o mercador decidiu que a elfa poderia participar de trabalhos diferenciados, onde teria de ir até determinados lugares e matar alvos diversos: desde monstros a ladrões e bandidos de estrada.

Certo dia Amethyst achou uma garota de 14 anos nos escombros de uma vila enquanto patrulhava o local a mando de seu senhor. Ela a acolheu e escondeu numa vila em que tinha contatos seguros, para evitar que o mercador soubesse da infante e quisesse fazer o mesmo que fez com ela. A relação das duas começou conturbada, com a criança fugindo de todos que tentavam lhe alimentar ou dar banho, até mesmo de Amethyst, e só parou quando a guerreira decidiu dar um nome à criança: Kuro. Como se por mágica, ela reconheceu os esforços de todos ali e se deixou mimar por eles. Kuro e Amethyst passaram a se ver mais como uma família por serem da mesma raça, e talvez por terem um passado similar.

Dois anos se passaram. Kuro aprendeu a se defender, ler e escrever e várias outras coisas através das lições de Amethyst e do povo daquela vila quase escondida do resto do mundo. Então veio um bando conhecido como Nação de Fogo e desafiou Amethyst para uma luta, onde a guerreira elfa negra venceu e expulsou os bandidos. Seguiu-se uma festa animada onde Kuro descobriu muitas coisas sobre a vida e o amor como o seu primeiro beijo. No final da noite, Amethyst fora chamada por um rapaz até uma área isolada da vila, puxou sua espada e decaptou a elfa num único golpe; uma vingança pela humilhação que a Nação do Fogo sofreu. O corpo foi encontrado no dia seguinte por algumas crianças e Kuro logo começou a entender que o mundo não pretendia lhe deixar feliz por muito tempo.

Algumas semanas se passaram e Kuro tinha terminado de desenvolver seu próprio estilo de luta, dominando técnicas estranhas e pouco eficazes, de acordo com aventureiros veteranos que passavam por ali, e criou uma nova personalidade. Não tardou muito até que os capangas do mercador chegaram lá atrás de Amethyst e souberam de sua morte, destruíram grande parte do lugar e levaram vários moradores como escravos, incluindo Kuro. No covil do mercador não houve trégua ou misericórdia: ele puniu a todos pela morte de sua adorada escrava, mesmo que há meses ele não demonstrasse desejo por ela. Sentenciou todos a apodrecerem numa masmorra e os acorrentou a quase todas as paredes, libertou suas feras presas e “deixou que a natureza seguisse seu caminho”. Ver pessoas queridas sendo devoradas por monstros deixou grandes cicatrizes em Kuro, e ela sabia o que tinha de fazer: destruiu as correntes que a prendiam, lutou contra as feras e as matou sem hesitar. Os feridos foram tratados e logo uma força revoltosa se uniu para acabar com o reinado de terror do tal mercador.

Mataram os guardas, lutaram contra os monstros que defendiam a mansão e chegaram no escritório do mercador; ele chorava como um bebê. Kuro foi a única que não se segurou ali: foi até ele, segurou a nuca do infeliz e enfiou a cara dele na mesa. Segurava os poucos cabelos da cabeça do mercador com força, e logo repetiu seu ato. Uma, duas, três vezes, e até o rosto do homem ser indistinguível de uma salada de tomate esmagado.

Só se ouviu falar de Kuro novamente dois anos depois, quando uma jovem de nome Rinat Kuro que fazia parte da guilda de Exploradores Amazon Slayers fora atacada por um Cerberus Quimera e quase perdeu a vida. Relatórios mais detalhados indicavam que ela acompanhava um grupo de novatos que foram atacados por um bando de Aventureiros que estavam atrás do Cerberus Quimera. O monstro apareceu logo após sentir o cheiro do sangue dos novatos, matou os Aventureiros e investiu em Kuro; o relatório não deixa claro se houve cópula.

Concept: Dark elf girl who likes adventures
Age: 16
Sex: Yes
Height: 1,58m
Weight: 47kg
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Occupation: Explorer, Geography teacher
Hobbies: Play with her axe, make stuffed bears
Fave Food: Ice Cream
Allies: Amazon Slayers
Rival: Nação do Fogo
Love Interest: It’s a secret!
Loved by: -
[size=12pt]Rinat Kuro[/size]
Health 50 Endurance 40
Defense 4

Beautiful 1
Knowledge 3 (Dark Elf Language)
Heightened Sense: Infravision 1

Abilities (+15)
Agile 2
Attack 2
Dexterous 1
Intuitive 1
Iron-Willed 2
Knowledge 2 (Axes)
Knowledge 2 (Geography)
Strong 2
Tough 1

Weakness (-12)
Ageism -1 (Young Look)
Boorish -1 (Rude)
Dependence -1 (Axe)
Fear -1 (Chains)
Hatred -1 (Aventureiros)
Hatred -2 (group Nação de Fogo)
Ineptitude -2 (Kids)
Quirk -1 (Talk while swing axe)
Secret -1 (Sad Past)
Soft Spot -1 (Ice Cream)

Attacks DX 5
Punch (Blunt Affinity) Roll 4 DX 5
Heavy Axe (Edge Affinity, Effective, Weapon: Axe) Roll 6 DX 6
Quake (Blunt Affinity, Area Effect, Weapon: Axe) Roll 6 DX 5 End +5
Axe Shield (Edge Affinity, Defensive 2, Weapon: Axe) Roll 6 DX 5 End +5 (Defense +2)
Demon Strike (Dark Affinity, Effective 3, Inaccurate 1, Build-up, Weapon: Axe) Roll 5 DX 8
Fire Alchemical Bomb (Fire Affinity, Ranged, Area Effect, Ammunition 2, Weapon: Bomb) Roll 4 DX 4 (5x charges)
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Character Roll

Post by Atmo »


Frog (Secondary)
Health 20 Endurance 20
Defense 4

Abilities (+5)
Agile 2
Dexterous 1 (Tongue)
Knowledge 2 (Swim)

Weakness (-3)
Awkward Size 1 (Dog size)
Vulnerability 2 (Thunder Affinity)

Attacks DX 1
Tongue Slap (Blunt Affinity) Roll 4 DX 1
Body Press (Blunt Affinity, Effective 1) Roll 4 DX 2 End +5
Exalted Amphibian
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Re: Character Roll

Post by Atmo »


Diana Mariaan, Magical Girl Buster-chan
Health 50 Endurance 40
Defense 2 (4 Transformation)

• Abilities (+11)
Combat Expert +2
Knowledge +2 (Rhythmic Gymnastics)
Knowledge +2 (Magic)
Performer +1 (Rhythmic Gymnastics)
Tough +1
Transformation +3 (Attack +2, Evasive +2, Famous +1, Flight +2, Bizarre Appearance -1)

• Weakeness (-8)
Ageism -1
Arrogant -1
Dumb -1
Fear -1 (Elephants)
Guardian -1 (Jack Polenta, Boyfriend)
Limited Uses -2 (5 times, Transformation, by sucking male energy)
Naive -1

• Attacks DX 3
Punch (Physical Affinity) Roll 4 DX 1
Magical Shot (Aether Affinity, Ranged) Roll 4 DX 3
Spark Cannon (Aether Affinity, Ranged, Effective 2) Roll 4 DX 5 End +10
Final Blast (Fire Anima Affinity, Ranged, Area Effect, Effective 1, Build Up 1) Roll 4 DX 4 End +5
Rising Heart (Dark Affinity, Ranged, Barrier Buster, Effective 1, Ammunition 1) Roll 4 DX 4 End +5
End Game (Aether Affinity, Effective 3, No Gesture, Break, Open to Attack) Roll 4 DX 5
Exalted Amphibian
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Post by Atmo »

Simple Translations

I'm with some free time, that's why I'm doing this.
Agile You are naturally adept at moving
your body skillfully. Your graceful movements
can impress others, as well as aid in
a variety of derring-do. Add your Agile dice
to Attack Rolls and while balancing, dancing,
performing aerial feats, or taking on
other activities that test your coordination
and grace.
Ágil Você consegue mover o seu corpo com uma habilidade incrível. Seus movimentos graciosos podem impressionar outro, assim como ajuda-lo em outros objetivos menos voltados ao entretenimento. Adicione seus dados de Ágil a Jogadas de Ataque quando precisar se equilibrar, dançar, realizar feitos aéreos ou em outras atividades que necessitem de coordenação e graça.
Art of Invisibility You have an uncanny
ability to move silently and blend
into the shadows. You can add your Art
of Invisibility dice when hiding, sneaking,
shadowing others, or at any time when
remaining unnoticed is desirable.
Arte da Invisibilidade Você tem uma habilidade notável em mover-se silenciosamente e misturar-se com as sombras. Adicione seus dados de Arte da Invisibilidade quando tentar se esconder, andar furtivamente, seguir outros ou em qualquer atividade em que ser indetectável seja mais lucrativo.
Companion You have a loyal ally, faithful
servant, or even a fuzzy friend that is
always by your side. Whatever the form,
this is someone you can rely on. He or she
has a total of Abilities and Weaknesses
equivalent to your Level in Companion.
However, this Companion can never be a
true hero in your story, and has a reduced
Health and Endurance total of 20 each befitting
such a role.
Companheiro Você tem um aliado fiel, servo ou mesmo um amiguinho peludo que está sempre ao seu lado. Qualquer que seja a forma, este é alguém com quem você pode contar. Ele ou ela possui um total de Habilidades e Fraquezas equivalente ao seu Nível em Companheiro. Porém, esse Companheiro nunca pode ser o verdadeiro herói, por isso tem 20 em seus valores de Saúde e Resistência/Energia por causa do seu papel na sua história.
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Please try Google before asking about Great Product Blog ab6dc37
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